I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 337 336. Preparation

In a dark and vast space like the universe, there is a simple and mottled bronze mirror swimming freely.

As the bronze mirror moves around in circles, the edge of this space is slowly expanding outwards, becoming larger and larger.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li murmured: "This is a bit like...the expansion of the universe."

The expansion of the universe is an astronomical phenomenon.

After Lian Shen came out of his body, the inner space of the Sea of ​​Consciousness had become extremely vast, and the deep darkness was really like space. That was why Lu Li felt that the universe was expanding.

If the "Kunlun Mirror" is still developed according to its original efficiency, it will definitely be more difficult and slower.

But every time Lu Li got an idea, he would share half of the "Kunlun Mirror". Last time, he even gave 500 units in one breath!

This move was originally intended to make the fetish's injury improve, but the effect was not very great.

It just makes the edges of the 5 holes on the mirror a little neater and not so wrong.

With sufficient spiritual nourishment, the Kunlun Mirror's efficiency in opening up the sea of ​​consciousness has improved a lot, and Lu Li's spiritual cultivation has always maintained rapid growth.

Just when he wanted to try his cultivation, he looked at Xiaocha who was "making wine" in the yard, and his thoughts welled up.

Xiaocha was gathering the wine brewed in the "Lingyu Pot" into a jar when he was unexpectedly pressed by dozens of tons of force.

"Dare to sneak attack~"

The girl knew that this was the fault of her man, so she stood down with a smile and tried her best to fight.

Under the huge pressure, neither of her calves entered the ground, and her movements became extremely slow and difficult.

"It's 60,000 kilograms...that's 30 tons of strength!"

Xiaocha quickly tested Lu Li's mental strength.

Xia Weixin also said from the side: "This is already the level of the top out-of-body realm, and my master is only a little stronger than you."

"I'm not even close yet."

Lu Li regained his composure and said, "It's just brute strength, not explosive power."

Regardless of whether they are warriors or monks, they all pay attention to "explosive power".

Instead of pursuing the brute strength of an elephant, I only want to be as fast as a tiger!

Only with a strong body can a stronger spirit be unleashed.

According to previous experience, if you want to enhance your mental explosive power, the fastest way is to improve your martial arts realm.

At this point, we can only look forward to the "Life and Creation Pill".

Xia Weining raised a jar of Xinghua Village Fenjiu and said to Lu Li:

"I have just brewed a jar. It has a pure and fragrant taste. It is long and slender. It is absolutely the best. If you add a little bit of inspiration into it, you can turn it into a fairy brew."

"Okay, Sister Xia."

Lu Li raised his hand a little and turned about 1/10 of the unit of inspiration into water droplets, which dripped into the wine jar.

Suddenly, an alluring aroma of wine came out.

The three people present couldn't help but talk a lot, even Lu Li and Xiao Cha, two non-drinkers, were the same.

"It seems to taste delicious..."

Xiaocha stared at the clear jade-like wine in the jar with a curious look on his face.

Xia Weixin has always been traveling around the world without drinking. At this moment, his index finger was twitching and he was salivating:

"This is a serious fairy brew, it must be extraordinary~"

At this time, Wan Qing's door suddenly opened with a creak.

I saw her walking out gently with lotus steps, twitching her nose and saying:

"It smells so good. What are you doing?"

"Made some wine~"

Lu Li suggested with a smile: "Let's just drink this first bottle ourselves, and then we'll start again!"

"The wedding is only three days away, so there's plenty of time."

"Then drink!"

Xia Weixin and Xiaocha were not polite and quickly took out a big bowl and filled it with wine.

After taking a sip of wine, it feels like swallowing a ball of fire, but your mouth is full of fragrance and has a long aftertaste.

Xia Weixin's face turned red and his voice was charming:

"This is a god of wine. Just one sip can make me drunk!"

She shook her head, exhaled a breath of alcohol, and said happily:

"The Life and Fortune Pill should be stable! Uncle Master Zhenyang is one of our own, and with this gift of wine, he will definitely help!"

