The 6 flying swords were so hungry that they swarmed up and got into the piles of gold bricks.

Lu Li was curious about how they would eat, so he observed them carefully.

The process is very simple. The flying sword generates a suction force out of thin air, sucking out wisps of golden particles from the gold and swallowing them.

Soon, there was a golden halo in the precious light blooming from the flying sword.

And those two tons of gold began to slowly fade and turned into dust.

In less than 5 minutes, they were scattered all over the place and disappeared.

Feijian was not full at all, and felt hungry again.

Lu Li was a little surprised: "Is it edible? Two tons is not enough..."

He suddenly remembered that the old eunuch Hua Ruoxi was ordered to search for gold.

Moreover, Mr. Nan also said that the great powers and even the governors were hoarding gold.

"It seems that the consumption of gold is far greater than I thought."

Realizing this, Lu Li wasn't too worried.

According to the next plan, after razing the Ministry of Defense, we will go to the White House.

Next to the White House is the Treasury Department, which happens to have an underground vault.

Although most of the Star Alliance's gold is stored in New York City, there should be some of it here, enough to meet their current needs.

"After finishing these things, we will draw out the inspiration!"

Lu Li wanted to do a lot, and he was very arrogant.

The power of the Star Allies is not just that small. At the moment, they were just hit by a blitzkrieg and could not react.

However, Lu Li naturally has confidence, that is, he can communicate with the "Kunlun Mirror" and leave at any time.

Whether it's an army gathering or a nuclear bomb being dropped, there's no need to worry.

And he had some doubts about whether the Star Allies had the courage to drop a nuclear bomb on their own capital.

This is doubtful for the time being, but the courage to use "napalm" must be there.

At this moment, Lu Li was walking towards the National Defense Building, passing Arlington Cemetery on the way.

Many fallen soldiers and those who made outstanding contributions to the country are buried here. The place is quite spacious.

The Star Allied Air Force was very good at seizing opportunities. Three F35 fighter jets suddenly broke through the clouds and swooped in.

Feijian immediately went to intercept, but the two sides were 10 kilometers apart, so it would take more than 15 seconds at the fastest.

The three fighter planes had enough time to drop a total of 12 "napalm bombs" at high altitude!

This is the most notorious weapon in the world. The gasoline paste splashed after the explosion will stick to the target and continue to burn until the bones are burned to black ash.

Such a large-scale release will also be accompanied by damage from lack of oxygen and toxic chemical gases.

These 12 huge "napalm bombs" accurately covered Lu Li's surroundings under the influence of satellite guidance, ensuring that he could not escape from the blast range.

But it also takes more than 15 seconds for these things to land!

15 seconds is too long for a practitioner, and too many things can be done.

Lu Li's soul instantly left his body and flew directly into the air to meet the four bombs above his head.

First, the mind surged out, and the electronic equipment inside was scrapped in a burst of electric sparks.

Then he lifted it up with his mind and let the four bombs fall slowly, and the "earth stone dragon" swallowed them and stored them in his stomach.

As for the other eight that were too far away, Lu Li ignored them and watched them fall and explode one after another after his soul returned to his body.

Eight fireballs four to five stories high exploded, and the shock wave swept over the place with high temperatures and the choking smell of oil smoke.

But separated by a distance of one or two hundred meters, it is not a threat to the blood-changing warrior at all.

Several flames fell not far away. Lu Li reached over with his mind and stretched out his fingers to took half a minute to feel the burning sensation.

The body of the blood-changing warrior can not only block rifle bullets, but also has good resistance to high temperature, cold, acid and alkali, etc.

While Lu Li was testing, Feijian had already shot down three fighter planes and smashed down three buildings.

With nothing in the way, Lu Li left the cemetery that turned into a scorched earth, and soon came to the Star Allied Defense Department, which was only 2 kilometers away.

This pentagonal building is the largest single administrative building in the world.

The building is 22 meters high and covers an area of ​​nearly 12 hectares.

Originally, it would take a lot of effort to destroy it, but after four "napalm bombs" were seized, things became much easier.

Lu Li raised his hand and pointed, and the "Earth Stone Dragon" immediately raised its head and pointed at the building in the distance, opened its mouth and sprayed out a "napalm bomb".

This is a function that comes with the spell. The jet speed is not very fast, only 100 meters per second, but it is enough.

The petrol bomb crashed into the building and exploded, causing flames to spread quickly.

Immediately afterwards, "Tushilong" opened its mouth and sprayed two petrol bombs one after another, hitting different parts of the building.

Flames exploded, covering most of the building.

It seemed that he didn't expect Lu Li to come here and use such methods. There were many people in the building.

Their bodies burned with an inextinguishable paste, and they jumped down from the buildings screaming.

This hellish scene was seen and photographed by countless people around.

At the same time, senior officials in the White House also saw this scene on the big screen.

"Bastard! Devil!"

The president lost his temper and cursed a lot. He really couldn't understand why such an incredible and illogical thing happened suddenly.

The director of the Secret Service in charge of security said in a deep voice:

"Your Excellency, the super-powered terrorists are approaching and you need to relocate immediately."

"I'm going to be so scared by a terrorist that I abandon the capital and run for my life!?"

The president said with an ugly face:

"Hurry up and mobilize the special forces, marines, etc., and find a way to kill that damn freak!"

"It's too late now."

The director of the Secret Service said urgently: "The special plane has been prepared. You need to leave quickly. The Secretary of State and the Speaker are waiting for you."

Charles, the deputy director of the Alien Agency, also advised: "Look around, you are now a wartime president."

The president's eyes were filled with coldness, and he wished he could eat him alive.

According to the intelligence, it was this person who caused the super-powered terrorist.

But I saw on the big screen that the National Defense Building was completely red-hot.

The president didn't say much and immediately left the White House under the escort of Secret Service personnel.

Charles followed him, but when he came to the tarmac and was about to board the plane, the president, who got into the helicopter first, suddenly closed the door.

Through the glass window, the president said expressionlessly:

"Charles, you need to stay here and command the psychic agents."

This is not a good job. Charles looked tense and was about to say something.

But he immediately noticed that all the passengers on the plane, including the President, even the Secretary of State and the Speaker, were looking at him coldly.

"The country needs a hero, may God bless you."

What the president means by this is to create a martyr to boost morale.

The helicopter took off decisively and left, leaving Charles alone.

On Lu Li's side, after crossing the Potomac River Bridge, he discovered that the Capitol Building was about one kilometer to the east.

Let Tu Shilong spray a napalm bomb and light it on fire, and he headed non-stop to the biggest target - Bai Mansion.

At the same time, after the senior officials left.

At the Norfolk base in Virginia, the missile silo of the destroyer USS Barry erupted with fierce fire, and five Tomahawk cruise missiles took off.

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