I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 368 367. Achieve multiple goals with one stone

After making an agreement with Su Qing, Lu Li returned to Qixia Mountain with his sword.

Coming to the physical body, the soul emerged from the flying sword.

I saw that his eyes had vaguely outlined the outline of his eyeballs, and it was really only one step away from the "pointing point".

"It just so happens that Qinglong's wedding is in three days, so there's enough time."

"You also need to practice your 'laser eyes' further! You have to be able to shoot immediately with your eyes raised to intercept missiles."

If everything goes well, he will soon be able to return to Blue Star to be promoted to "manifestation".

In fact, this breakthrough was a little rushed. Even if there is a magical thing like Lingji to help with the adjustment, it will not hurt to settle for a year and a half.

But the situation is not up to anyone. Emperor Izumo is preparing to survive the thunder tribulation, so how dare Lu Li take his time.

All we can do is make more preparations and do our best to increase the success rate.

"By the way~ You also need to practice martial arts as soon as possible to strengthen your body as much as possible..."

In matters of life and death, every ounce of strength is extremely valuable.

But just as Lu Li was thinking about it, he heard footsteps behind him.

When I turned around, I saw a beautiful woman with long legs and peachy buttocks. It was Xiaocha.

"It's late at night, what are you thinking about standing in the yard~"

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of showing the Holy Spirit."

The night is already dark, the sky is still cloudy, and the stars and moon are gone.

But when Lu Li looked at the pretty girl walking towards him, he felt refreshed and felt much better.

"It's your turn to accompany me tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I have to let your big pig's hooves ruin it again~"

Xiaocha lightly hit Lu Li's chest twice and said:

"After a while, I will drain half of my true energy. Then you can pick my Yuan Yin and temper your body first."

The practice of the Xiantian realm requires "repeating the past mistakes", using the true energy to rebuild the previous realm, and tempering the body to the extreme from the inside out, from the skin to the marrow.

Xiaocha's move will definitely be of great benefit, but it will obviously not be good for herself.

But Lu Li didn't refuse and directly agreed, "Okay, I'll take it then."

Given the relationship between the two of them, Xiaocha would not be happy if she declined politely.

Sure enough, she immediately smiled with two little tiger teeth, took Lu Li's hand and said: "It's rare that you are so happy, let's go into the house~"

The two came to the room, Xiaocha took off her shoes and went to bed, and said softly: "Soundproof, don't disturb others~"

Lu Li's eyes narrowed, and his mind covered the entire room like an inverted bowl, so that it would not affect others.

But nothing is absolute. The mind does not block the ground. The ground is also a medium for sound transmission!

At this moment, in the room of the Shang sisters.

Xingru was lying on the bed, and when his cat ears twitched, he could clearly hear the movement over there.

Listening to the hoarse shouting, Xingru's face remained calm and his blue eyes remained cold.

She used to hear this kind of noise every day.

Emperor Izumo makes women wail every night, and he has become accustomed to it over the years.

But what's different here...the lively and cheerful sister doesn't have any pain in her shouts, but is full of joy and enjoyment.

"Lu Li...is he a good person?"

Xingru raised his hand, touched the face of the sister beside him, and murmured:

"You are so affectionate to others, what if you encounter an evil spirit..."

Yueru showed no reaction, just snored and slept soundly.

Looking at her sister's sweet sleep, Xingru also felt sleepy.

Having just escaped and having enough to eat and drink, fatigue is inevitable.

Xingru closed her cat ears to isolate the sound, closed her eyes again, and fell asleep soon.

But after falling asleep, she frowned and fell into a dream...

A beautiful middle-aged woman gently stroked the cat-eared girl's cheek and whispered:

"My mother shouldn't have let you come into this world, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

While the beautiful woman was talking, her hands gradually moved down and suddenly pinched the delicate neck of the cat-eared girl!

"Die! Die! You will only suffer if you live!"

The little girl was only seven or eight years old, but the beautiful woman tried her best to pinch her until her joints turned white.

The cat-eared girl stuck out her tongue, bulged her eyeballs, and struggled in vain.

But the next second, there was a sharp sound, and a samurai sword suddenly pierced the beautiful woman's chest.

She let go of her hand and fell to the ground, revealing another girl with cat ears standing behind her.

Pools of blood filled the ground, and Xingru suddenly felt heartache and couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, she was awakened by this suffocating feeling and escaped from the dream.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that his sister was tightly wrapped around him like an octopus, sleeping in a strange state.

It was already getting bright, so it might not be noon.

Xingru scratched her sister's lower waist and immediately woke her up.

"Yueru, it's time to get up."


Yueru stretched out and immediately jumped up. A pair of white and tender little feet stepped into the shoes accurately.

Xingru slowly put on her clothes and wondered why she was dreaming...

After entering the innate state of concentration, no matter which end you look at, you should not dream about it.

She immediately recalled the wine she drank yesterday, only this one was unusual.

"Will this wine arouse people's emotions? It seems that I shouldn't drink more..."

Xingru shook his head and walked out of the house with his sister.

As soon as he came out, he saw countless blazing lasers "sizzling" into the sky and accurately hitting flying swords.

It turned out that Lu Li was using his flying sword as a target to practice his laser eyes.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he could shoot a laser beam in an instant, and his attack speed was extremely fast.

But such rapid fire will definitely lead to a decrease in power.

Lu Li asked Feijian to insert a steel plate and fly it 10 kilometers away to test it. The laser could only make a hole nearly 4 centimeters deep.

The power is too small, and it is definitely not powerful enough to deal with enemies of the same level, but it is more than enough to deal with missiles!

Lu Li was very satisfied, and the benefits didn’t stop there!

With laser eyes, the control of the eyeballs is the top priority.

In order to enhance the range and power, Lu Li also used the infuriating energy given by Xiaocha to focus on the acupuncture points around his eyes.

All these are to strengthen the eyes, and having a thorough understanding of the eyes will definitely be helpful for "eye-catching"!

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly felt something in his heart and immediately felt out of body.

I saw that the soul already had complete eyes, just like a real person!

"Finally revealed! The laser eyes taught by Wan Qing are really useful!"

Lu Li was very happy to achieve many things with one move, as he was now qualified to become a saint!

The next step is to observe Shen Siang's breakthrough and accumulate experience as a reference.

He was rejoicing, and the girls were also laughing.

I saw Xiaocha and Xia Weiyun working together to catch Yueru.

Catwoman has amazing agility, jumping up and down to swim in the offensive of the two innates.

This was obviously a practice, and the girls were having a good time, shouting and laughing.

And Lu Li noticed that despite her slender figure, Yueru was actually quite impressive!

She has a pretty waist and peach buttocks, and her chest is also heavy and plump.

Xingru and her sister look the same, so they are equally good.

Lu Li turned around and looked into the other person's cold blue eyes, and then controlled his soul and body to wave hello.

Xingru glanced at him, then turned away and ignored him.

Lu Li didn't pay attention. While admiring the beautiful figures of the girls, he also circulated his zhenqi to strengthen his muscles and bones, repeating his previous mistakes and preparing for the next breakthrough.

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