I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 357 356. We have to face it after all

Once the Golden Bridge is built, it is not just Ren and Du who are connected.

The most important piece of the puzzle is connected, and what is connected is a total of 26 meridians on the front, back, left, and right of the human body!

This is equivalent to connecting high-speed railways that were originally independent of each other to form a high-speed railway trunk line.

The transportation capacity will inevitably increase dramatically, and the energy conduction efficiency will also be drastically different!

Lu Li gently beat his heart, and in the blink of an eye, the innate Qi penetrated his whole body, reaching the smallest pores.

"too fast!"

Just like people who are accustomed to taking long-distance buses, they will inevitably be surprised when they take the high-speed rail for the first time.

Originally, there was only one "Fu Taiyang Bladder Meridian", and it took a full two seconds to follow the entire meridian.

Now it only takes a few milliseconds for Qi to penetrate the whole body. The difference is too ridiculous!

And this ultra-high-speed energy channel is not only used to circulate true energy.

Its most important function is to circulate the refined "essence" of the five internal organs, that is, the original substances and particles that maintain the human body's life activities.

At this moment, every cell in Lu Li's body was frantically absorbing Qi and nutrients, and rapidly multiplied and expanded with the help of terrifying energy transmission efficiency.

When a person is a fetus, he carries the energy provided by his mother in this way and grows rapidly.

That’s why this realm is called “Xiantian”!

Under this influence, the amino acids in Lu Li's body were reconnected with peptide bonds, and the protein molecules were further combined and arranged to form ultra-high-strength "carbon fibers" to strengthen the muscles and bones.

Its strength is as high as over 3.5GPa, while ordinary steel is only 0.5GPa!

Natural methionine is also produced in muscles, forming a "spider silk"-like structure.

The strength, and especially the ductility, of muscle fibers is five times that of steel wire of the same weight!

This is an extraordinary body that can be called abnormal!

Originally, this process took seven days, but with the inspiration and reconciliation, one day was enough.

Feeling his body getting stronger and stronger, Lu Li was extremely pleased.

"It's not easy... Fortunately, the hard work was not in vain!"

Without a leg, the road to innateness was full of hardships and ups and downs, but now the pain is finally over!

Xia Weixin also smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, handed over his hands and bowed:

"Congratulations to my husband for being promoted to the innate realm, and congratulations to Sister Cha for becoming an incredible master~"

Xiaocha also made a breakthrough in his innate ability and made a qualitative leap in strength. Naturally, he was overjoyed.

But then, she and Lu Li looked at each other, but their joy faded away, and they turned to look at Wan Qing.

The girl closed her eyes and remained motionless...

She also used the "Butterfly Dream Out of Body Technique", but when Lu Li made a breakthrough, he spent a whole day in the dream, and only one minute passed in the outside world.

It's been almost half an hour now and he's still not awake, so it's obviously an accident.

Lu Li and Xiao Cha had worried looks on their faces, and Xia Weixin also looked solemn, but still comforted softly:

"This little hoof is a Suzaku. How can he be stumped by a mere out-of-body experience? It will definitely happen in a while."

That's what he said, but caring can lead to chaos. Lu Li looked at Wan Qing's soft and serene pretty face, still feeling worried.

Anyway, the body needs to grow and adapt, so Lu Li simply stays by Wan Qing's side, and the same goes for Xiao Cha.

She knew that Xia Weiyun was troubled by many things, so she took the initiative and said:

"Sister Xia, you go and do your work first. We can just watch from here."

"It's okay, I'm really inseparable."

Izumo's drug manufacturing factory has been found, and there will definitely be big moves next.

As the backbone of the Killing Society, Xia Weixin will definitely not have any leisure time.

She went to work, while Lu Li and Xiao Cha stayed with Wan Qing while stabilizing her state.

But another hour passed, and there was still no movement from Wan Qing, with a peaceful smile on her face?

Lu Li frowned and couldn't figure out what happened to the girl.

And Wanqing...is falling into memories


"The slippery veins alternate and flow smoothly; the shape of a coiled bead represents the meaning of lotus dew."

On the path paved with bluestones, there was a little beauty of eight or nine years old, reciting the pulse-taking technique in a crisp and clear voice.

Her appearance is exactly like that of Wan Qing when she was a child, fair and cute.

