I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 365 364. Governor’s Mansion

Hearing that Qinglong was going to break through to become a saint, Lu Li immediately had his thoughts in mind.

I haven't even spoken to the "March Xian Sheng", so I lack a substantial understanding of the realm.

If you can see Qinglong's breakthrough, you will definitely gain a lot.

But the two sides were hostile, how could the Shen family let Lu Li observe?

This matter needed to be carefully considered, so Lu Li put aside his thoughts for the time being and returned to the Longmen Sect with everyone.

This trip went quite smoothly. Not only did the task be completed successfully, but I also gained a deeper understanding of the Xiantian Realm.

At the same time, he acquired the crucial "laser eye" skill and rescued a pair of "cat-eared sisters".

The two girls are the four-spirited white tigers, and the stakes are high.

Xia Weijun naturally wanted to tell his master quickly, but Li Yuanzhong and Zhen Yangzi never came back.

The two Taoist priests are going to the Governor's Mansion, but if they have to face the three great masters directly, it will definitely not be easy at the opponent's home court.

Xia Weiyun looked in the direction of Luzhou, with a look of worry on his face...


In fact, Li Yuanzhong took this trip because he wanted to ask Shen Xing face to face - why?

The old Taoist priest asked himself that he had known Shen Xing for many years, so he knew everything about him.

He was very puzzled...why did the other party collude with Izumo? Also involved in the Bingposan matter?

Especially when he came to the Governor's Mansion and looked at the magnificent mansion encompassing the entire Chaohu Lake, Li Yuanzhong became more and more confused:

We are already the best in the world, why do we have no bottom line and even sell drugs?

With questions, Li Yuanzhong and Zhen Yangzi officially visited.

After all, the two sides haven't really started fighting yet, so the dignity that a grand master should have will certainly not be lacking.

Soon, a steward led 64 masters of internal medicine and rushed over carrying two "cloud beds".

The cloud bed is decorated with brocade and embroidery, which is extremely luxurious. The 64 "carriage bearers" who were practicing Zang Zang also half-knelt on the ground uniformly.

The steward bowed and sang: "I respectfully invite the Taoist Priest to ascend the throne~"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhen Yangzi had a look on his face.

Li Yuanzhong said: "We can just walk."

After that, he and Zhenyangzi walked towards the center of the mansion.

There are three translucent "qi pillars" rising there, which are the "qi and blood smoke" created by the great master's surging vitality.

The rising smoke of energy and blood indicates that the body is operating at full strength, implying a warning.

The reason for this is that the two Taoist priests arrived too suddenly.

At the level of Grand Master, you have to say hello in advance before visiting. It is rude to visit suddenly.

So both sides are prepared to a certain extent.

Three qi-blood wolf smokes took the initiative to greet them and stopped the two Taoist priests in an open space.

Li Yuanzhong knew all three great masters.

In addition to the elegant and handsome Shen Xing and the elegant Su Qing, there is also a stern-looking middle-aged man, the Governor of Yunnan and Guizhou "Fan Chengbin".

2 versus 3, the two sides were tit for tat.

Li Yuanzhong clasped his fists and said in a reasonable and measured manner: "I'm taking the liberty to come here. I hope you will understand me."

Shen Xing smiled smartly and said straightforwardly:

"A wise person doesn't speak secretly, but a real person has an evil look on his eyebrows. I'm afraid the person who comes this time is not kind. I wonder if I have any advice?"

"Governor Shen is quick to speak quickly, so the old man will speak directly."

Li Yuanzhong looked directly into the opponent's eyes and said solemnly:

"You enjoy all the prosperity, and you are even more likely to become the world leader! Why do you want to help the tyrants do evil! To poison the people!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Xing immediately understood what Lao Dao was referring to.

He didn't defend himself, just shook his head and chuckled:

"As the saying goes, a cannon fires a thousand taels of gold. If I want to conquer the world, I naturally have to raise resources and funds to weaken the enemy. Isn't Bingpo Powder just right~"

This nonchalant look made Li Yuanzhong very angry:

"Chen Xing! Aren't you afraid of the public opinion in the world? Even if you win the throne, what will future generations think of you?"

"People in the world? They're just pigs and dogs. Why should I care about what pigs and dogs think."

