I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 340 339. Sword Fighting

Here in the main hall, the auspicious time is coming and the ceremony is about to begin.

But Hou Shaoyi stood next to Li Yuanzhong and used his true energy to transmit the message:

[Master, the Governor of Liangjiang did not send anyone...]

The largest sect in the territory has a happy event. The governor should express his feelings and reasons and at least send someone to go there.

There is no movement at the moment, which is quite intriguing.

Many guests had noticed something was wrong and started whispering among themselves.

It's useless to think too much, Li Yuanzhong planned to hold the ceremony first before talking about it.

But at this moment, he frowned and looked towards the mountain gate.

After a while, the disciple on duty at the entrance of the main hall suddenly shouted loudly:

[Master Shen Siang has arrived! 】

Upon hearing this announcement, the hall fell silent for an instant, and many people looked like they were watching a good show.

In full view of everyone, a man and a woman stepped into the main entrance of the hall.

The man was about 20 years old, with a cold and arrogant expression and domineering eyes. He was the son of the Governor of Liangjiang - Qinglong Shen Si'ang.

As soon as this person arrived, countless flatterers immediately nodded and bowed, saluted and said hello.

Shen Siang was used to seeing such scenes, so he just nodded casually a few times and walked closer with the woman.

"I've seen a real person."

Shen Siang neatly hugged his fists, and then introduced the young woman next to him:

"This is the true successor of the Taishan Sect - Su Qing, my fiancée... who just broke through to the Golden Body realm a few months ago."

This Su Qing has picturesque features, graceful figure, and a fairy-like air.

She only nodded slightly to Li Yuanzhong, even though she said hello, it didn't look very respectful.

But the expressions of all the guests had changed drastically: "Golden Body Realm!" "Seriously!?"

Su Qing deliberately let go of his momentum, and the magnetic field of life surged on the surface of his body like rolling flames, causing the guests in the palace to retreat one after another.

Feeling the difference in vitality firsthand, many people in the venue were filled with envy and even disbelief:

"Can the great master of the Five Mountains Immortal Sect ask me to be my wife!?"

"We are just Qinglong, what is impossible!"

"Wait a minute... He brought his wife to the house like this. Does he want to retaliate against the Longmen Sect!?"

Shen Siang's lips curled up, very satisfied with the shocking effect brought by his fiancée.

This visit is just for revenge and a slap in the face!

I have aspirations for the world, so I must gather my faith and will to show my holiness. How can I leave the stain of being ridiculed by others?

Li Yuanzhong didn't want to be on the same level as his juniors, and he didn't want the Izumo people to benefit from internal fighting, so he said warmly:

"The virtuous couple came hand in hand, and we wish you the same joy today. You are both leaders of the younger generation, so you might as well keep in touch with each other in the future."

"It's natural."

Shen Si laughed loudly and took the opportunity to look at Xia Weiyun's attractive figure, his heart burning:

[What a top-notch slut, an ordinary man would drain all his energy on the spot just by hugging her]

Dragon nature is inherently lustful, and Xia Weiyun got goosebumps when the other party looked at her.

From the beginning, she instinctively disliked this Qinglong, so she became a monk and resisted the marriage.

See you again today, I feel that this beast is far more disgusting than before.

Xia Weiyun then leaned behind Lu Li to block the disgusting gaze.

Meanwhile, Lu Li was sizing up Qinglong's fiancée, Su Qing.

He had always been immune to the fairy temperament. His eyes swept over this woman's buttocks and breasts, and he came to the conclusion that "it's okay."

Su Qing sensed Lu Li's gaze, and her eyes became colder.

Shen Siang also looked at Lu Li, noticing his broken leg, and there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"Lu Li, right? I heard that you did a good job in killing Ling Gui."

Shen Siang assumed a condescending posture and commented:

"The Jin people have done many unjust things, and we should punish them together. However, you used five flying swords, and you were half-hearted and fell into the wrong position. I will give you some guidance another day."

Xia Weijun quit and said with a cold face:

"Shen Si'ang, you are just one step ahead in the martial arts realm, so what qualifications do you have to guide my husband!"

