I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 358 357. Filial piety

Seeing Wan Qing's unique soul, Lu Li and Xiao Cha were immediately amazed:

"As expected of Suzaku, there is magic everywhere!"

"Is this fire real... Damn it! It's so hot!"

Xiaocha curiously touched the flames on Wanqing's body, and waved her hands away because it was so hot.

It doesn't look like anything serious, but this is the scariest thing!

The carbon fiber-reinforced innate body is not only hard, but also has a terrible ability to withstand high temperatures.

Being able to burn them instantly means that these flames are extremely hot.

Lu Li took a mental test, and sure enough: "It's more than 2,000 degrees, and the sunset is amazing!"

This can melt most metals, which is incredible.

However, it was also very consuming. Wan Qing only experienced it for less than a minute before she quickly returned to her senses.

At this point, the whole family has made breakthroughs at the same time. They are really working together to advance through thick and thin!

The three of them looked at me and I looked at you, all of them were overjoyed.

Lu Li said cheerfully: "That's great, let's celebrate being sleeping together~"

Xiaocha immediately punched him: "You are the same as me! You have a dirty mind!"

Lu Li said dissatisfied: "You clearly promised me to pay back the debt back then, but you don't keep your word."

"Who told you not to establish written evidence? By the way, why are you always thinking about this?"

"I don't know, I just really want to. Maybe I'm too horny."

"It's hard for Master Lu Da to say so calmly..."

Lu Li and Xiao Cha chatted with each other, while Wan Qing stood aside in a daze.

The family had a tacit understanding and didn't ask her what Diemeng had gone through, but they could basically guess it and would definitely not expose the scars.

Wan Qing's soul is uniquely powerful, and the two great masters on Qixia Mountain live not far away, so it is impossible not to sense it.

After a while, Li Yuanzhong, Zhen Yangzi, and Xia Weixin also came over.

"Congratulations to the little friend for breaking through his talent, and congratulations to the two girls for taking another step forward."

Li Yuanzhong congratulated him with a smile on his face.

But Zhenyangzi looked shocked, grabbed Li Yuanzhong by the collar and said:

"You old thing! This is Suzaku! You even hid it from me!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, there are too many things going on recently, I forgot to tell Brother Tao..."

Li Yuanzhong kept laughing. Zhenyangzi was too angry and didn't bother to pursue the matter, as long as Suzaku grew up.

He looked at the Lu Li family who had just escaped from the situation, and suddenly felt... there was no hope of revenge in this life!

A few young people will transform again, and with five or six gold-level combat powers, they will be able to compete head-on with the Izumo people!

At this time, Lu Li said:

"This successful breakthrough, I want to destroy the vicious factory and rescue Mr. Nan at the same time."

"That's what I was going to tell you."

Li Yuanzhong stroked his beard and said:

"Qinglong's wedding is coming soon, and the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou has come to congratulate you in advance. This person is an ally of Shenxing and has a grudge against you."

As soon as he heard the name Governor of Yungui, Lu Li understood: "Fan Chengbin...is he a relative of Fan Chengxun?"

"That's right."

Li Yuanzhong continued:

"Right now, the Shen family has gathered three golden bodies. Tomorrow morning, my Taoist brother and I will go to the Governor's Mansion to hold them off. I took the opportunity to seize the factory!"

Lu Li cupped his fist and said, "Put it on me!"

"Wei Ni will tell you the detailed information. Although you are powerful, don't take it lightly."

"Save it for me!"

After the matter was settled, both parties took their leave and went back to prepare.


Xia Weining explained the situation in the factory:

“It has been proven that this ghost place is a hundred meters deep underground, covering an area of ​​nearly 10 square kilometers, which is quite large.

According to calculations, there should be at least three innate guards, including the chief of the Izumome Agency, the commander of the Special Marine Corps, and the chief steward of the Shen Mansion. "

Hearing this, Xiaocha curled her lips and said, "Only three? None of us can afford one."

Wan Qing also said: "There are indeed very few...but Sister Xia said at least three, I hope there can be more."

A mere three innates are really not enough for a family to kill, even Lu Li can handle it himself.

He is thinking: through this battle, he will familiarize himself with the realm, let the soul appear in the eyes, and then return to the Blue Star to manifest the saint!

This is the ultimate goal!

Unknowingly, the innately strong can only become targets and whetstones.

But Xia Weiyun had not experienced this feeling of being completely crushed by strength for a long time.

The situation was going from bad to worse, and she was used to being weak and weak against the strong.

Suddenly being bullied all of a sudden...it feels great!

There is no need for any battle plans or pre-war preparations. Just go ahead and get it done tomorrow~

Xia Weiyun smiled charmingly, and then suddenly thought of something: "By the way, I almost forgot!"

She took out a jade box, and when she opened it, there were three crystal clear plums inside. They were spiritual fruits~

"This is a tribute sent by the 'Ryukyu Restoration Association'. Master said that I would give it to you to stabilize your state."

"Ryukyu Restoration Association?"

Lu Li asked casually, and Xia Weiyun distributed the plums to the three of them and explained:

"After Ryukyu was annexed by Izumo, its citizens went into exile overseas in an attempt to restore the country. This time they used the relationship of Liu Jintang, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, to make friends."

"I see."

Lu Li took a spirit plum and suddenly saw a line of words written on the jade box:

[If you are not born as an Izumo person, you will not die as an Izumo ghost]

It's like a slogan written on a gift when giving it away.

Lu Li nodded and said, "I'm quite determined."

"The country is small and the people are weak, and all that remains is determination."

Xia Weixin sighed slightly, and then urged: "You guys should eat it quickly. This Lingli protects the liver and strengthens the kidneys, and its effect is extraordinary."

"That's it... Then Sister Xia, you eat it for me."

Lu Li put the tempting spiritual fruit towards Xia Weiyun's mouth.

Xia Weiyun's face turned red: "Hurry up and cook for me."

Lu Li held up the fruit and said seriously, "I just want to give it to Sister Xia, so please eat it quickly."

Xia Weiyun couldn't resist him, so he took the Lingli in his hand and ate it, unable to hide the joy on his face.

Xiaocha threw the fruit into her mouth, chewed it loudly, and said, "It's so sour~"

This is definitely not about the fruit, but the relationship between the two of them.

Wan Qing put her fruit to Lu Li's mouth with a smile and said, "Give Mr. Lang a bite to taste~"

Lu Li kissed her finger and said with a smile:

"Just take good care of your body and bones. I don't lack this."

He had just picked a great master, and he really didn't lack the kidney-strengthening effect of a spiritual fruit.

At this time, there were still a few hours before dawn, and several people went to adjust their breath and refine themselves to prepare for tomorrow's battle.

Xia Weiyun's eyes flickered and he said to Lu Li:

"You haven't eaten the spirit fruit. Sister, please give you some Yin Yuan."

Of course Lu Li didn't want it, so he hurriedly entered the room with Xia Weiyun.

After Xiantianjing, carbon fiber reinforced many places.

Xia Weiyun only knelt for a minute or two before the door of Xuan Ni opened wide and the Yin Yuan billowed.

This is also an intuitive manifestation of physical growth.

Lu Li couldn't stop it, so he simply let nature take its course.

After one night, his realm was already stable and he needed a warm-up to get familiar with it.

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