Lu Li crossed the border and the blue planet returned to its apparent tranquility.

Of course, it's only on the surface, the real drama has just begun.

On the night of the incident, the President of the Star Alliance delivered a national speech:

[Today, we were deliberately attacked by terrorists. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their precious lives due to his criminal acts...]

Along with his words, countless people paid silent tribute.

They took to the streets, placing flowers and candles on street corners in memory of the victims of the attack.

At the same time, many teachers and students were holding memorial activities on the campus square of Harvard University.

The president's speech was also broadcast live at the scene:

[No one will forget today, and we will work hard to defend freedom and all the beautiful and just things in the world! 】

As soon as these words came out, the teachers and students at the scene immediately applauded spontaneously.

"Good speech, very provocative speaking skills."

A gentle man wearing black-rimmed glasses spoke highly of this speech.

At this moment, two big men in suits and leather shoes suddenly walked over to him and said in a deep voice:

"Professor David Rossi, you have been specially mobilized. You have 30 minutes to pack your personal belongings."

Professor Rossi showed no surprise and said calmly:

"I am happy to serve my country. As for packing, there is no need. I always pack lightly."

"Thank you for your efforts."

The two agents didn't say much and took the professor directly into a general commercial vehicle.

But there was another passenger in the car, also a polite white man.

He reached out his hand and introduced himself in a friendly manner:

"MIT, Spencer Reed, Laser Physics."

"Harvard, David Rossi, Criminal Psychology."

Professor Rossi shook hands with the other party, and then chatted: "So... the military plans to use lasers to deal with that mutant?"

Rhett shrugged and said:

"The monster has a burst speed of 60 meters per second and a flying sword close to Mach 2. Laser is a good choice."

"That makes sense."

The two chatted all the way until they arrived at the "Green Pine" base in the car three hours later.

This is the largest military base in the northeastern part of the Star Alliance. It is very busy at this time, with helicopters constantly taking off and landing, and cars coming in and out.

Rossi and Red were led by a sergeant to a large combat conference room.

Nearly 200 people have gathered here, all experts in various fields. Rossi and Rhett saw many old friends from the same industry.

These people are having a heated discussion:

"It's impossible to kill him with an airborne laser! I don't mean the technical difficulty... Have you forgotten that he can control the soil?"

"Ordinary rifle bullets can scratch his skin. Maybe an Avenger cannon can be added to the F15."

"Although the monster has an antisocial personality, he is extremely concerned about the little mixed-race girl. This can be used to his advantage."

The purpose of these elites gathering here is self-evident, which is to make plans to kill Lu Li.

The battle with practitioners is very different from conventional warfare.

The Star Allies were just caught off guard by the Transcendents. After they recovered, the real confrontation began!

At the same time, other countries also have their own responses.


The traditional white-skinned country is united, so naturally it immediately issued a statement to express its condolences to the victims.

We will stand together with the Star Allies to face the huge threat to all mankind.

The high-level officials and relatives of these countries are all Star Alliance nationalities, so this move is not surprising.

But far away on the other side of the ocean, the Xia Kingdom was also uneasy.

On Weibo, countless big Vs and self-media retweeted the speech of the President of the Star Allied Powers, accompanied by a picture of a unified candle, calling on people to observe silence for the victims.

At the same time, there are also all kinds of incredible speeches:

[This super-powered madman has ruined the image of all overseas Xia people. I was beaten when I went out! 】

[We should reflect on why such people appear among Xia people? This is the bad nature of culture! 】

[The Star Alliance people are so pitiful, I am willing to die for them]

There are all kinds of comments, and the words they say are getting more and more outrageous. Some people actually claim:

[Xia Guo should take responsibility for this matter, compensate the Star Allies for their economic losses, and at the same time cooperate with the international community to bring terrorists to justice]

A bunch of people were jumping up and down, creating a chaotic atmosphere.

But they are not mainstream, and none of them has more than one million readers.

At the moment, the most popular topic on the Internet is somewhat unexpectedly - spiritual energy recovery.

This is currently the most searched topic on major websites. Topics related to this can easily have over 100 million clicks, and there are countless people discussing it.

[No more pretending, the immortal cultivators have come out, and the spiritual energy has revived~]

[I am 28 this year, is it still too late to practice?]

[I have started meditating, and I just want to ask all fellow Taoists... Where can I get the flying sword? 】

[You can send a private message to Mr. Lu, maybe he will reply to you]

The reason why the topic of spiritual energy recovery is so popular is precisely because of Lu Li's flying sword.

The Flying Sword is well known in the cultural circles of Xia Kingdom, and it is obviously a magic weapon used by immortal cultivators.

Most netizens in the Xia Kingdom believe that Lu Li's ability is not a superpower at all, but that he can become an immortal after getting a golden finger.

This guess was pretty accurate, but the words were full of ridicule, and the majority of people were just looking at it for fun.

After all, the real world is ordinary and boring after all...

At this moment, the Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.

Qian Ping took a clean rag and wiped the office carefully, then sat at the table and waited.

When the time came to 8 o'clock, there was a knock on the office door, and two men in suits walked in.

They looked ordinary and said calmly:

"Professor Qian, please come with us."


Qian Ping stood up calmly and followed the two of them out of the office.

He was mentally prepared. After all, he had cooperated with Lu Li many times and would definitely be subject to interrogation.

But people are not afraid of slanting shadows, and they didn't do anything themselves. At most, the matter of An Shenxiang needs to be explained.

There was no conversation all the way, and a few people came to a commercial vehicle.

The car was full of graduate students following Qian Ping, all of whom were involved in research related to "Anshen Incense".

After all, he was still young and looked a little worried.

Qian Ping said with relief: "It's okay. Just tell the truth when you get there and cooperate fully."

Everyone nodded, and the car quickly drove away.

The same scene also happened at Western Polytechnic University and Harbin Institute of Technology.

Professor Wei Wenqi helped Lu Li make the flying sword, so he will definitely not be able to escape this time.

And Academician Liu Jiang Liu personally designed the "Terminator" and had to go one step further.

Their treatment was much higher than that of Qian Ping.

Not only did four people come to pick him up, but the office and laboratory were also sealed and guarded by dedicated personnel.

Both of them were mentally prepared. They were very calm on the surface, but they were full of magic in their hearts...

As a scientist, he helped the cultivators make magic weapons and puppets?

It's a cloudy day. I have cervical spondylosis. Please give me an update.

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