I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 364 363. Qinglong wants to show his holiness

Being caught on the spot, Butler Wu cursed in his heart:

[Why did these evil stars come to the medical department? Shouldn't we destroy the Bingposan production workshop or something like that? 】

When he saw the bodies of the two Taoist priests, Butler Wu realized what had happened, and he let go of the anger in his heart.

But the matter has come to this, it is useless to think too much, now we must save our lives first.


Butler Wu walked forward with a steady step, cupped his hands and said:

"This place is about to become my family's inheritance. I advise you to think twice. It is unwise to make enemies of the Shen family and the Taishan sect!"

Xia Weining sneered: "Steward Wu, did you get to know us on the first day?"

Upon hearing this, Butler Wu's face froze... Of course he knew that these "Slaying Society" people were all lunatics!

Its purpose is to "sacrifice one's life to become a benevolent person and sacrifice one's life for righteousness", and every time he commits an act that ends in the same fate as the Izumo people.

I'm afraid there's nothing we can do today, but life is at stake. Butler Wu wanted to fight for it again, so he shouted:

"My young master is about to become a saint and marry Grand Master Su. In addition, Governor Shen and Governor Fan... have four grand master-level combat powers. Don't make the mistake of yourselves!"

Butler Wu just wanted to delay as much time as possible. Maybe if he delayed a little longer, he could wait until the Governor came to rescue him.

But Xia Weining stopped paying attention to him and turned to Nan Jinping and said:

"Nan Lao fell into the hands of thieves this time, all thanks to this beast. Let me kill him and vent his evil anger for you!"

Nan Jinping nodded solemnly and said: "In colluding with Izumo to produce and sell such unscrupulous things, the person named Wu deserves to die!"

Once these words are spoken, there will be no more luck.

Xia Weining immediately mobilized all his energy and mind, and violent energy fluctuations formed cyclones on the surface of his body, and many stones were shaken away.

Lu Li and others looked at her carefully with their eyes wide open. Sister Xia was a disciple trained by the Grand Master. She had a very solid foundation, which was perfect for her to use as a reference.

Butler Wu was so frightened that he backed away, then hid behind a group of naval officers, apparently using them as shields.

Xia Weixin had a sneer on his face. He couldn't hold the root seal with his left hand, and struck out with a sharp palm with his right hand!

The two of them were more than 10 meters apart and theoretically could not be reached.

But Xia Weijun's palm actually flew out of his body and turned into a blue translucent giant hand, blasting the enemy!

In the eyes of others, Xia Weixin suddenly became extremely tall and solemn, like an awe-inspiring and inviolable goddess.

And Butler Wu became as small as a mouse out of thin air?

Of course this is not reality, but a sensory illusion caused by the suppression of the life magnetic field, but the effect is indeed real.

Butler Wu felt that his whole body was not in control, and his reaction was more than a beat too slow. He could only watch helplessly as the giant palm came.

The Izumo naval officer who was blocking the way was immediately blown away. The power of the giant palm did not weaken at all, and it hit Butler Wu directly, pushing him to fly backward...

He smashed three walls in succession until he hit the thickest "load-bearing wall" and made a deep handprint as big as a small car.

Butler Wu was stuffed inside and had already turned into a ball of flesh. Cracks spread in the load-bearing wall and collapsed, causing the entire area to collapse.

This move was really extraordinary. Everyone admired it and Lu Li asked curiously:

"Sister Xia, is this the "Tathagata Palm" you mentioned before?"

"That's right, you need to 'Ziu Wang Xiantian' to use it. I just learned it."

Xia Weinun smiled reservedly, quite pleased with himself. Then he opened his mouth and blew out a mouthful of blazing steam to dissipate heat. It was obviously a heavy burden.

After some adjustments, Xia Weixin said again:

"I will teach you the "Tathagata Divine Palm" when I get back. This skill is three-in-one of beating, practicing and cultivating. It is very cost-effective to practice."

Everyone nodded, and Lu Li also remembered that he had not yet tried the power of the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" in the Xiantian realm.

There happened to be a target right in front of me!

Lu Li raised his fingers and pointed them at the remaining naval officer, and the acupuncture points on his fingertips spurted out a blue lightsaber at the same time! A whole ten!

With the blessing of innate true energy, the power of his moves is far greater than before.

I saw ten lightsabers plowing through the crowd, refining the viscera and washing the marrow, which could not stop the bullets, and the body exploded on the spot.

Only by exchanging blood can a whole corpse be left, but there will also be many holes in the body as wide as the mouth of a bowl.

The corpses lay scattered on the ground, and those who were still alive were wailing loudly.

Lu Li smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, the power and penetration are comparable to a 30mm cannon!"

Others had no sympathy for the Japanese, so they just found some clean clothes and wrapped the bodies of the two Taoist priests.

At the same time, it covers the overly conspicuous physical signs of the cat-eared sisters~

At this point, the tasks are completed.

Xia Weining said: "Let's get it together. Let's retreat after destroying this damn place."

"I have let the flying sword destroy the load-bearing wall."

As soon as Lu Li finished speaking, thunder-like movements were heard from everywhere, rumbling and shaking.

Many load-bearing structures have been damaged, and underground factories are undergoing series of collapses.

Wan Qing increased her energy, stirring up the energy and spreading it everywhere. The vibrating particles suddenly heated up and turned into billowing flames!

It’s all over now!

Everyone stopped staying, spread out their movements, came to the elevator shaft, and returned to the ground again.

At this moment, subsidences have begun to appear in the above-ground parts of the area where the underground factory is located.

Everyone left Huzhou directly without stopping and came to the bamboo forest before.

Hou Shaoyi and many Taoist priests have been waiting here, looking at the violent movement in the distance with excited expressions!

Seeing Lu Li and his family coming over, Hou Shaoyi quickly cupped his fists and said:

"Zhenren Lu's great effort was to bury this poisonous cave alive. I admire him!"

All the Taoist priests also bowed their heads and saluted together, with a look of relief on their faces.

Lu Li destroyed this underground factory, and the round trip time did not exceed half an hour!

Fast, safe, once and for all! This is the benefit of having a master!

Otherwise, if you want to take down this ghost place, you will have to cause many heavy casualties!

At this time, Lu Li and Nan Jinping stepped forward and handed the bodies of the two Taoist priests to Hou Shaoyi:

"Fortunately, I found it as expected."

Hou Shaoyi looked startled... Lu Li actually held the body with his own hands!

The dignified real person who has been out of body does not need to support him with his mind, but holds it with his own hands... which shows respect!

And respect is mutual. At this moment, everyone in the Killing Society looked at Lu Li with more respect!

Hou Shaoyi solemnly said: "Thank you to Mr. Lu for his righteousness, I can finally let his family bury him well... I will keep him in my thoughts."

Lu Li said in a sincere tone: "Senior Brother Hou, there is no need to be polite. I am very happy to let the righteous man rest in peace."

At this time, everyone's feet suddenly shook, and the entire area where the underground factory was collapsed.

The mission was completed quite thoroughly, and it was time to return to the mountain gate.

Xia Weining looked in the direction of Luzhou, with a hint of worry on his face, and asked his senior brother:

"Do you have any news about Master and the others?"

"Not yet."

Hou Shaoyi said:

"But I just received a tip, saying that Qinglong is breaking through to manifest the sage. This matter cannot be disturbed, and Uncle Zhenyangzi is also here... The two sides should not take action."

After Lu Li heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

By analogy, if you can first see how others break through, it will definitely be a lot easier for you!

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