I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 326 325. Do it yourself

This is not the first time that a missile malfunctioned as soon as it approached Lu Li.

The Star Allied military was well prepared, and seeing that it could not hurt its true master, it turned to eliminate his men.

The remaining two Tomahawk missiles turned suddenly, spraying violent tail flames and heading straight towards the puppet.

At this time, the puppet was rushing to meet its master, and when it saw the missile coming, it quickly spread out to avoid it.

But it's too late, the two sides are too close and will encounter each other in three seconds!

Moreover, there is a Dark Star drone at an altitude of 12,000 meters to provide precise guidance for the missile.

The photoelectric infrared module that can see through the clouds firmly locks No. 0 and Ada.

These two "leader-level" puppets have completely different momentum and movements from the ordinary versions, and are identified as the primary targets.

I saw the Tomahawk missile constantly adjusting its trajectory in mid-air and hitting their heads!

The missile has a 450 kilogram charge and can level large facilities such as factories and airports with one shot.

If it hits, even the carbide body will be blown to pieces.

But at the critical moment, No. 0 and Ada suddenly stood still? Watching the missiles coming!

How to avoid such remote attacks with tracking functions, in fact, the "Master of Xuanzang Temple" has already given a demonstration.

Just when the missile was only 100 meters away, No. 0 and Ah Da moved!

The two of them stepped on the ground and dodged to both sides. With their quick movements, they drew a black shadow and flew more than 30 meters away in the blink of an eye!

The two cruise missiles had no time to change course, so they could only hit the ground and explode.

A violent shock wave erupted violently, with flames and smoke rising into the sky more than 20 stories high, with a killing radius of 200 meters!

Although No. 0 and Ah Da managed to move away some distance, they were still instantly engulfed by the shock wave.

Even a few ordinary puppets and several cars in the distance were also involved.

The car was torn to pieces in the blink of an eye, and a layer of the buildings within the area was ripped off, turning into rough houses.

The loud noise caused by the explosion shocked "Bourne" and others who were 2 kilometers away.

The bearded anchor and a group of people around him were eager to know the killing effect of the missile.

But the explosion sent up so much smoke that nothing could be seen.

Bourne quickly opened a box next to him, took out a drone and let it fly.

"You're already acting like this, so you don't have to worry about the air traffic control bureau's no-fly order."

In the capital area, drones must not be flown casually.

But the whole city had been bombarded with gasoline bombs and cruise missiles, and it was already in a state of tatters and disarray. Who would care about the ban?

Others had the same idea and launched their drones one after another to check the situation at the center of the explosion.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, there was an irregular crater on the ground as big as a basketball court.

Under this kind of power, there must be no bones left.

The civilians and soldiers present, as well as the audience watching the live broadcast, all breathed a sigh of relief and were extremely excited and happy!

This gang of super-powered terrorists finally suffered a heavy blow!

On the Bai Mansion side, the civilians blocking Lu Li's way were also cheering and shouting:

"The thugs' minions have been torn to pieces! You can't defeat our great country!"

"Get out of here! We will never allow you to desecrate this sacred land!"

Lu Li ignored the shouts and just took out his snuff bottle and smelled it to regain his composure.

Soon, the group of people yelled and suddenly got stuck, staring behind Lu Li with dull expressions.

In the dust, several vague figures appeared vaguely...

All the drones quickly pointed their cameras over and stared at it!

Soon, these figures passed through the dust and walked into the public eye.

It was a group of puppets, 16 in total, not one missing.

They all avoided the core area of ​​the explosion, and the destructive power of the shock wave rapidly attenuated in the atmosphere, unable to cause any damage to the cemented carbide.

What's more, they have just been strengthened by spiritual intelligence, and their body hardness has increased by at least 20%.

Being bombed this time is equivalent to an ordinary person being blown over by a strong wind. They are embarrassed but not seriously injured.

It's just that the clothes were torn apart, revealing... his true face.

At this moment, whether it is the people at the scene or the ordinary viewers watching the live broadcast on the Internet.

Even the presidents of the Star Alliance countries, as well as heads of state, dignitaries, wealthy people, and scientists all looked shocked!

Especially Academician Liu Jiang, who was far away in Xia Kingdom, fell to the ground on the spot.

He designed the entire project. No one knows better than him. These are just humanoid puppets. Why can they come alive!

Foreigners are no less shocked, thanks to several films made by the governor!

"Oh my God! They are not human!"

"Terminator! It's a Terminator made of metal!"

The puppet's shape does look a lot like a Terminator, but its needle-sized blue pupils make people shudder.

In front of the White Mansion, the crowd that had been clamoring just now looked frightened and retreated one after another.

He also subconsciously held the gun in front of him to increase his sense of security.

But the puppet noticed that these people had weapons and had the intention to attack, so they judged them as enemies!

They rushed forward in an instant, pierced the chests of these patriots with their metal palms, and then flicked their arms without mercy, throwing the bodies away.

After a brief scream and howl, there were only dead bodies left in the field.

This scene was somewhat cruel, but Lu Li's expression remained calm and unruffled.

In his opinion, it was nothing more than his dog trampling a few ants to death, so it was no big deal.

Just then, Lu Li regained his composure and calmly stepped over the corpses on the ground and came to the front of the "White Mansion".

Through the developed network in modern society, countless pairs of eyes are staring at this scene, and they are aware of what is going to happen next.

Lu Li wants to destroy this classical and beautiful building and slap the Star Allies hard in the face!

This kind of thing is like making love, of course you have to do it in person.

Lu Li took a deep breath and gathered all the energy in his body into his hands.

Then the mind surged out, entangled and compressed with the inner breath...

A few seconds later, a volleyball-shaped "translucent object" came out of his hand.

This is a "cannonball" made by borrowing the principle of "Military Killing Fist: Heavy Artillery Bombardment" and spending 90% of your concentration and inner breath.

Lu Li used both fists to blast the "cannonball" towards Bai Mansion.

The "cannonball" penetrated the main entrance and disappeared. The next second, a deafening roar was heard, and a violent shock wave suddenly erupted.

The entire Baifu, covering an area of ​​70,000 square meters, was blown away and turned into a large piece of construction debris flying in all directions.

This move is quite powerful, almost as powerful as a cruise missile.

But it has been stored for too long and has no practical value. It is just suitable for demolition.

Lu Li himself was quite satisfied. Looking at the ruins on the ground, he felt both physically and mentally refreshed and very happy.

Just at this moment, there was a roaring sound of falling in the sky. It turned out that the flying sword shot down three F35s.

One of the planes crashed nearby. Lu Li clenched his fist and concentrated on adjusting the impact point of the plane so that it would hit the ruins of Bai Mansion.

There was a roar and fire exploded, aviation fuel and ammunition ignited blazing flames, trying to leave no trace of the White House left.

At this moment, the Bai Mansion was in flames.

The city where he was located was filled with smoke, with ruins of collapsed buildings and huge craters everywhere.

Coupled with the corpses in different forms of death, it is really miserable.

The people of the Star Alliance countries, as well as the foreigners who shared the same sentiments, were immediately shocked and angry, and cursed wildly on the Internet:

"Devil! This son of a bitch is a pure devil!"

"Evil executioner, destroy him with nuclear bombs!"

The next update is expected at 1 o'clock, please give me a monthly pass~

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