Shen Xing waved his sleeves and said:

"Shen only cares about what the descendants of the Shen family think of me. I hope they will remember my ancestor's goodness when they become ministers, and add two more sticks of incense during the holidays."


Such words made Li Yuanzhong speechless. After being stunned for a while, he sighed:

"With a father like you, it's no wonder Qinglong became like that."

Hearing the word "Qinglong", Shen Xing's expression became a little strange...

At this moment, the steward rushed over and whispered a few words to the master.

Shen Xing's face suddenly turned cold:

"Building the plank road openly, secretly plotting against Chencang... Master Li is very clever, I bet you are here to hold us back!"

Apparently news of the attack on the factory came through.

Li Yuanzhong nodded and said: "Such a poisonous cave, of course the old Taoist must find a way to destroy it."

"You Taoist priests are really the meanest bitches in the world!"

Shen Xing gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Wouldn't it be better to stay in the mountains and cultivate quietly? You have to run out and drown in the muddy water and die!"

"It is difficult for me to survive under the throne of Sanqing, but the common people must comfort my body."

Li Yuanzhong uttered a verse, and then he and Zhenyangzi gathered their strength and prepared to take action.

The same was true for Shen Xing and the other three, with their bodies glowing with a golden light created by their immortal will.

The steward was caught in the middle and couldn't walk in a straight line, so he rolled and crawled away.

The momentum of both sides has reached its peak, and the scene is about to explode!

But at this moment, in the center of Chaohu Lake, there was a sudden heartbeat!

I saw a round, translucent giant egg looming in the middle of the lake!

It's beating like a heart, and the surface is undulating, as if something is trying to get out!

There was silence in the field for a moment, and Li Yuanzhong shouted: "Someone is condensing his mind... It's Shen Si'ang!"

Zhen Yangzi looked at Fan Chengbin and said clearly:

"I said that the Governor of Yunnan and Guizhou came so early because he wanted to 'protect the road'!"

There was quite a lot of movement in the final stage of becoming a saint, and the monks could not move yet. Of course, they had to be protected by their teachers, relatives and friends to prevent any unexpected events.

"If Qinglong breaks through, the Shen family will have four grandmaster-level combat powers!"

Zhen Yangzi wanted to stop it, but how could Shen Xing allow it?

He raised his hand and grasped it, and a two-foot-long spear flew through the air and fell into his palm.

The sparkling light of the spear made everyone's scalp jump, creating a strong sense of crisis... This was at least the fourth level, and even reached the third level!

Shen Xing danced his gun and shouted: "Shen will be the main attack in a while, and the two of you will support us! Get rid of that blind bitch first!"

Such words not only show that you can take damage, reassure your teammates, but also shake up the enemy's momentum.

Zhenyangzi lost an eyeball when he caught the werewolf. The structure of this organ is extremely complex and has not yet healed, which will definitely affect his combat effectiveness.

But Zhenyangzi didn't care at all, he just kept looking at the translucent giant egg in the center of the lake, obviously not wanting Qinglong to break through.

Both sides had their own concerns and remained in a stalemate for a while.

But just at this moment, there was news from outside.

Li Yuanzhong's hairpin trembled "two long and one short" three times, which was the secret signal agreed by the disciple, indicating that the matter was done.

The steward who had just escaped also hurried back and informed his master of the destruction of the factory.

After hearing the news, Su Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to risk her life for the Shen family.

Moreover, Shen Xing had a powerful magic weapon to protect himself, but he had nothing. He was injured by Li Yuanzhong's flying sword for a long time.

Fan Chengbin also sent a message: "Brother Shen, the matter has come to this, you might as well give up today and wait for the good nephew to make a breakthrough before settling the accounts."

Shen Xing thought about it for a while and realized that there was no need to fight for the moment, so he said loudly to Li Yuanzhong:

"Zhenren Li, for the sake of our long-term friendship, I admit that I have failed today. You can go quickly."

The purpose of Li Yuanzhong and Zhen Yangzi's coming here was to hold these people back so that Lu Li could destroy the factory.

Now that their goal was achieved, the two of them immediately retreated without delay.

Zhenyangzi looked at the giant egg, a little unwillingly... But when he thought that with Lu Li on his side, it was really not certain who would take advantage if he dragged her along, so he didn't risk anything.

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