Just when Lu Li was thinking wildly, Xia Weixin said with a smile on his face:

"At least I've caught up with my cultivation. It's worth calling me Sister Sheng."

Li Yuanzhong also stroked his beard and smiled:

"Out of body and innate, you two are even more perfect for each other. On the day of marriage, I will teach the sect the method of manifesting the saints, and the right will be used as a dowry."

"The Dharma of Manifesting Saints..."

Lu Li couldn't help but smile bitterly, he was worried because of this...

However, this was the time to be happy. He did not show his feelings, so he quickly clasped his fists and said loudly:

"Thank you, Master, for your generous gift. I am deeply grateful!"

Li Yuanzhong smiled and nodded, but Xia Weiyun muttered:

"Master made a good plan and gave it away without plucking a dime."

Li Yuanzhong glared and said:

"You made this request yourself when you first came back."


Xia Weixin thought for a moment and realized that this was really the case.

But since her young husband is so generous to her and pours out his ideas at will, she has to get some benefits for him.

Xia Weixin's eyes rolled around, thinking about what else his master could miss...

Li Yuanzhong sighed that girls are extroverted, and then suddenly remembered something.

He looked at Lu Li's broken leg and said:

"On the day of the wedding, Taoist Brother Zhenyangzi will also be here. He has a 'Life and Creation Pill' from his Taiji Palace lineage, which can regenerate severed limbs. You may wish to ask for one at that time."

Taiji Palace Zhenyangzi is the great master who broke into the [Changbai Spiritual Realm] with Li Yuanzhong before!

Xia Weixin and Xiaocha's eyes shone, and Lu Li also clenched his fists!

It's really hard to find anything without trying to find it, and it takes no effort at all to get there!

He said quickly:

"To be honest, I am worried about this. After all, I have someone to ask for. What preparations do I need to make?"

"Brother Zhenyangzi is one of our own, so there is no need to prepare anything...but he likes strong drinks."

When talking about wine, Li Yuanzhong looked a little strange.

Xia Weining whispered from the side:

"Uncle Zhenyangzi's mountain gate, Taiji Palace, is located in Jilin... During the Sino-Japanese War, it was attacked by the Izumo people and everyone in the house was killed. He drank his sorrows every day..."

For a moment, there was some silence in the place. Lu Li didn't expect it to be like this.

After a while, Li Yuanzhong sighed and said:

"The matter has come to this, it is useless to say more... Na'er, you should stabilize your realm. Maybe one day, I will be able to help your uncle avenge this blood revenge."

"Disciple, don't worry."

Xia Weixin bowed and bowed before sending Li Yuanzhong off respectfully.

As soon as the master left, she quickly said to Lu Li:

"There's still a week before the wedding. Use that spiritual jade pot to brew some good wine, and mix it with some spiritual inspiration... the 'Life and Fortune Pill' will be stable!"

As a direct descendant of the great master, Xia Weixin certainly knew the disadvantages of missing limbs, so he was more proactive than Lu Li himself.

Xiao Cha suggested from the side: "Would you like to prepare some more calming essential oil?"

"It's not impossible, but Uncle Zhenyangzi only has the spiritual cultivation level of meditation, so he doesn't have much use for it... I still have to focus on wine~"

Xia Weina ran out in a hurry and shouted at the same time: "I'm going to get some good wine to make a base~"

She wanted to handle this matter in person to ensure that there would be no problems, and she disappeared before she finished speaking.

This eldest sister is also straight-tempered and has a good temperament for Lu Li.

He smiled, looking forward to the wedding in a week.

Not only is the Life and Fortune Pill, this sexy and passionate big sister is also a wonderful thing.


Since our sect has an innately powerful person, everyone in the Longmen Sect will naturally not hide it, they will definitely advertise it widely.

After word spread, I don't know how many people envied Lu Li's situation.

