I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 359 358. Met a long time ago

At dawn the next day, the group set out in two groups.

Li Yuanzhong and Zhenyangzi headed west to Luzhou to "visit" the Governor's Mansion;

Lu Li and his family went east along the river to destroy the Bingpo San factory in Huzhou.

They go in opposite directions, but their goal is to pull out Izumo's fangs.

Shanghai is 500 miles away, so it’s most convenient to fly there, and there happen to be two out-of-body real people who can fly at home.

Lu Li was about to hold Xia Weixin by himself, while Wan Qing held Xiaocha...

But Wan Qing took the initiative and said, "Let me hold Sister Xia."

Hearing this, everyone was a little confused. They must not have such a good relationship...

Wan Qing smiled brightly and said, "Sister Xia and I have met a long time ago. In Lushun, you put me on the ship."

People instinctively seal up tragic memories to avoid mental breakdown. Wan Qing only recalled the past when she faced it head-on.

Xia Weixin was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened and he suddenly said:

"This is really happening...it's actually you!"

"It's me who hasn't thanked Sister Xia for saving her life yet."

Wan Qing Yingying bowed down and solemnly performed the Wanfu ceremony.

Then he walked up to Xia Weiyun, hugged his small waist, and flew up together.

Lu Li also hugged Xiao Cha and flew up to a height of 3 kilometers. The two of them clicked their tongues in wonder and said:

"I never thought there was such a relationship."

"That's right! What a coincidence! It's so destined!"

Xia Weiyun looked at Wan Qing's soft side face with compassion in her heart.

This girl was so young, she experienced the tragedy of massacre, and most likely saw her parents die tragically...

Sensing his gaze, Wan Qing turned her face and smiled softly without saying anything else.

This smile is not relief, but expectation. Hatred is like fine wine, it becomes mellower over time.

About 20 minutes later, Xia Weiyun touched the white jade finger on his hand and used his true energy to communicate to everyone:

"Land down in the bamboo forest ahead. My senior brother is looking for me. Maybe he has something to say."

Lu Li and Wan Qing landed immediately and saw Hou Shaoyi in a bamboo forest.

The monkey "Dafa" was also there. When he saw Lu Li descending from the sky, he excitedly jumped up and down on his master's shoulders.

After the meeting, Hou Shaoyi grabbed his monkey to prevent it from "rebellion" and said at the same time:

"I've asked Dafa to go in and explore, and I also drew a simple map. Take a look at it, so I can get an idea."

He handed over a simple map. Lu Li and others took a look at it and had a preliminary understanding of the layout of the underground factory.

Hou Shaoyi pointed to a place marked "Medical Department" and said sincerely:

"After the two colleagues died in battle, the remains were made into specimens by the Izumo people... If it is convenient, I hope you can bring them out so that they can be returned to their families for burial."

Xia Weiyun asked in a deep voice: "Which colleagues are they?"

Hou Shaoyi sighed and said: "Taoist Zhao Chunlin from Jade Emperor Temple, and Taoist Bi Yun, the head of Tianhou Palace."

"I will accept this matter." Lu Li nodded immediately and said, "I will definitely bring the body back."

"Master Lu is so righteous!"

Hou Shaoyi solemnly cupped his fists and said:

"I will lead many colleagues to assist outside. You only need to say a word, and we will rush in."

Along with his words, a group of people dressed as Taoist priests appeared in the bamboo forest and bowed their heads from a distance.

Of course Lu Li didn't need it, but he still responded solemnly with his fists clasped, and then said:

"If you need anything, you won't be polite. We'll go over there now!"

"I wish you all the best."

Hou Shaoyi said goodbye, but before leaving, he whispered to his junior sister:

"People from the Ryukyu Restoration Association want to ask us to rescue their princess. They should be in this underground factory as well. If possible, please help."

Xia Weiyun nodded and said, "Okay, I have honored a few souls, so I will do my best."

Lu Li didn't need to be distracted by this trivial matter, Xia Weiyun just needed to remember it.

After bidding farewell to Hou Shaoyi, Lu Li and his family set off again, arriving at the third largest city in the world at that time - Shanghai.

With a population of 4 million, China has 60% of its factories and GDP, even the Sakura of Izumo is inferior.

But now, Lu Li's family didn't have time to visit this ten-mile foreign market, so they rushed directly to the "Plum Blossom Hall".

This is a very inconspicuous three-story old building in Hongkou. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't find anything unusual. The disguise was almost perfect.

It's a pity that Lu Li got the information by chance, and "Dafa" passed the point in advance.

A family of four walked directly into it. Two men from Izumo with sanitary beards came up to ask questions, but were cut into two pieces by a red line.

The wound sizzled with high-temperature burns, and it was Wan Qing Yujian who made the move.

Her "Blood Drinking Sword" can reach twice the speed of sound, the same as Lu Li's before.

At this moment, it quickly turned into a red line, killing all the living creatures in the small building.

No matter what kind of marrow cleansing or blood transfusion, it's all done at once.

As for the refining viscera, it was cut into two torches on the spot by the high temperature attached to the flying sword.

Lu Li took a look and found the trick:

"Wan Qing's mind can catalyze the violent movement of particles and produce terrifying high temperatures."

He replaced his flying sword and tried it, which made his mind continue to stir and rub, and also caused a red glow to appear on the edge of the sword.

Although he knew the principle, he was not as handy as Wan Qing.

At this time, less than a minute after entering, Izumo troops with machine guns showed up.

Xia Weiyun and Xiaocha rushed forward with a twist of their butts, waving their fists and blasting them away with hammers.

A corpse screamed and smashed against the wall, causing cracks in the wall.

Lu Li opened a fragment and suddenly found strange golden lines inside.

Xia Weiyun came over and said, "It's a great feat to set up a magic circle to cover up the Sky Eye detection!"

This is much more luxurious and more hidden than "filling the wall with lead".

And this is only the outer gate of the underground factory. This place is not simple!

But no matter how simple it is, it can't stop the innate combination of two people.

In less than two minutes, the three women eliminated the enemy.

The family quickly broke into the basement of an old building.

There is a large freight elevator here, which is the only entrance and exit into the underground factory.

As soon as Lu Li and his family came over, they saw a little old man wearing a military uniform jumping into the elevator shaft and disappearing.

"It's the chief of the Mei Agency, Shadow Zuozhenzhao!"

Xia Weiyun looked at the dark elevator shaft, which was a hundred meters deep, and his martial arts intuition sensed the crisis.

Others also sensed it, presumably the people below were ready for a thunderous strike.

There are at least three innate guards in this place, and if you go down rashly, you may be killed in seconds.

But there was no trace of embarrassment on their faces, and the three women all looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't even have any ink marks, so he summoned 6 flying swords on the spot.

No matter what dragnets are arranged below, it will be in vain in front of so many fourth-grade flying swords.

Moreover, Wan Qing also blew on Feijian one by one, pouring her mind into them.

In an instant, the flying sword's edge surged with blazing red light, blessed by the power of Suzaku!

As husband and wife become one, Lu Li and his wife can share their mind, energy, magic weapon, etc.

Even Xiao Cha and Xia Weiyun also swung their true energy into Feijian for blessing.

At this moment, the power of the six flying swords completely exceeded imagination.

They immediately got in along the elevator shaft!

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