I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 331 330. Three heads, wings

Lu Li didn't understand what was going on. Why did his mind suddenly react to the "dark cloud of evil thoughts" and condense into a three-headed monster?

Its translucent form is very vague, and it can only be barely recognized as a Western dragon, but it has three heads and a huge wingspan of nearly 50 meters.

This image looked familiar to Lu Li, and he remembered it instantly:

Before the "Butterfly Dream Trial" started, I saw this creature in the deepest part of my consciousness!

"In the deepest part of my consciousness...could it be [mind state]!"

The more Lu Li thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

As the saying goes, appearance comes from the heart. [Heart Appearance] is a symbol of the realm of manifesting the sage and is also the core magical power.

The Xian Sheng Zhenjun can be listed as a weapon of mass destruction together with the Golden Body Grand Master precisely because of his [Psychic Appearance]

At this moment, I don’t know why, but it actually manifested itself. It is really a great opportunity!

Not caring that the picture quality was too blurry, Lu Li quickly sensed it carefully and wrote down all the details for future reference.

But at this moment, [Xin Xiang] suddenly stretched his neck, opened his three heads wide at the same time, and sucked in the "dark cloud of evil thoughts" in the sky.

The terrifying evil thoughts finally found the outlet and immediately spewed down!

I just took a sip, and my head was dizzy from the scolding. Didn't billions of units have to die on the spot! ?

Lu Li almost couldn't hold himself any longer and wanted to shout to stop...

But at this moment, he suddenly remembered what he had just thought——

Cursing and hating your enemies is the greatest compliment to yourself!

"Why should I be afraid of the cry of a defeated dog!"

Lu Li stopped obstructing him and allowed [Heart Aspect] to swallow up his evil thoughts.

The [Heart Aspect] was born in the deepest part of consciousness and is Lu Li's "self", an important part of his life form. The two are indistinguishable from each other.

Through the hidden life instinct, Lu Li also knew that [Heart Alchemy] was of great benefit.

Even though the "Black Cloud of Evil Thoughts" is a big one, it's like marshmallows and doesn't add up to much.

The three big mouths of [Heart Vision] sucked hard and swallowed up all the evil thoughts in a matter of seconds.

At the same moment, Lu Li's mouth felt spicy, as if he had eaten barbecue.

He suddenly realized that his [mind] could feed on negative wishes!

Fear and hatred are its favorite foods! It is also attracted by the hatred of two billion people!

And as the master, I won't be any worse.

Although Datou has been refined by [Heart Vision], billions of evil thoughts will definitely have consequences.

Mixed and vicious curses exploded in Lu Li's mind:

【You devil! madman! murderer! 】

[Go, die, die, die! 】

[Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell! 】

Crazy curses can cause people to go crazy and commit suicide on the spot.

But Lu Li only felt that this was a compliment to himself.

He enjoyed the praise contentedly, and it took only two or three seconds for him to overcome the impact and return to normal.

Lu Li smiled knowingly and looked at [Mind View] aside.

It has obviously been nourished and its shape is much clearer.

The three heads have grown dragon whiskers and horns, and they look more and more like Xia Guolong.

But this is not enough!

Lu Li had seen the old devil's spider mind, but his own was far from good. It couldn't even be considered a semi-finished product, and it couldn't even exist for a long time.

At this moment, [mental image] begins to become blurry and is about to disappear.

Lu Li said seriously: "I will manifest you as soon as possible so that you can truly exist in the world."

The three dragon heads opened their mouths and roared silently in response, then disappeared.

Lu Li knew that it had only temporarily returned to the deepest part of his consciousness.

Phase comes from the heart, which is the truest embodiment of "self".

"The [mind] that feeds on fear and hatred, I am really not a good person..."

Lu Li sighed, but then murmured:

"That's fine. There are too many cancer cells in the two worlds that need to be removed. Weakness and gentleness are not suitable."

After saying that, he raised his hand and shook his fingers at the woods in the distance.

An illusory and fuzzy dragon head appeared out of thin air, opened its huge mouth and took a big bite!

3 giant trees of the same size were bitten into two pieces at the same time like French fries!

The dragon's head only existed for more than a second before dissipating. This was exactly Lu Li's state of mind, which was barely "semi-manifested".

Due to limited cultivation, it can only be used like this at the moment, which is equivalent to having an extra magical power.

But this is only secondary. Its greatest significance is to see the way forward.

The realm of manifestation has been unveiled. All Lu Li has to do is accumulate and practice until he has enough cultivation to truly manifest his mind in the world!

With everything settled, Lu Li was about to communicate with the Kunlun Mirror to launch a cross-border...

But not yet!

Everything has two sides, so how could Lu Li's actions only have negative intentions?

Drops of golden dew suddenly formed in the void!

The "dark clouds of evil thoughts" were swallowed up, and the positive power of aspiration was finally revealed.

Lu Li felt it with his mind, which contained emotions such as worship, admiration, and admiration.

And just...gratitude.

There are too many people in the world who are helpless against the murderer and can only cry and howl day and night.

So the gratitude is sincere and pure, and even gathers together to bloom golden lotus flowers in the sky.

Lu Li wrapped his mind around one and absorbed it with a thought.

There was a moment of clarity in my mind, and the "Lotus of Willing Power" turned into pure spiritual power to nourish the sea of ​​consciousness.

"The pure agglomeration of positive emotions can be used to increase cultivation, or it can be used as energy to drive magic weapons, puppets, and magical powers. What a good thing!"

"But I have an idea, so I don't really need it."

No matter how good the "Lotus of Willing Power" is, it can't keep up with magical things like Ling Ji.

Next, Lu Li tried the ordinary positive wishes that looked like dewdrops, and frowned:

"It works, but the thoughts are too complicated. Using it too much in a short period of time will interfere with thinking."

No matter how positive you are, it is the emotions of outsiders that will cause adverse effects.

Lu Li naturally disliked it, but he was in a good mood!

After all, there are people who agree with what I do, and there are quite a few of them.

"Based on the soul of a single mortal, there are almost 500 million people!"

This is really rare.

The Star Alliance has a terrifying propaganda machine for ideological indoctrination.

He can also raise dogs remotely, debate the classics, and beautify and package himself into a "beacon of democracy."

In addition, Lu Li destroyed the city when he came up, and his actions were crazy. I thought he would be the enemy of the whole world, but I didn't expect that there would be so many positive wishes.

But these wishes are not all his.

About 30% of them flew towards No. 0, Ah Da, and 6 flying swords.

A golden lotus fell, and the six flying swords that were dormant in the backpack immediately woke up and flew out, screaming for food.

"It's the right time to wake up, let's eat."

Lu Li had always been a bit doting on his cronies, and he gave Feijian the Lotus of Willing Power to eat without hesitation.

As for the ordinary positive wish power, it was divided among No. 0, Ah Da, and a group of ordinary puppets.

But for a total of 500 million, they could only absorb 200 million if they lasted only 18 years.

The remaining 300 million is still part of my heart, so I don’t want to give it up.

Lu Li called out the Kunlun Mirror and said:

【Can I save it? 】

The Kunlun Mirror flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it sucked in the wishing energy and stored it, which was extremely easy.

"As expected, you are still the most powerful! Let's go~cross the border."

This time it was really over. Lu Li disappeared in an instant with his full harvest.

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