I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 363 362. Internal circulation and defense

Catwoman's hair is thick, soft, and very smooth, and feels great to the touch.

Lu Li stroked it twice, and then pinched the cat's ears curiously. The QQ bounce made people unable to put it down.

Shang Yueru squinted her eyes and let Lu Li stroke her, with a happy and well-behaved look on her face, just like a cat.

Seeing this scene, the girls were inevitably a little surprised.

Nan Jinping had been "inmates" with the two sisters for a long time, so he was not surprised by this and just said:

"The white tiger is so fierce that even if they are imprisoned, the Japanese will not dare to approach them easily. I didn't expect to be so close to Lu Xiaoyou, it is really rare..."

Lu Li didn't know why Catwoman was getting close to him, but she was very cute, so he didn't feel disgusted.

But Shang Xingru couldn't see his sister like this, so he rushed forward, pinched the back of her neck and pulled her back.

Shang Yueru stretched out her hand and pulled her away, obviously not wanting to leave...but she couldn't help herself when the back of her neck was pinched.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise, and a large army surrounded the mecha and came to kill them.

Such a huge underground facility must have more than just Japanese enemies.

Lu Li said to his wives: "Let's continue. There are still two Taoist priests whose bodies need to be taken out."

The three ladies nodded and left the prison together with their husbands.

The Mao Er sisters and Nan Jinping naturally followed closely.

The garrison of the underground factory was waiting outside the prison.

I saw that these Izumo soldiers were all wearing gas masks, and the mechas had no vents and were more airtight.

Moreover, there was a short cannon mounted on the shoulder, which fired instantly and fired many fat cannonballs.

Just when Lu Li wanted to get familiar with the laser eye he had just learned, he activated his magical power and fired several short laser beams, blasting all the shells into the air.

However, there was no fire after the explosion of these artillery shells. Instead, large amounts of yellow-green smoke and a smell of garlic filled the air.

"Mustard gas!"

Xia Weiyun and Nan Jinping were very familiar with this and reminded them at the same time, but their expressions were not too serious.

Xia Weiyun said: "The poisonous gas of the Izumo people can only slightly affect the blood transfusion, and it can be completely ignored innately."

"That smells pretty bad too."

Xiaocha pinched her nose, not liking the smell of mustard gas mixed with garlic and mustard.

"Oh, you may have just broken through, but you may not know that you can survive in the Xiantian realm without breathing."

Xia Weijun tensed up his body to gather strength and said at the same time:

"In the Xiantian realm, the human body can circulate internally like a fetus. You will know once you try it."

After saying that, she kicked off the ground and rushed towards the enemy, while the flying sword also entered the enemy's formation.

Lu Li and Xiao Cha quickly held their breath and tried "internal circulation".

The result is obvious, the body really doesn’t need to breathe anymore!

After reaching the Xiantian realm, the human body has super-fast energy channels, and the true energy penetrates the whole body.

And "Qi" is the most original life energy, which can fundamentally provide "nutrients" for cells.

This "meridian circulation" system can completely bear the metabolism of the entire body on its own!

It only replaces the respiratory system, let alone that.

However, this will increase the unnecessary consumption of infuriating energy, so under normal conditions it is better to carry on as usual.

After understanding this, Xiaocha also excitedly killed the enemy.

Lu Li was even more amazed at the magic of the Xiantian realm:

In the later stages of martial arts, it is no longer as simple as "strengthening the body", it is as mysterious as refining the spirit.

Just as he thought about it for a few seconds, Izumo's garrison was killed and exploded.

Xia Weiyun's palm was filled with true energy and transformed into a can opener, directly tearing off the mecha and the pilot's head.

Xiaocha, on the other hand, blasted the white dragon whip with energy, and danced with thunderous bombardment, whipping the Japanese soldiers into pieces.

"It's so happy! It's so happy!"

Killing people is like cutting grass, and the girl screams with excitement!

6 flying swords also dug in and cut through a large area of ​​​​blood, but there was not a whole corpse in the field.

In less than a minute, the entire 3,000-man regiment collapsed.

The soldiers screamed in panic and ran away. The mecha couldn't run away, so it could only stay in place to be slaughtered in vain.