Xia Weiyun is a well-known beauty, and is also nicknamed Jade Rakshasa.

She is also a direct descendant of a great master. Her appearance, talent, and background are all top choices. She is also extremely beautiful~

For a time, this marriage became the hottest topic of conversation.

Many people who hold their own identities plan to go to Longmen Sect that day to experience it.

But there is another thing that is also talked about, that is, Xia Weijun became a nun before.

"The Jade Rakshasa was originally going to marry the governor-general. For some reason she was unhappy, so she ran away to become a nun for several years."

"I also know about this. It was a very unpleasant incident, and both Zhenren Li and Governor Shen had a lot of quarrels."

"She was only in the blood-changing realm at that time...Why should she look down on Mr. Shen? He is a Qinglong!"

The outside world was noisy, but in Qixia Mountain, Lu Li's life was very leisurely.

Xia Weixin brought eight altars of "Xinghua Village", which is the famous Fen wine.

"Uncle Zhenyangzi likes to drink Fenjiu, so I can keep it with this~"

Together with Xiaocha, she poured eight jars of wine into the "Lingyu Pot".

Putting water in this pot can turn it into fine wine the next night. Putting real fine wine in it will only make the wine better and turn into fine nectar.

However, it took three hours of catalysis. The two girls were very patient and slowly transformed pot after pot.

Lu Li, on the other hand, stayed by Wan Qing's bed, practicing his acupoints.

This girl has absorbed up to 100 units of spiritual energy, which needs to be refined through dormancy.

Lu Li opened his eyes from time to time to investigate, and saw the fire bird Suzaku swimming in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He continued to open up this place to increase his spiritual cultivation, and also used the spiritual machine to cleanse the bone marrow of Wan Qing's whole body.

The girl is completing the practice of marrow cleansing realm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

According to this progress, Lu Li calculated:

"100 units of inspiration... can almost help Wan Qing to get out of the body and exchange blood."

If it were seen by outsiders, it would definitely be a big loss.

It took 100 units of inspiration and decades of accumulation by sects like the Hatoyama Sect to create an out-of-body blood exchange?

But Lu Li thought it was good. As long as it could help Wan Qing, he would be willing to pay 10 times more.

Lu Li kissed the girl's cheek and continued to work on his practice.

What makes people laugh or cry is that one calf is missing, 6 meridians are incomplete, and 150 acupoints do not need to be trained.

Lu Li's martial arts progress has been a lot faster, and he is ready to practice his "Ren Vein".

The second channel of Ren and Du is a practice in the late stage of the blood exchange realm. This situation is definitely not a good thing.

Ordinary people can strengthen their bodies by massaging the acupoints, and warriors can strengthen the entire body by using inner breath to cleanse and stimulate the acupoints.

If you practice 150 less points, your physical fitness, total amount of inner breath, and purity will be 40% worse than in thin air!

This is also the key reason why Lu Likong has a lot of ideas but cannot advance to Xiantian.

He took a look at the prosthetic leg that he had concocted with his mind. It was lifelike, but it lacked the most important organ for cultivation. It was just a fake.

Fortunately, things have turned around...

"Life and Creation Pill!"

With hope just around the corner, Lu Li cheered up and began to practice the "Huiyin point" on the Ren channel.

This acupoint regulates menstruation and strengthens the kidneys, soothes the body and restores yang, which can greatly enhance male combat effectiveness.

After all, Sister Xia is innate and her physique is much stronger.

She is also extremely beautiful and sexy, and she looks like a stunner at first glance, with a very high fighting ability.

Lu Li wanted to be prepared so as not to be chopped in the crotch by the bride and become a laughing stock.

Of course, this also has a bit of joy in the bitterness.

The only way to cleanse the Ren channel is to start from here, there is no other choice.

Lu Li was helplessly and nonchalantly practicing martial arts, looking forward to the wedding.

But what is lost is what is gained, and there is a gain in spiritual practice.

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