I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 338 337. Zhen Yangzi

The second day of July is suitable for: getting married and making an alliance.

Today is the wedding of Lu Li and Xia Weiyun...or it would be more appropriate to call it a "ceremony".

Through a ceremony, it was announced to the world that Lu Li and the Longmen sect would form an alliance and unite.

As a result, the Longmen Sect has two real people who have escaped from the body, and their strength has been greatly increased.

The ceremony started at noon, but many people came early in the morning to show their importance.

"The leader of Baohua Sect has arrived!"

"The leader of Chishan Sect has arrived!"

As the disciples welcoming guests shouted loudly, guests came to the door one after another

Hou Shaoyi led the eight true disciples and the elders of the sect to receive the guests and lead them to the main hall.

No matter who comes here, they will be stunned for a moment by the golden light all over the place...

I saw a golden mountain on one side of the main hall!

It is made of gold bricks stacked on top of each other. It is as tall as two people and probably weighs more than ten tons!

The golden light is dazzling, and after the guests come to their senses, they will also praise: "My uncle from your noble sect is so generous!"

In such ceremonies, the man's bride price will be displayed in the main hall to show face.

Li Yuanzhong said it didn't matter, but when Lu Li offered 12 tons of gold, the old Taoist priest was still very happy and directly asked him to place it in the main hall.

Everyone in the Longmen Sect was also like Yourong, their backs were straight and they walked with wind.

It's still early, and Xia Weixin is dressing up in the boudoir.

The Longmen Sect emphasizes "purity of body and tranquility of mind, returning to nature". The disciples in the sect are all pure practitioners and there are no servants or the like.

Even Li Yuanzhong takes care of his daily life by himself.

Xia Weixin just put on a blue outfit from the Longmen sect, put on some lipstick, and that was it.

With her appearance, she doesn't need to dress up much. Just a little icing on the cake is just right. There are other important things at the moment.

Xia Weining closed the doors and windows and took out two books from under the pillow.

There are many characters drawn in the first book, showing 108 ways to create humans, and it is printed in color.

Xia Weixin has been walking outside all year round, so he naturally knows about this kind of thing, but has never practiced it.

Do some previews this time to avoid any embarrassment at night.

As for the second book...the title is "Great Joyful Meditation"

Judging by the name, you knew it wasn't a good idea, but Xia Weixin was thinking about how to hand it over to Lu Li.

Just at this moment, footsteps were heard outside the door, and Lu Li came over.

"Sister Xia, is it time to go?"

"Wait a minute, come here."

Xia Weixin was not a shy person, so he called Lu Li over and said, "Brother, please read this book."

Lu Li glanced at it and said confidently: "I know all the above, and I'll let you experience it one by one tonight~"

"Like hell!"

Xia Weini gave him a hammer, pushed the second book to the front, and said, "This is it!"

Lu Li then looked at the book "Great Joyful Meditation" and said hesitantly:

"Is this... a tonic method?"

"That's right."

Xia Weini blushed slightly and said: "My Yuan Yin is still there. It would be a waste to let it go to waste. It is better to let Qian Cai replenish myself."

"But this is evil, right?"

Lu Li said seriously: "I don't want to hurt you, and I don't really need it..."

"Brother Lu, you must know that there is no good or evil in the law, only talents."

Xia Weixin took his hand and said seriously: Yes

"Once in a while, it's the pleasure of the boudoir. I also know that you are rich and have many adventures. But practice is like living in life. You have to have a steady flow of water. The bulk of the consumption is still to come. The manifestation of the saint and the golden body are like a bottomless pit! How much! My net worth is not even enough!”

Xia Weixin had good intentions and his words were reasonable.

Lu Li nodded in agreement: "Then I will study this book and pick it up for you tonight."

"Smelly brother, can't you say it more tactfully?"

Xia Weixin rolled his eyes, he was really charming.

Coupled with the heavy beauty outlined by the slim-fitting outfit, Lu Li really wanted to mine it on the spot!

