I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 347 346. The soul appears

After several juniors saluted and said hello, Li Yuanzhong did not hesitate and directly stated the purpose of his visit:

"In the sword fight that day, the old Taoist saw that Lu Li's cultivation level was enough to 'act with the soul'. This is the last hurdle in the out-of-body realm, so we might as well break through it as soon as possible."

Lu Li immediately clasped his fists and said, "I have exactly the same idea!"

"Okay, then you can study the old Taoist spirit carefully and see if you can gain anything."

Li Yuanzhong did not teach anything directly, but let Lu Li try it on his own first.

Being so polite and well-intentioned, it would be disrespectful to be polite.

Lu Li immediately stepped forward and reached out to touch the old Taoist priest's arm, and it passed through him.

This is normal, after all, the soul appears like a ball of illusory light and shadow.

But Lu Li also felt a numbness in his hands, as if a ball of electricity had passed through him.

Immediately afterwards, he wrapped his heart in his hand and touched it.

This time, it was impossible to get through. There was a strong repulsive force between the two, making it impossible to get closer.

After trying it for a while, Lu Li suddenly realized:

"This manifested spirit...actually has a physical entity!"

"It is made up of particles. It is thin but not illusory light and shadow, but a real existence."

Seeing that he had gained something, Li Yuanzhong stroked his beard and said, "You might as well give it a try yourself."

Just when Lu Li had this intention, his soul immediately left his body, and a ball of blue and white light flew out from between his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, he encouraged his mind and tried to pull the soul light ball into a human form.

After struggling for a while, the ball of light could only be pulled into a "big" shape, but it would return to its original shape as soon as it was relaxed, like a balloon.

Lu Li felt something wasn't right, not to mention that it looked too weird, so he couldn't keep it up all the time, right? It’s not worth the gain…

At this time, Li Yuanzhong smiled and said:

"My little friend, haven't you already known your true nature and seen yourself? Why bother forcing yourself like this?"

"Clear the mind, see the nature, and see the self" are exactly the requirements for refining the mind and entering concentration!

"Yes! The soul is my consciousness, it is 'me', so why should I force it!"

After hearing these words, Lu Li suddenly understood——

The instinct of flesh-and-blood life allows one to anchor "I" in the physical body, believing that the physical body is the foundation of life.

The soul is just an extension of the separated consciousness and body.

If you don’t think it is yourself, then your soul can only be a ball of light.

Realizing the problem, Lu Li quickly returned to his senses and closed his eyes to meditate.

The three women were present to listen, but they did not dare to say a word when they saw the situation, for fear of disturbing them.

Li Yuanzhong nodded with satisfaction, feeling that this man had a very high level of understanding and could make sense with just a few clicks.

When the soul leaves the body, what comes out can’t just be thoughts, it needs to be the complete “I”.

The complete "I", in addition to the thinking personality, also includes the "subconscious mind", which is the key to the manifestation of the soul.

Easier said than done, Li Yuanzhong thought, no matter how smart Lu Li was, he still had to study for another three to five days.

But just as he thought this, Lu Li suddenly opened his eyes!

A humanoid shadow emitting blue-white light flew out from between his eyebrows. It was his soul!

It still looks a bit unreal, but it has a natural human form, not the forced look before.

Li Yuanzhong was extremely surprised: It was so fast!

Lu Li didn't find it difficult at all.

In his opinion, both the physical body and the soul are important parts of one's life form, and if either one is missing, one will be doomed.

If that's the case, then why bother? The soul is "I"!

Lu Li has never been a complicated person. He always talks about his sexual desires and sleeping with others.

As long as he is recognized as an enemy, he will have no qualms about destroying the city.

This kind of frankness and decisiveness, Zhenghe Dao, firm heart and unswerving determination!

Therefore, when Lu Li left his body this time, he left his body with the belief of "I", and the "subconscious mind" was born in his soul.

The "subconscious mind" will instinctively maintain the existence of "me". Without deliberate intervention, the soul light ball will naturally transform into a human form.

And, it will further shape "I".

Facing everyone's gaze, Lu Li barely had a human-like spirit, and unexpectedly quickly manifested hair and fingers.

The skin gradually adjusted to its normal color, and even the facial features grew.

In just a few breaths, Lu Li's soul took on his own appearance.

He lowered his head and looked at his body, and he transformed into clothes of the same style as his physical body. His spirit became almost the same as that of an ordinary person.

Of course, just "almost."

The soul's eyes have no pupils, just two groups of ghostly light.

This shows that there are still areas that need to be improved... But Li Yuanzhong was stunned:

"It's so fast!"

Lu Li's current progress would have taken a normal monk three to five years, but he did it in just a few minutes!

This is not something that can be explained by chance or luck... this is simply pure talent!

"Yes, only this kind of talent can subdue Qinglong."

Li Yuanzhong sighed.

But he himself is also one of the few great masters in the world, so of course he knows how big the gap between people can be.

He quickly calmed down and said to Lu Li:

"Congratulations, little friend, your soul has appeared! From now on, you can use your soul to drive your physical body to truly fly, and you can also wield a sword with your soul."

After hearing this, Lu Li quickly tried the flying ability that he was most interested in.

The spirit covered the entire body like armor, easily lifting it off the ground and gliding back and forth in the air.

In the past, I just relied on my mind to lift, which was very awkward. It was not as smooth as flying now, and I could reach infinite heights!

However, there was still class at this time, and Lu Li only rushed to an altitude of more than a thousand meters before quickly falling back.

Seeing the young man landing as lightly as a swallow, Li Yuanzhong smiled and said:

"Practice is really interesting. I don't know how many novelties are waiting for me. Next~ I still need to manifest my eyes and put the finishing touches on it before I can achieve great perfection."

Lu Li's eyes were still glowing, which was an area that needed improvement.

Li Yuanzhong suggested:

"My little friend just needs to move a lot with the soul posture, and he will be able to dot his eyes in no time. I just take this opportunity to practice wielding the sword with the soul. This is some experience from an experienced practitioner."

This series of teachings really saves countless hard work.

Lu Li quickly clasped his fists and thanked him sincerely: "Thank you so much for your guidance, I've benefited a lot!"

"No need to be polite. In fact, the old Taoist also has some selfish motives."

Li Yuanzhong smiled happily and said:

"When you grow up and China's overall situation is stable, the old Taoist wants to try to be promoted to a saint."

Promotion to a high level means death if you fail, and the old Taoist priests don't dare to take risks.

Fortunately, we have a peerless genius on our side, and we finally have hope.

Lu Li also solemnly said: "I will do my best and I will never let you down!"

Li Yuanzhong nodded with a smile, then looked up at the sky and said with a hint of hope:

"If you show your holy golden body, you are qualified to fly into the sky. I want to go to the stars to have a look... According to the classics, there are cave ruins of ancient immortals on Venus and Mars. I yearn for them~"

Lu Li also raised his head and took a look. It would be nice to go shopping when he has some free time in the future. He hasn't traveled yet.

But now, one has to practice both god refining and martial arts to the extreme.

In this way, once Zhenyangzi's elixir comes, he can directly start to advance to Xiantian, and then... manifest his sage!

Only by showing the Holy Spirit can one transform from a chess piece to a chess player!

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