I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 333 332. Return to another world

Blue Star was in a commotion, and Lu Li had already returned to the other world.

The air rich in inspiration made people feel refreshed, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The six flying swords, which had been sleeping for a long time and were exhausted, flew out to have fun.

They chased and struck in the air, and the mountains and forests were filled with screams.

This speed is well over twice the speed of sound, a full 700 meters/second!

Moreover, it has nothing to do with Lu Li's cultivation level, but the power of the baby itself.

"It must have reached level four!"

Lu Li quickly called Feijian down to take a closer look.

I saw that the sword body was still like a stream of autumn water, cold and clear, blooming with a gleaming precious light, not much changed from the original.

But when you get closer and examine it carefully, you can find that there are many dragon-like lines inside the sword body.

These lines are all over the sword body and connected to each other, and there is a faint precious light flowing through them...just like the meridians of the human body!

Lu Li gently squeezed the sword blade, and suddenly realized that his flying sword was no longer a cold metal, but a living thing, a living individual!

In particular, they are very spiritual. At this moment, they are crowding around, jostling and squeezing each other, vying to let their owners touch them.

Lu Li smiled and touched each one while recalling Fan Chengxun's "Golden Bone Sword".

This was made from the leg bones of the Grand Master, and it almost cut the "Mountain-Breaking Sword" in two with just one blow.

Lu Li still remembered its power, and now he carefully recalled the sharpness and hardness of the opponent as a reference.

"Every one of my flying swords is no worse than it, and even exceeds it by one or two points. It has reached the fourth level, and it is the top level of the fourth level!"

Each level of the magic weapon is also divided into upper, middle and lower levels. Lu Li has not met many of his peers, so he lacks reference and cannot accurately locate them.

But it doesn't matter, I have to continue to advance anyway.

Lu Li was about to give Feijian some inspiration, but they all responded "Not hungry"

Of the 20 units I fed before, 5 are still unfinished.

Moreover, they still had to refine the "Lotus of Willing Power" they just ate, so they didn't need inspiration for the time being, and Lu Li didn't feed them any more.

But he suddenly remembered that the puppet had absorbed the positive will power of 200 million people, but there seemed to be no change?

He quickly checked and saw only 16 ordinary puppets, which indeed had little reaction.

They each absorb the will power of up to 5 million people, but they can only be retained in the body as a source of power?

This is really a bit strange...

You must know that the spiritual power of 5 million people is not small. Logically speaking, it is enough to transform them into magic weapons, even the lowest level ones.

However, Lu Li suddenly remembered that the information given by Li Yuanzhong mentioned the "three elements of willingness" - name, image, and deeds.

If you want to gather your will power, all three are indispensable!

As for the 16 ordinary puppets, no one knew them at all, so what they did was blamed on Lu Li, as well as No. 0 and Ada who had the "promotion video".

It is equivalent to a graduate student writing a thesis, and the result is that the "first author" is the tutor...

No. 0 and Ada are leaders, and each has just absorbed the will power of 60 million people.

These spiritual powers can not only be used as a source of power, but also transform them!

At this moment, the two leader-level puppets were glowing with "treasure light", exactly the same as when Feijian was promoted last time.

Lu Li reached out and pinched them, nodded repeatedly and said:

"It's equivalent to the strength of a fifth-grade magic weapon! It doesn't consume spiritual energy and only relies on the power of will... It's a good deal!"

Lu Li had an idea and didn't need the complicated energy of "wish power" to help him practice, so he naturally felt that this deal was worth it.

But if other monks knew about it, they would be furious to death.

The entire Jin Dynasty had a population of just over 100 million. Even in the entire alien world, the total population is just over 2 billion.

And without the Internet or mobile phones, if you want to unite people's hearts and establish faith, you have to work hard for at least several decades.

During this period, we had to face pressure from various governments and major religions. You can imagine how difficult it is to gather the willpower.

But all this is not a problem in Blue Star.

With a population of 8 billion, a developed network, and a willingness measured in "hundred million", if you are lucky, you can easily get it with a short video.

Right now, there are still 300 million useless in the Kunlun Mirror!

The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

This trip back to Blue Star completely offended the Star Allies, but it was also very rewarding.

Lu Li was in a good mood, but then he yawned again.

I'm a little tired after all this time, and I miss Wan Qing and Xiao Cha... and Sister Xia very much.

After identifying the direction, he led a group of puppets towards "Qixia Mountain" where the Longmen Sect was located.


When I walked to the foot of Qixia Mountain, I noticed that there was a small town here.

It was very busy with people coming and going, and many of the passers-by were wearing the blue arrow uniforms of the Longmen Sect.

The spiritual power in the mountain gate is richer than that in the outside world. Many low-level disciples are not qualified to stay and live at the foot of the mountain.

In addition, many relatives of middle and high-level people also settled here, and it gradually became a large scale.

Lu Li and his group were wearing sunglasses and carrying metal boxes, which was quite eye-catching. It stands to reason that someone would come to investigate.

But when people are in the world of martial arts, sometimes vision is more important than strength.

A few quick-thinking people recognized him on the spot - this was the prospective uncle of their own sect! A real person who had an out-of-body experience!

They hurriedly deployed their body skills to report the news... only a moment later, three men and women arrived quickly.

"Li Jin, I've seen the real person! I'm here to lead the real person up the mountain."

The first person to speak was a young man with a smile on his face. He was the second among the eight true disciples of the Longmen Sect.

The other two are Senior Brother Han Siyuan and Third Senior Sister Luo Sheng.

They were not left behind, and said respectfully:

"Thank you for your hard work, Zhenren."

"Master was just talking about you yesterday, and you came back just in time~"

While the two were talking, they naturally stood one step behind Lu Li and accompanied him up the mountain.

To be honest, Lu Li didn't like socializing very much, but he couldn't drive people away, so he simply let them lead him up the mountain.

When I came to the mountain gate, I saw a large number of people gathered here, hanging red lanterns on the mountain gate archway.

This was obviously preparation for Lu Li and Xia Weiyun's marriage.

But for this job, you can just find any outer disciple to do it.

At this time, all the people gathered here were the inner sect and the true disciples. There were ten hands holding a lantern, which was clearly for Lu Li to see.

Seeing Lu Li coming, everyone shouted:

"We have been ordered by Master to decorate the mountain gate in preparation for the real person's big day."

"If you feel something is wrong, just call me."

Lu Li was speechless for a while, but he was really helping, so he nodded in greeting.

After finally reaching the vicinity of "Wangjiang Jingshe", Li Yuanzhong issued a death order strictly not to approach, so all the disciples stopped one after another, and Lu Li also calmed down.

There were constant explosions in the courtyard, and someone was fighting.

Lu Li had already seen that it was Xiao Cha and Xia Weining who were sparring. The two of them were so fast that they were just a shadow, and they collided back and forth like cannonballs.

The explosive speed of the two women is as high as 70 meters per second, much faster than Lu Li. This is the level that top blood-changing warriors should have.

At the same time, there were three children practicing boxing at the other end.

It was Tong Shao, and the two brothers Chen Yi'an and Chen Yiping.

As Lu Li got closer and closer, everyone noticed that he was back and hurriedly ran out to greet him.

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