Xia Wei came over, helped him tidy up his clothes, then took his arm and said:

"Let's go to the main hall to meet our guests. We'll wait for Master Zhenyangzi to come over~"

But as soon as the two of them walked out of the door, Shao Yi suddenly shot him with electricity and said:

"Don't go to the main hall yet. Uncle Zhenyangzi is here and is with the master~"

"Come so early!"

Xia Weini quickly ran back to the house and came out with a jar of wine, which was the fairy wine prepared in advance.

Hou Shaoyi looked at it with eyes burning, and Xiaoyi said to please: "Junior sister, please brew more of this wine and share some with me."

"It's not impossible, it depends on your performance."

Xia Weining's words were ambiguous, and Hou Shaoyi said repeatedly:

"Senior brother, I don't have anything to say to you. When you ran to become a monk without saying a word, it was me who persuaded Master... eh..."

As Hou Shaoyi was talking, he suddenly realized that he shouldn't mention this...

Xia Weixin also cast a murderous look, and he quickly shut up.

Within a few words, the three of them had arrived at the courtyard where Li Yuanzhong lived.

He was talking to a slender middle-aged man wearing a snow-white robe.

Seeing Lu Li coming, he quickly introduced, "This is Taoist Brother Zhenyangzi from Tai Chi Palace."

It is difficult to judge the age of a high-level warrior. Zhenyangzi looks about 40 years old on the surface, but his expression is very gloomy.

Seeing this person, Lu Li was a little rude and stunned for a moment.

It was Brother Xia Wei's sister who saluted and said hello that he came back to his senses and clasped his fists together: "I've met the seniors."

The reason for this is that Zhenyangzi has vertical pupils between his eyebrows... He is indeed a golden man!

The junior said hello, Zhenyangzi just waved his hand casually and continued talking to Li Yuanzhong:

"Those sand coins really plan to hide in the spiritual realm, and they even called me to join them. They are a bunch of rubbish! The spiritual realm will be taken away sooner or later!"

Li Yuanzhong nodded and said: "It would be best to use this matter to gather the powerful people from China to attack the Izumo people outside the pass."

Zhenyangzi is not optimistic: "The mob only thinks about the benefits of the spiritual realm. If they don't fight among themselves, they will burn incense."

"Everything depends on man, you have to give it a try."

Li Yuanzhong did not talk further and brought the topic to Lu Li:

"This is the little friend Lu I mentioned to Brother Dao. He will definitely become the pillar of heaven protecting China in the future!"


Only then did Zhenyangzi take a serious look at Lu Li and commented:

"It's okay, but the murderous intention is a bit strong. It's better for your apprentice to marry than to marry that sand dollar [Qinglong]. But if you are missing a leg, I'm afraid your achievements will be limited... Wait a minute, do you want the Life and Fortune Pill?"

"That's right!"

Lu Li immediately cupped his fists and said, "I heard that this elixir can regenerate broken limbs. I want to make up for the damage so that I can break through the realm!"

Xia Weixin also quickly joined in: "Lu Li just destroyed the Izumo Concession in Jinmen not long ago, please ask my uncle to help!"

She knew that Zhenyangzi and the Izumo people hated each other for annihilation, so she pointed this out.

But Zhenyangzi smiled miserably and said:

"Back then, I was beaten away like a lost dog, and the entire sect fell into the hands of the enemy. I didn't have the Creation Pill..."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Weixin's face immediately fell.

Fortunately, Zhenyangzi glanced at the wine jar she was holding, sniffed and said:

"Good wine~ Master's niece is interested! I can make a furnace of this elixir right now, but you have to find the raw materials yourself."

Xia Weining breathed a sigh of relief and quickly handed over the wine jar: "Uncle, please give me some advice!"

Zhenyangzi took off the lid, smelled it, and said:

"You have to take the heart of a werewolf alive, and it has to be a werewolf above the innate level."

"Yeah, yeah, that's not a problem, there must be werewolves over there in Huzhou!"

Xia Weiyun was very positive and quickly asked:

"Uncle Master, is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"Only a little."

Zhen Yangzi took a sip of wine and said:

“The Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill cannot create good fortune.

Taking pills can give people the Healing Factor, the self-healing factor, and they can indeed grow a new leg.

But whether there are meridians and acupoints, that is not necessarily the case. "

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