"Ouch~ Our real Lu Da is back~"

Xiao Chale ran over happily, her face was red and there were beads of sweat.

But after getting closer and taking a closer look at Lu Li, the girl's expression changed slightly:

"I'm afraid this trip won't be easy for you... You're not injured, right?"

Lu Li smiled and said, "I'm fine...can you tell that?"

"You look tired, but there is murderous intent in your eyebrows. You must be at war with someone~"

Xiaocha stared at her big black and white eyes and said exactly what she said.

They also understand each other so well that even the slightest change can be seen.

Lu Li smiled and said: "It's true that we mobilized all the troops and fought hard, but fortunately we have gained a lot. We have no shortage of ideas for the time being... Oh~ that's right."

He looked at Xia Weini and said, "The bride price is also ready."

As soon as he finished speaking, the puppet opened the money box, revealing the shining gold bricks.

"How can we use so much..."

Xia Weini blushed slightly and said: "There must be 14 tons. You can just take out a ton for your own use and keep the rest."

"Pfft haha~ Before Sister Xia got married, she started saving money for her husband's family~"

Xiaocha teased mercilessly, Xia Weixin raised his head and said:

"We are all expected to have a golden body, why don't we prepare some gold? How can we spend all our money just for a little face?"

This was reasonable, but Xiaocha was stunned for a moment after hearing it:

"Grand Master of the Golden Body Realm? Me?"

"That's not true~"

Xia Weixin said matter-of-factly:

"You are only eighteen and have achieved so much through blood exchange. Even the true disciples of our Dragon Sect can't compare with you. You must be heading towards the [Golden Body] realm."


Xiaocha rubbed her head, but she still couldn't adapt to the change of status.

Last year, I was just a country girl who was training her bones, and suddenly she became a person who was expected to be a grand master...

She looked at Lu Li and followed this man... The trajectory of her life had changed so much!

But Lu Li seemed to feel that the changes were not big enough, so he suddenly said:

"Don't worry about the gold for now, let me give you some ideas and strive to become a grand master as soon as possible~"

He first took Xiaocha's bite and used the inspiration of two units.

Then he bit Xia Weixin again.

Xia Weining said blankly: "Are you coming? No, I still have a little bit of what you gave me last time...well..."

Lu Li didn't say much at all, he just bit the boat and crossed over.

"So cool!"

Xia Weixin was so shocked that he forgot to resist:

"Is this magical thing like eating at a fixed time? Then my goal just now seems to be too low..."

After he finished ferrying her, Lu Li raised his head and asked, "Where is Wan Qing?"

"Lang Jun~"

Wan Qing walked over from the warehouse and said with a gentle smile:

"I used your machine to make a lot of calming essential oils and gave them as gifts~"

The wedding gift was only gold, which was too tacky, but with the calming essential oil that can be used in out-of-body realms, the style suddenly improved.

"You are so thoughtful!" Lu Li said with a smile:

"Here, I'll give you an idea, and then you can step on my back. I'm very tired."

Lu Li kissed Wan Qing and had an idea.

But there were two units, and they kept crossing over.

"Oh, Lang Jun, that's enough..."

"Not enough, I want to see how much your Suzaku can eat~"

Wan Qing is not an ordinary person, and the two units' cleverness is far from enough.

There was no condition before, but now of course she has to be fed.

Lu Li exerted his strength and crossed a full 100 units before he felt resistance and stopped.

"As expected of Suzaku, Feijian can only absorb 20 units."

Lu Li clicked his tongue in surprise.

Wan Qing absorbed so much that her eyes turned blazing red.

The Suzaku in the sea of ​​​​consciousness is dancing crazily, absorbing and refining a large number of spiritual ideas, and then giving them back to the master.

With a total of 100 units of inspiration, Wan Qing is one of the four spirits descended from the sky. Now I am afraid there will be something good to see.

But at this moment, she felt dizzy in her head and her body was burning hot, so she managed to speak:

"Mr. Lang has given you too much...I deserve it."

"Don't worry, I'm not short of ideas now... I'll help you go back to your room to rest."

Lu Li carried Wan Qing back to the room and let her lie on the bed and refine in peace.

But in this case, the enjoyment of stepping on the back has to be postponed.

Lu Liwei felt a little regretful, but as soon as he walked out of the room, Xiaocha jumped over and said:

"Step on your back, right? Come on, I'll step on your back~"


Lu Li stared at Xiaocha's size 38 feet and hesitated.

Xiaocha punched him and said angrily:

"What kind of expression are you looking at! I'm a master of meditation. I learned this from Wan Qing when you're not here!"

"Oh, that's it, come on."

Stepping on the back is also called walking on stilts and has a history of more than 2,000 years. Even though you have to step on it with your feet, it is a delicate job in traditional medicine.

Xiao Cha has always been carefree, and Lu Li actually doesn't believe that she can master it in a short time.

But he didn't want to offend her kindness, so they went into the house together.

Xia Weining was left standing in the yard, as if stunned by an idea, and did not move for a long time.


In the room, Lu Li took off his shirt and lay on the bed.

Xiaocha took off her shoes and socks, revealing her white feet. Then he jumped hard and jumped directly onto Lu Li's back.

Lu Li tensed up very tightly at first, but Xiao Cha controlled his strength very accurately.

This girl also has the ability to "move her body at will" and has the exquisite control of strength after practicing martial arts for many years.

More importantly, she really wanted to make Lu Li comfortable.

A pair of elastic feet step on the tendons, and the energetic toes quickly tap on the acupoints, bringing an energetic and comfortable experience.

All the fatigue and embarrassment left behind in Blue Star have all disappeared. Lu Li closed his eyes and hummed comfortably.

Xiaocha said proudly: "How is it? Wan Qing said I stepped on it well~"

"You are indeed amazing. I underestimated you."

Lu Li relaxed his whole body, enjoying himself with peace of mind, and fell asleep.

Xiaocha moved down gently, then lay down next to Lu Li, staring at his slightly tired profile.

"I remember when we first met, I wanted to arrest him, haha."

Xiaocha laughed to herself, then stared at Lu Li and whispered:

"I am no longer that little girl, I am someone who wants to become a Grand Master. Only by becoming a Grand Master can I stand by his side..."

While the girl was thinking about it, Lu Li suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

Xiaocha said softly: "You can go to sleep when you are tired. Why did you wake up suddenly?"

Lu Li said seriously: "I suddenly remembered something important!"

Seeing him suddenly wake up with such a look on his face, Xiaocha thought it was something big.

But then, Lu Li raised his hand and summoned a large pile of strange things.

"I just remembered that I brought back a lot of stockings. You can put them on and step on them for me!"

Xiaocha: "..."

This kind of nylon product has already appeared in other worlds, but the workmanship is far less exquisite than Blue Star's.

The emotion just now disappeared. Xiaocha clenched her fists, wanting to knock the pervert in front of her away.

Without realizing it, Lu Li took out a black pair and put it on Xiaocha's legs.

"You have long legs, you will look good in this~"

"You're such a pervert..."

The two were about to make a fuss when the door was suddenly knocked open by someone, it was Xia Weixin.

She said solemnly: "I want to be promoted to Xiantian!"

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