In fact, the 20mm cannon on the mecha can be used to shoot aircraft from above and tanks from below, which is enough to kill the innate.

But helplessly, the speed of the innate strong man's full burst is as high as 200 meters/second!

Not even a single figure could be seen below the Lian Shen's fetal breath, and the mecha operator could only scan blindly based on his feeling.

Xia Weiyun occasionally raised his hand to block one or two shots, but other than the sparks that hit him, it didn't cause any serious problems.

Just as Lu Li wanted to test his body's defense against firearms, he jumped forward and blocked three whizzing stray bullets with his arms.

But after hearing three explosions, Lu Li took a big step back.

Of the three 20mm cannon shells, the first two only made two and a half shallow blood holes before being bounced away.

But the third shot penetrated the muscle, leaving a hole deep enough to show the bone!

It looked scary, but it was nothing to Xiantian, especially since Lu Li had a self-healing factor.

What he is more concerned about right now is the results of the test:

"The first two shells destroyed my body-protecting energy, and the third shell can cause real damage!"

In the Xiantian realm, "qi penetrates the whole body". The true qi can not only bless the flying sword, but also the body.

But after this life energy is dispersed, the body can only rely on its own hardness to carry it.

"You have to avoid taking a lot of hits in a short period of time...but if you hold it hard, you can still get 20 shots each."

Lu Li already knew his body's protective capabilities.

This can be regarded as a humanoid tank, and it has just broken through. As the realm deepens, it will be far more than that.

At this time, Shang Yueru sneaked over quietly, hugged Lu Li's arm, and stretched out his lilac tongue to lick the wound.

The coolness was so comfortable that Lu Li felt something in his heart and realized that this move was unusual...

Sure enough, the wound started to itch, but it was growing and healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and scabs formed in about 10 seconds!

Even if there is a self-healing factor, it will take several hours to have this effect!

Nan Jinping said from the side:

"According to legend, the white tiger has the ability to ward off evil spirits and ward off disasters. Although it is the main killing spirit, it can help people heal themselves... Now it seems that this is indeed the case."

Shang Yueru seemed to know that this was a compliment to herself, and she puffed up her chest with a proud look on her face.

Lu Li reached out to touch her head and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Shang Yueru smiled with a pair of porcelain-white tiger teeth and became even happier.

At this moment, Izumo's garrison had been completely wiped out, and Xia Weiyun and Xiaocha had also returned.

Nan Jinping looked at the family and said happily:

"I haven't seen you for ten months. Little friend Lu and his family have reached a great level! I'm really happy and congratulated!"

“We have indeed made some gains, but we still have to keep up our efforts.”

Lu Li said a few words of humility, and at the same time let the four flying swords spread out along the road, taking the initiative to find the enemy and eliminate them.

Everyone continued to move forward, and apart from the piercing sirens along the way, there was no longer any resistance.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the "Medical Department", where the remains of the two Taoist priests were stored.

There is a strong smell of disinfectant here, and there are many hospital beds and medical equipment.

Everyone spread out to search together, and saw two cylindrical glass containers in a classroom-like place at the far end.

It was filled with formalin solution and soaked with two bodies.

The vital points and vital points on the body were all marked, and it was clearly used as a teaching tool.

Xia Weixin and Nan Jinping looked sad, and Lu Li knew that these were the two Taoist priests who had died.

Ling Feijian opened the container and took out the remains of the two Taoist priests. Lu Li was looking for a cloth to wrap the remains...

But they saw the two Mao Er sisters twitching their noses at the same time, and then they reached out and stabbed through a wall, tearing down a secret door.

There is surprisingly still space behind this, and a large group of students wearing naval cadet uniforms are hiding there.

Xia Weini said with a look of disgust: "He is a sergeant of the Izumo Navy."

Nan Jinping glared, looked at a shrunken rich old man, and cursed:

"Wu Zhongyou, you bastard! Did you ever think that this day would happen!"

This person is the chief steward of Shen Xing, the governor of Liangjiang!

This group of people is also unlucky. Under normal circumstances, Lu Li would not come to the medical department specially. Hiding here might have a chance of survival.

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