Taking the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill, growing legs is only secondary, the main purpose is to grow cultivation organs!

Xia Weining asked hurriedly: "Uncle Master, you can grow legs, but why don't you have meridians and acupoints?"

"The human body is the most mysterious thing in the universe."

Zhenyangzi took a sip of wine and said unhurriedly:

"There are 33 acupuncture points on the sole of the foot alone. Massage stimulation can protect the internal organs that are far away... This is the creation of nature and the mystery of life. How can it be replicated by a mere acquired elixir."

Hearing this, Xia Weixin was speechless for a moment. Lu Li frowned and said:

"You can grow a new leg by taking this pill, but it may not be able to grow all the meridians and acupoints?"

"Yes, how much you grow depends on luck, but 100% recovery is impossible."

Zhenyangzi said with an indifferent expression: "How about it, do you still want to make elixirs?"

"It all depends on man-made efforts. You have to give it a try after all!"

There was no choice in this matter, Lu Li said sternly: "We will get the raw materials together as soon as possible, and then we will have to trouble our seniors."

"Then do it as soon as possible."

Zhen Yangzi still looked indifferent and said to Li Yuanzhong:

"I won't go to the ceremony. I'll meet with my colleagues from the [Music Society] in the evening."

"Brother Dao, it's up to you."

The other party had always been withdrawn, so Li Yuanzhong didn't force him. He bowed his head and took Lu Li and others to the main hall.

On the way, Lu Li didn't like or dislike Zhen Yangzi at all, but he was just curious that he was actually a golden man with three eyes?

Li Yuanzhong just didn't want Lu Li to have a grudge, so he took the initiative and said:

"Brother Zhenyang Zidao was not from a good background. His biological mother was a Han servant girl. He was kicked out of the house by his mistress because he was pregnant.

Having gone through many hardships since he was a child, Taoist Brother is inherently withdrawn, and he has become even more eccentric after his sect was destroyed...but he is absolutely trustworthy when it comes to matters of right and wrong. "

Lu Li nodded. He didn't mind anything. After all, everyone has their own temperament. It was enough to be unambiguous about right and wrong.

At this time, Xia Weiyun suggested from the side:

"Lu Li has a record player that can help people break through the refining of gods and oblivion. Why don't you help your uncle to increase his strength?"


Li Yuanzhong refused on the spot:

"Back then, in order to force Taoist brother to come out, the Izumo people killed his disciples, brothers and sisters one after another in broad daylight... With Taoist brother's mental state, ninety-nine times if he breaks through forgetfulness, he will go crazy!"

It is easy to get depression by practicing meditation and forgetfulness, so I don’t dare to take this risk.

In a few words, the group of people had arrived at the main hall.

The place was bustling with hundreds of guests who came to attend the ceremony. Several people hurried over to socialize.

Lu Li was calm and composed, allowing others to look up to him, and occasionally followed Xia Weixin in bowing his hands in salute. He was neither humble nor arrogant, and he was decent.

The guests congratulated each other:

"What a talented man and beautiful woman, a match made in heaven!"

"The perfect match, the fragrance of laurels and the fragrance of orchids. Master Li is so lucky to have this dragon son-in-law!"

Looking at the grand occasion, Li Yuanzhong smiled sincerely and his face was filled with relief.

The disciples got married, the sect prospered, and the [Sashen Society] also gained a comrade!

All of these are really rare and happy events in recent years.

But the joys and sorrows in the world are not the same.

At the same moment, Zhenyangzi sat on the top of Qixia Mountain and took a big sip of wine.


A jar of wine weighed ten kilograms, and most of it had been drunk.

Zhenyangzi deliberately let go of his resistance, and was finally drunk by the wine brewed by his inspiration.

Drowsy and confused, he enjoyed this moment of paralysis.

But in his hazy drunken eyes, the many pavilions and palaces of the Longmen Sect suddenly blurred into the appearance of the "Tai Chi Palace".

Zhenyangzi was stunned for a moment.

