I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 325 324. Melee combat

The Tomahawk cruise missile flies at about 900 kilometers per hour and is expected to arrive in 20 minutes.

Lu Li didn't know yet, but he was heading to the White House along the famous "Pennsylvania Avenue".

Only by razing this national symbol of the Star Alliance can the merits be considered complete.

But things are not that easy!

First, the 82nd Airborne Division parachuted into the city to reinforce the city defenders.

It stands to reason that mere mortals would not have any impact, but the Star Allied forces suddenly changed their tactics!

I saw soldiers popping up from the surrounding rooftops and windows to shoot cold shots.

The bullets flew across the sky, and occasionally a few bullets hit the earth stone dragon and sparked sparks.

They only sniped and harassed from a distance from the side, never getting close.

Even the fighter jets in the sky were like this. They fired a round of missiles from a distance and then turned around and left.

The flying sword immediately rose into the air to intercept, but its speed was only 20% faster than the opponent, and it had to circle for a long time before it could be shot down.

After being repeatedly disturbed, Lu Li's progress slowed down significantly.

He immediately understood the enemy's intention: "This is to hold me back."

The Star Allies were just caught off guard, but as long as it dragged on, troops stationed in various states would continue to arrive, and they would kill Lu Li.

At this time, a team of airborne troops occupied the roof of the "National Gallery" and carried a recoilless rifle to bombard Lu Li.

Soldiers also fired and harassed from other directions.

Feijian was fighting against the more threatening fighters in the sky, and had no time to pay attention to them, so Earth Stone Dragon blocked the incoming artillery fire and bullets.

After all, it was made of clay, and the skin was quickly torn and full of gashes, and Lu Li had to spend a lot of energy to recover.

Seeing this scene, the morale of the soldiers was greatly shaken! Many civilians also cheered loudly!

Many civilians gathered on the rooftops of tall buildings in the distance and on ships in the Potomac River to watch the battle.

The bearded anchor "Bourne" is also there, setting up the equipment to broadcast live.

At this moment, countless people were holding their mobile phones and cursing Lu Li to die quickly.

Lu Li looked around and ordered the puppet calmly:

"Work in pairs and kill those rats. Leave the ones directly in front of you to me."

The 16 puppets immediately fell to the ground, crawling in all directions like geckos.

They found the most suitable way of movement for themselves, and instantly rushed in front of the enemy at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

"Die monster!"

The soldiers couldn't run away at all, so they could only desperately pick up their weapons and fire wildly.

Small weapons could only scratch the puppets' bodies, and within a few shots, these soldiers were pierced through the chests by metal palms.

The group on the roof of the National Gallery watched helplessly as "No. 0" dug his fingers into the wall and scurried up after a few clicks.

There was loud gunfire on the rooftop, but after a few short screams and the sound of broken bones, it became quiet again.

The puppets were causing efficient and bloody killings, but the on-site commander on the Star Allied side had a happy face, clutching the walkie-talkie and yelling:

"The super-powered terrorist has sent out all his men, kill him quickly!!"

Since Lu Li's appearance, his offense and defense have been created by external objects, and he has never used his own hands.

This gives people the illusion that he looks like a "backline mage" and doesn't seem to be difficult to kill.

The Covenant soldiers thought so too, and immediately surrounded him and fired wildly at Lu Li.

Even the two remaining tanks came over to kill this super-powered terrorist.

But what people didn't expect was that Lu Li actually used his legs to smash the ground and rushed into the crowd with a bang!

Due to his broken leg, Lu Li subconsciously did not want to fight in close combat.

But being unwilling doesn’t mean that you won’t.

In fact, the muscle power of warriors is the most affordable energy source!

Lu Li rushed into the crowd and knocked two soldiers away twenty or thirty meters on the spot.

Then he swung his arms and drew them out like a whip. Two bangs and bangs made the two soldiers spurt blood and fly out.

The remaining soldiers shouted and raised their guns and fired, but the bullets hitting Lu Li's body could only scratch the skin and leave white marks, and then bounced away.

Lu Li burst out with a movement speed of 50 meters/second, turning into a black shadow and leaping forward, sending all the soldiers flying in the air.

A soldier held a flamethrower and aimed it at Lu Li, spraying a 30-meter-long fire dragon.

Lu Li raised his hand and waved, and a fire dragon rolled out of his heart, igniting the soldier and his three companions into flaming men.

Their shrill screams caused the remaining enemies to collapse instantly and run away.

It was only then that the two tanks arrived belatedly, their muzzles pointed at them.

Lu Li calmly raised his hands, pointed his two index fingers, and fired two "Shang Yang Swords" with two clicks.

Due to limited cultivation, the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" is only slightly more powerful than a heavy machine gun, so it stands to reason that it cannot affect tanks.

But the two blue lightsabers flexibly adjusted their angles and accurately penetrated the tank barrel!

The violent collision detonated the shells inside, and two loud noises sounded almost at the same time. The turrets of the two tanks were blown to pieces and turned into blazing torches.

Just as Feijian came down to look for its master to recharge, Lu Li stood in the midst of the billowing flames and smoke, gently brushing against them.

With a click, the bearded anchor "Bourne" pressed the shutter and captured the scene.

In his live broadcast room, countless people are discussing:

[Isn’t this monster lame? Why can it make such exaggerated movements?]

[His movements... seem to be some kind of fighting skills]

[It's "Whip Fist", but I want to know more, what is the blue light he shoots]

[No one cares about the imminent fall of the White House? 】

At this moment, Lu Li had arrived at Baifu Square, and the classical-style white building was right in front of him.

But there were many armed civilians blocking the way.

They shouted:

"You executioner! Devil! Don't even think about destroying the symbol of our great country!"

"We won't let you succeed!"

This group of people consists of men, women, old and young, they are really civilians.

But there were no soldiers, and the entire area was gone...

Lu Li realized something was wrong, so he communicated with Feijian in his mind, telling them to be on guard.

When the civilians saw that Lu Li didn't move, they became even more enthusiastic and shouted loudly to drive him away.

It was at this moment that Lu Li suddenly turned his head and looked south.

Ten kilometers away, five cruise missiles flew over at an ultra-low altitude of 15 meters above the ground!

Flying so low and being blocked by buildings, it would have been difficult to spot him. Fortunately, there were flying swords in the air to keep watch.

Lu Li immediately went out of his body to greet him!

A closer look shows that these missiles are very large, about 6 meters long.

Lu Li did not dare to delay, and immediately used his mind to burn the electronic components in the first missile, and then used another wave to make it hit a dense area of ​​high-rise buildings.

With a loud bang, the National Convention Center Hotel located on the bank of the Potomac River was blown into rubble on the spot.

"Not a nuclear bomb!"

Although powerful, it is not a nuclear warhead.

Lu Li knew it well, and then intercepted the second one, and used the same method to make it hit the "National Art Museum" just now.

Just as he was about to continue, the remaining three missiles suddenly turned and headed towards the puppets!

The cruise missile can be controlled from a long distance, and when it malfunctions when it gets close to Lu Li, he plans to eliminate his men.

The puppets had just defeated the armies from all directions and were rushing to join their master when three missiles came over.

The missiles flew in three different directions, and Lu Li only had time to stop one, leaving the remaining two up to the puppet himself.

Too bad, only one update

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