Next to her, a gentle woman who looked very much like her said with a smile:

"It's not difficult to memorize the verses, but you have to know how to use them. This slippery vein is like dewdrops on a lotus leaf, spinning and falling off~"

"Mother, Wan Qing can be spared."

Xiao Wanqing nodded repeatedly. There happened to be a lotus bay nearby, and there were dewdrops on the lotus leaves.

She stood close and looked carefully, feeling the "twirling and slipping" of the dewdrops and comprehending the "sliding pulse" in the pulse.

But at this moment, a pair of big hands suddenly pushed her behind her.

Wan Qing was startled and almost fell into the water, but was held tightly by big hands.

"Daddy hates it!"

Looking back, I saw that the prankster was my own father, a 30-year-old smiling man.

The soft and graceful woman also blamed her husband: "How old are you, and you are still not in shape."

"Just kidding~ By the way~ I bought some sea cucumbers to replenish your health~"

The man showed off an oil paper bag and looked at his wife's belly with a silly smile.

The "Hua Mai" I just taught is also called the "Xi Mai", which governs pregnancy.

The family of three walked home happily, full of happiness, but Wan Qing's face showed a look of struggle.

As she got closer to home, Wan Qing's struggle became more and more intense.

When he stood at the door of his house, his whole body started to tremble and he squatted on the ground in pain...

This frightened the couple, and they quickly felt the pulse and auscultated the patient, trying to figure out what emergency illness their daughter had.

But after only a few seconds, Wan Qing stood up again, with a mature look on her face that she shouldn't have, and said sadly:

"Dad, mother, I'm fine. I just have some memories that I don't want to see, so I resist subconsciously... but people have to face them eventually."

The couple looked at each other: "What's going on?" "Don't move, I'll show you..."

"No, let me hug you."

Wan Qing hugged her parents tightly and refused to let go for a long time.

At this moment, everything around him was frozen instantly, and time seemed to have frozen.

But then, it suddenly accelerated again!

The whole world is like a movie that has been sped up dozens of times, and the picture is changing rapidly.

The warmth was gone, replaced by rumbling gunfire and ear-splitting explosions.

"Wan Qing, go under the bed quickly and don't come out no matter what happens for a while!"

The mother looked anxious, and pushed her daughter into the bed with her slightly bulging belly.

As soon as all this was done, the door was knocked open and a few stocky soldiers broke in.

They were carrying Type 38 rifles with a rising sun flag under their bayonets, and they immediately laughed obscenely when they saw a woman.

Wan Qing huddled under the bed and soon heard her mother's piercing screams and the sound of clothes breaking.

My mother begged for mercy and cried out in despair. Wan Qing kept listening.

Until a samurai sword pierced the bed and plunged into the ground right in front of the little girl's eyes.

Plasma flowed along the blade, and the blade spun in a circle, and my mother immediately stopped moving.

There was no expression on Wan Qing's face, and she watched indifferently as she drew back her katana.

After several Izumo soldiers also left chatting and laughing, Wan Qing crawled out from under the bed and walked slowly to the street.

The ground was full of corpses, and there wasn't even a place to stay.

The former Lotus Bay was also filled with corpses and turned into a dark red stinking ditch.

Not far away, several Izumo soldiers were curious about how to use the stone roller, so they put a crying baby on it and crushed it into paste.


Hearing a loud shout, a sexy and charming woman fell from the sky, her pretty face turned red with anger, and she ripped out the hearts and lungs of several Izumo soldiers.

This is Xia Weiyun!

A warrior has a long youth. Even after 10 years, her appearance has not changed.

Xia Weiyun picked up Xiao Wanqing and jumped to the port.

There is a small boat here, a foreigner's boat, but the Izumo people did not attack it.

Xia Weijun put Wanqing on the boat and quickly returned to Lushun.

As the ship set sail, Wan Qing looked up at the sky and saw a Zero fighter plane swooping down.

She stared at the rising sun flag paint on the fuselage and whispered: "I will burn everything..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole world collapsed and turned into ashes.

Seeing Lu Li's worried eyes, Wan Qing apologized:

"Mr. Lang is worried because I am about to leave my body."

As soon as she finished speaking, a fiery red figure flew out from between the girl's eyebrows!

The human body, the wings, and the burning flames!

As soon as Wan Qing came out of her body, her spirit was in human form! Flames are billowing all over his body, and he also has a pair of wings!

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