Even though he hadn't seen each other for ten years, he had never forgotten this piece of grass.

But rationally, he knew that this was false and an illusion caused by alcohol.

Zhenyangzi doesn't want hallucinations, he just wants paralysis.

He raised the wine jar and drank the rest of the wine, thinking that it would be great to get drunk...

But the memory doesn't want to let him go.

In a daze, an old Taoist priest wearing a white robe appeared in front of him.

"Baodan... what kind of person you can become depends on yourself."


Zhen Yangzi raised his hand, but the old Taoist priest disappeared.

The surrounding scene also changed again, and it also became a ceremony.

"Zhen Yangzi, from now on the Tai Chi Palace will be handed over to you."

"I'm waiting to meet the leader!"

Master handed over the Dharma seal, and all the disciples bowed down and prostrated, all with eager faces.

But Zhen Yangzi took a few steps back, not daring to touch the leader's seal.

His heart was turned upside down by guilt, and many of his classmates looked over with tears of blood...

Fortunately, at this time, a few clear children's voices woke him up.

Zhenyangzi suddenly woke up and stared at the real world around him. It took him a few seconds to recover.

"This wine... is amazing..."

He glanced at the empty wine jar, then looked at the three children who had woken him up——

A little girl carved in pink and jade, two dragon and phoenix twins who look very similar...it is Tongshao, Chen Yi'an, and Chen Yiping.

There was a happy event today. The third child also had a day off from practicing, so he came to the mountain to play wildly.

I suddenly saw a strange person, especially the one with vertical eyes between his eyebrows!

The third child suddenly screamed and ran down the mountain: "Sister Wanqing, there is a golden man here!"

Zhenyangzi didn't care either. He didn't want to meet people, so he wanted to stay somewhere else.

But suddenly, someone shot over.

Zhenyangzi frowned slightly, looked at the woman walking slowly, and said coldly:

"Whose little girl are you? Why are you so rude...Oh, you blind man."

Halfway through his words, Zhenyangzi noticed that the visitor's eyes were unable to focus.

It was Wanqing who came.

She found the white Taoist robe on the other party, then performed a Wanfu salute and said:

"I didn't expect to see the Taoist priest of Tai Chi Palace here."

Zhenyangzi was a little surprised: "I know Taiji Palace...are you from Liaodong?"

Wan Qing nodded: "I'm from Lushun. I was lucky enough to go to Tai Chi Palace with my mother to pray for blessings."


This city had been slaughtered long ago. Zhenyangzi sighed and said, "Escaped with your family?"

Wan Qing shook her head and said, "They are all dead."

There was silence for a moment, and then Zhenyangzi said:

"Oh, everyone in my family is dead too."

He threw the empty wine jar toward the Yangtze River and asked, "Are you not a disciple of the Longmen Sect?"

He neither wore Longmen sect clothes nor attended the ceremony, which was quite strange.

Wan Qing said bluntly: "My husband is Lu Li."

Zhenyangzi really didn't expect that there was such a relationship, and he also realized that this blind girl had a good level of cultivation, and it was actually a blood transfusion with fetal breath.

It's logically impossible to do this when you're blind.

And... Zhenyangzi glanced at the sky, and Li Yuanzhong's Wensong Sword had been suspended in mid-air.

"What are you doing? Are you protecting this girl?"

Zhenyangzi was wondering, but suddenly his expression changed and he turned to look at the foot of the mountain!

At the gate of the mountain, a noble man in a suit and leather shoes was walking up the steps.

Even though he was nearly 10 kilometers away, he could sense Zhenyangzi's gaze. After glancing this way, he cupped his fist in the distance.

"Azure Dragon!"

Zhen Yangzi recognized who the person was and said to Wan Qing, "The person who came here is evil. Your man is in trouble."

Wan Qing smiled softly and said with a relaxed expression: "It's okay, my husband will solve it soon."

Zhenyangzi raised his eyes, feeling that this little girl was too conceited...

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