Hearing this, Xiaocha also looked happy, and then told Wan Qing, who had slept for three days and didn't know about it yet.

"No wonder you guys are suddenly making wine. A lot of things have happened these days..."

Wan Qing smiled when she heard this...but it was a leaky smile! She has no front teeth!

Lu Li quickly opened his Sky Eye to check, and then said in surprise: "Wan Qing, you got a blood transfusion!"

"Exchange blood!"

Xia Weixin and Xiaocha were suddenly startled, and quickly moved around Wan Qing to check.

"Bone is like fine steel, it's really a change of blood!"

Xiaocha was surprised and happy. She never expected that her best friend would break through to a great level after only three days of sleep!

"As expected of the Four Spirits!"

Xia Weixin also praised: "Born by the creation of heaven and earth, cultivation is extremely fast, and there are no obstacles before becoming a saint!"

It is true to say so, but the premise is that there must be enough resources, otherwise the four spirits cannot create something out of nothing.

Xia Weixin looked at Lu Li and couldn't imagine how many ideas he had given Wan Qing!

Wan Qing also looked at Lu Li, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lang~"

"What else can we thank~"

Lu Li pulled the corner of Wan Qing's mouth and made a funny, toothless smile.

He loved this soft and charming girl from the bottom of his heart.

Wan Qing also clung to Lang Jun's arms, very well-behaved and docile.

Seeing that the two of them are tired of each other, Xia Weixin and Xiaocha seem to have nothing to do with each other, but it is inevitable that they will feel a little bit annoyed.


Xia Weixin coughed dryly and said:

"I'm going to tell Master the good news... By the way~ This matter must be kept secret. Outsiders don't know Suzaku's true identity yet."

"We can spare it."

The only people who knew that Wan Qing was Suzaku were Li Yuanzhong, master and disciple, and Mr. Nan.

Li Yuanzhong used the excuse of "not disturbing distinguished guests" to strictly order his disciples to approach "Wangjiang Jingshe", which meant that it was kept secret.

"Sister Wanqing, take good care of yourself and finish replacing your teeth first~"

After saying this, Xia Weixin was about to tell his master the good news.

Before turning around to leave, she glanced at the remaining half of the jar of wine and thought to herself:

It would be great if Master could also try this wine... Ever since he formed the [Sassinkai] to fight against the Izumo people, he has been living a tight life.

As soon as Xia Weining thought this, the next second, the wine jar flew into his hand.

Looking back, he met Lu Li's gentle gaze.

She smiled brightly and didn't say much. She gently raised the wine jar in greeting, then spread out her body skills and rushed away.

Lu Li said to the two girls, "Take out your magic weapons and I'll pour some inspiration into them."


Xiaocha asked: "How much benefit did you get from going back this time?"

"The net income is more than 500."

Lu Li's casual words shocked Wan Qing and Xiao Cha.

"Anyway, there will be no shortage of inspiration in the future. All we have to do is practice hard. Master Tea~ Work harder~"

"Don't worry, sooner or later the day will come when I will cover you!"

Xiaocha was full of confidence, she felt——

Lu Li and Wan Qing must have [manifested themselves] first, so he would have to advance to the golden body to protect the two monks!

The young girl's high-spirited look was very cute. Lu Li smiled softly, then raised his hand to summon the Blood Drinking Sword and White Dragon Whip.

Husband and wife are one, and the magnetic fields of life are extremely close. Lu Li can also control these two magic weapons without any obstacles.

Infuse it with 20 units of inspiration, and then just wait for its transformation.

The two girls happily took back their magical artifacts and took care of them.

Lu Li also continued to be busy with his practice.

Next, in addition to refining the acupuncture points that can be refined as much as possible, we must also consider the matter of "the soul appearing".

This is somewhat of a hurdle, but it's not that easy.

By the time Lu Li had some idea, three days had flown by and it was the wedding day.

There are a lot of things going on as the New Year is approaching, so the next update is a bit late. You can watch it tomorrow morning.

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