I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 348 347. Helplessness and Understanding

Lu Li made detailed plans for his next practice.

In the morning, I sparred with my innate big sister to strengthen my body and increase my experience in close combat;

After that, there is the Divine Soul Sword Controlling, where you can practice flying swords while finishing your eyesight.

These little guys must be treated as living beings and be accompanied by them in order to exert greater power.

After that, it’s time to cleanse and practice the acupoints…

By the time all this busy work was over, it was almost evening.

It’s perfect to stick your wife up and take a good nap to restore your energy!

According to this plan, Lu Li actually lived a comfortable and fulfilling few days.

But the good mood only lasted less than three days before it was shattered.

Because the acupuncture points on the body have been trained.

To be precise, the "acupoints that can be refined" have been refined.

Insufficiency of the six meridians is not just a lack of acupuncture points on one calf.

Just like a damaged circuit, many intact acupoints on the relevant meridians have also lost their function. For example, the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin is almost completely destroyed.

No matter how hard Lu Li tried to discover, there were still as many as 120 acupoints that he could not refine!

"In other words, martial arts practice has come to a standstill."

With dark clouds covering his head, Lu Li sat in the pavilion on the mountainside and sighed, feeling helpless.

Cleaning and practicing the acupoints can fundamentally strengthen the body and solidify the innate foundation.

This broken leg really slowed down my progress greatly.

Especially since Zhen Yangzi doesn’t know when he will come back, and the efficacy of the elixir is also unknown...

"The road ahead is really slim~"

Lu Li whispered, and rain began to fall from the sky.

Sensing that the master was in a bad mood, seven flying swords flew over to caress him, as if to comfort him.

Wan Qing's blood-drinking sword is also there. It seems that the master is studying and this guy came to join in the fun.

Lu Li didn't notice either. He poured 10% of his attention into each sword and at the same time stretched out his fingers to play with it.

The flying swords will actively avoid the sword edge so as not to hurt their master.

After playing with the babies for a while, Lu Li felt better and thought of some good news.

With the Yin Yuan provided by Sister Xia, my kidneys will definitely be much stronger.

It can strengthen the body, and can also make the inner breath last and have strong stamina.

This is Jin Xiantian’s strong guarantee!

Just when I thought of this, a sexy figure swayed over, it was Xia Weini.

The true energy formed an invisible air shield on her body, blocking out the rain.

Under normal circumstances, you might get wet even if it rains, but it's not worth wasting your energy.

But the younger husband provided inspiration, and there was no shortage of vitality. Xia Weixin also had a rare luxury.

Seeing her husband's desolate expression, she casually took a burst of zhenqi to explore and nourish her, and said:

"What's wrong? Oh~ You've practiced well. You've finished practicing both the Ren and Du pulses!"

Divine objects such as Lingji are suitable for use in the golden body. It will definitely be beneficial to just exchange blood for practice.

After Xia Weixin finished speaking, he also knew why his husband was worried, so he comforted him and said:

"With Master Uncle Zhenyang's Life and Creation Pill, if you collect more of my Yin Yuan, it will not be difficult for you to advance to Xiantian."

"Thank you, Sister Xia."

Lu Li naturally thanked his elder sister for her kindness, and held her in his arms, playing with the soft flesh.

"Ah~ stop making trouble!"

Xia Wei could not stand the teasing, and quickly held his hand to prevent it from moving, but he already said with a hint of flattery:

"Brother, Wan Qing and Xiao Cha are actually women with abundant Yin energy. You might as well..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li shook his head: "They are in the same realm as me. The damage is too great and I can't bear to let them go."

"As long as I have an idea, it's actually nothing serious."

"Let's wait until Taoist Master Zhenyangzi's elixir arrives and take a look before talking."

Lu Li felt sorry for his wife, especially Shouyuan, who had hurt Xiaocha before, and he really didn't want to do this again.

When Xia Weixin saw this, he stopped trying to persuade him.

But she came here because of business. Just as she was about to say something, Lu Li's hands suddenly moved up again.

Xia Weining called twice and then forgot about it.

When she came back to her senses, she suddenly found herself sitting astride her waist, swallowing the root.

"What are you doing! Don't... ah ah, please stay alert and alert the surroundings, don't let anyone come over!"

It was too late to say anything at this time, so Xia Weina punched Lu Li fiercely and asked him to look at someone.

"Don't worry, Sister Xia. This place is originally a forbidden area. I'll keep my mind on it and make sure not even an ant can get through."

Master Lu is also a decent person, so of course he has to be vigilant. He also added:

"My mind has soundproofing effect, Sister Xia doesn't need to hold it in."

After that, he had a good meal and his thoughts became more and more clear.

After a while, the rain began to lighten up. Xia Weiyun came down quickly and said angrily:

"I comforted you kindly, and this is how you repay me!"

It's so ridiculous in the sect, and it's hard for the head disciple to accept it.

Lu Li quickly changed the subject: "Sister Xia, you came to me for something?"

"Damn, I forgot about it!"

Xia Weiyun smoothed her clothes and hair and said:

“I, the Mortal Society, are keeping a close eye on the water and land routes and killing the dealers transporting Bingpo Powder.

This is to reduce the harm of poisons, and to alert others and find clues to the poison manufacturing factory.

But those dealers are quite powerful, and many of their colleagues have been injured in their hands in the past few days.

I'm thinking that you wield the sword with your soul every day, so it's better to have a real fight to avoid wasting it...Besides, you don't have to leave the mountain gate. "

In addition to making the flying sword faster and more accurate, the greatest significance of the divine soul sword control is that the divine soul provides abundant energy, and the flying sword can fight at ultra-long distances.

As the saying goes, "capturing the enemy's head thousands of miles away" is not an exaggeration.

Now that Lu Li's soul has appeared, he can carry more souls, and he can really fly 500 kilometers with his flying sword!

Of course, the specific consumption depends on the intensity of the battle, but killing a few Ice Soul Powder dealers is not a problem.

Moreover, it was an easy task, so Lu Li naturally agreed:

"It's easy, just tell me the time and place. By the way~ my puppet can also help!"

As soon as he thought about it, 18 puppets walked out of the courtyard at the foot of the mountain and ran over at top speed.

After a round of strengthening in Blue Star, even 16 ordinary ones can compare with the middle and upper-level blood-changing warriors.

The two leader levels are only below Xiantian!

Moreover, they shared 200 million units of will power on Blue Star, so they had no shortage of energy and were just in time to do some activity.

"I almost forgot you still have this!"

Xia Weiyun patted these metal creations and was speechless:

"The design is too exquisite! The joints are so flexible, but the weight is supported by the skeleton... and it has been refined with the power of wish!?"

Xia Weiyun came from a famous family and certainly had a lot of experience.

As soon as he saw the puppet's body emitting a faint golden light, like the protector general in his sect's main hall, he knew the details.

Lu Li nodded and said, "In this way, it should be able to relieve the pressure on the Killing Society."

"That's for sure!"

Xia Weijun calculated:

"There are exactly two targets right now - in Chizhou, 200 kilometers southwest, there is a group of giant bandits making waves;

The people from Guangsheng Escort Bureau will pass by Xuancheng Highway, a hundred kilometers away in the south. "

"I'll deal with the far ones, and let the puppet deal with the close ones."

Lu Li's soul left his body, got into the "Green Frost Sword", and flew away with a bang.

The puppet went to Guangsheng Escort Agency.

Next, there will be countless bloody storms!

But there is a female grandmaster who has her eyes on the puppet's body that emits the golden light of its wish~

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