Shen Siang smiled and said nothing, and Su Qing took the initiative to stand up and speak:

"You will know if you are qualified to give it a try! You also said it just now - it is just that the martial arts realm is superior. Then let the two of them have a [sword fight] with their minds alone, how dare you!!"


Xia Weiyun's expression froze when the other party took advantage of him.

The so-called "sword fight" is just like the "cricket fight", where flying swords are used to fight.

This can be regarded as a kind of "literary fight". After all, losing will not hurt your life.

But the problem is that even if he only uses his mind, Qinglong Martial Arts is innate and his explosive power is much higher.

What's more, if Bitch Su dares to take the initiative, she must have something to rely on.

Xia Weiyun certainly didn't want to agree, and Li Yuanzhong also wanted to smooth things over...

But Lu Li didn't want to talk any more and simply said directly: "Since Qinglong is interested, let's discuss it."

"He's quite a happy person!"

Seeing that the cripple really dared to agree, Shen Siang secretly laughed at the other person for not overestimating his abilities, and quickly spoke to settle the matter:

"I'm also a little bit technical, so let's just use our minds to control the sword. Don't worry~ I won't use my martial arts skills to overwhelm you."

Shen Siang smiled heartily, then raised his hand, and a two-foot-long little golden dragon flew out of his sleeve.

The little golden dragon opened his mouth and spat out, and a foot-long sword came out of his mouth and turned into a dragon-shaped flying sword.

This object is quite famous, and many people in the venue can recognize it:

"It's the 'Long Sui Sword'! The flying sword of Lu Qi, a scholar of the Yuan Dynasty!"

"The fourth-grade flying sword is extremely spiritual and extremely difficult to deal with!"

The "Dragon Sui Sword" was obviously not an ordinary thing, and everyone looked at Lu Li again.

I saw him holding out a flying sword with wavy patterns on its body, which was the "Shadow Sword".

"Shadow Sword" has no allusion and no one knows it.

The appearance of "Golden Dragon Breathing Blade" is not as good as that of Long Suijian, and it seems that its strength is also far inferior?

Shen Siang was very sure of this.

He has found out that when Lu Li killed Ling Gui last month, the flying sword was only at the lower level of fifth level.

My Dragon Sui Sword is the middle of the fourth grade, a higher grade, and can cut off the opponent within three moves!

So this time, we not only have to slap him in the face, but also cut off the opponent's flying sword to promote his own flying sword!

Ever since, Shen Siang took the initiative and said:

"Lu Li, I heard that you have five flying swords. You can call them out together."

Lu Li has 6 flying swords, and including Wan Qing's, it can be said to be 7, but only 5 have been exposed to the outside world.

The guy in front of him was not worthy of all his efforts, Lu Li said casually:

"I'll just use a flying sword."

Upon hearing this, those who were on the side of the "Longmen Sect" immediately broke into a cold sweat.

This sword fight was not fair at all, and Qinglong secretly took advantage.

Xia Weixin was a little worried, but when he saw the little man's calm eyes, he stood quietly without saying much.

Li Yuanzhong also knew that Lu Li was no ordinary person, but he secretly sighed that things were going in the direction he least expected.

The old Taoist priest really wants to unite all the forces that can be united to solve China's current enemy first, but it is a pity that things are unpredictable.

He has lived long enough to understand that it is better to block than to open up. Knowing that blocking at this time is of little significance, he said loudly:

"Since both of you are interested, let's discuss it to add to the fun. Grandmaster Su, let's work together to put up a shield so as not to hurt the guests."

Su Qing nodded calmly, then raised his hand and waved the golden light together with the old Taoist priest.

This is the Grand Master's "Immortal Will", which is now transformed into an "inverted giant bowl" to cover the field as a protection.

Everything was ready, and the two flying swords collided with each other!

But there was a loud "bang" sound, a circle of air waves exploded in mid-air, and bright spots of light shot out.

The "Shadow Sword" took a step back, while the "Dragon Sui Sword" flew forward two steps crookedly!

Shen Siang and Su Qing changed their expressions at the same time:

"Twice the speed of sound! He also has a fourth-grade flying sword!"

"He's still in the fourth grade!"

Seeing this scene, Xia Weixin breathed a sigh of relief. Her husband indeed had a trump card... but Feijian was promoted too quickly!

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