I poured spiritual energy into my wife and all the magic weapons, and after adding in the previous consumption, there were only 50 units of spiritual energy left.

Lu Li used his money very quickly. Fortunately, he had a whole planet as a supplement, so it didn't matter.

It was still early in the morning, so Lu Li and Xia Weiyun held hands and went back to the room together.

According to what he just said, Xia Weiyun bit him first to gain some energy.

Lu Li received it skillfully, but Sister Leng Bu Ding Xia's heart was beating violently, and she even pumped out her hard-earned blood and sent it over!

"Sister Xia, you..."

This would affect lifespan. Lu Li was shocked!

Xia Weinan smiled sweetly and said: "My little brother has given me so many ideas, and this little effort is not worth mentioning. It's okay."

It's hard to resist the beauty's kindness, so Lu Li can only live with it.

What surprised and moved him even more was that after Sister Xia's zhenqi entered the body, it naturally merged with his own zhenqi without any grudge!

This kind of energy sharing is the magic created by "husband and wife becoming one"!

Although the marriage period is still short, the two are like-minded and have a good relationship every day. They are already true Taoist couples!

Lu Li was so happy and moved that he couldn't help but said: "Sister Xia, you are so kind. It is my blessing to marry you!"

"Sister also likes you very much."

Xia Weiyun also lamented the wonderful fate.

Xia Weijun was really satisfied, otherwise he wouldn't have become a "husband and wife" so quickly.

This requires that the life magnetic fields of the two people are almost consistent, which is not easy.

The joy of fish and water and the harmony of piano and harp are the top priorities.

Lu Li finally felt relieved, completely put aside his worries, and soon obtained 3 waves of Yin Yuan.

The surging life energy surges in the body, and cooperates with the spiritual intelligence, which is enough to increase the physical quality by 10 percentage points, greatly improving the success rate of advancement.

Lu Li breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Sister Xia, I'm leaving now. We'll be fine when I come back."

"Well, go ahead."

Xia Weixin nodded and warned: "By the way, don't forget to say hello to the Shang sisters before you leave."

"Huh? Oh."

The two sisters would be the staunchest allies, and Lu Li didn't think much about it.

Xia Weixin immediately saw that her husband ignored her subtext.

These are the White Tiger sisters, and they must be firmly in their hands in every aspect.

The most direct way is to become a family.

However, this matter had to be put aside for now, so Xia Weixin didn't mention it much and let nature take its course for the time being.


After calling for the 18 puppets, Lu Li set off.

Coincidentally, the Shang sisters were sparring with Xiaocha.

Lu Li waved to the two women, while Xingru just nodded politely and said nothing else.

But Yueru suddenly rushed over, grabbed Lu Li's hand and put it on her head.

The girl is beautiful and lovely, making people feel happy the moment they see her.

Lu Li touched her little head and pinched her cat ears. Feeling the beauty of life, he became more confident in making a breakthrough.

There are so many good things in life, how can I fail?

Lu Li was about to leave, but when he thought he had enough ideas, he held two units in his hand and fed them to Yueru.

Yueru showed a big smile, sucked it dry in one gulp, and stuck out her tongue to lick it fiercely like a cat.

Lu Li endured the itch and pinched her cheek before turning around and leaving.

But he didn't see Xingru not far away, his eyes widened with a look of disbelief!

"You can get divine items by acting coquettishly..."

Xingru suddenly felt a little regretful. If he had followed just now, there was a high chance that he would have gotten in.

With divine objects, there is power. Xingru longs for power... Of course, who in this world doesn't long for it?


Before leaving, I have to settle the bill first.

Lu Li arrived at the barren mountain he had arranged earlier, but he didn't expect that Su Qing was already waiting for him.

She changed back into her green outfit, looked over sideways and said:

"Lu Lv came very early and is very trustworthy."

Hearing this strange nickname, Lu Li frowned, and then shot his mind.

"Understanding the music can help you forget."

With "Sitabhavan Music" stored in my heart, there is no need for a record player.

Su Qing understood the benefits as soon as he listened for a moment, and immediately nodded repeatedly.

Lu Li summoned the flying sword again and spit out the 50 million wish power he had stored before.

Su Qing gulped it down quickly, and wiped it clean after a while.

Next comes the idea, which is the most important thing.

Su Qing gathered his immortal will, turned it into a golden bowl, held it in his hand, and said seriously:

"This is a six-liang bowl, exactly six servings, no less."

Lu Li took a look and saw that there were about 6 units of inspiration, so he stretched out his finger, and the inspiration poured out from his fingertips, and it was filled up in a short time.

It's just a lot more, Su Qing looked happy and secretly sighed that it was really serious to cooperate with this donkey! What do the Shen family want to send?

But the next second, Fairy Su was shocked again! Because the bowl was full, Lu Li was still pouring water into it, and it was about to flow out!

The fairy quickly increased the height of the bowl. By the time Lu Li stopped, the capacity had tripled, and she had the brainpower to take in a full 18 units!

Su Qing stared at Lu Li in disbelief, and Lu Li said calmly: "It can be regarded as a reward for happy cooperation."

Su Qing was silent for a while, her eyes were a little red, as if she was about to cry again.

She quickly drank up the inspiration and shouted:

"Lu Lu is so generous. Could it be that he has fallen in love with me? How about I elope with you?"

Lu Li thought for a moment, nodded and said, "As long as you are willing, I have no objection."

"I am such a beautiful female master, of course you have no objection~"

Su Qing smiled half-heartedly and said, "But I've already been played by Qinglong, do you mind? He's bigger than yours~"

Lu Li stared at her for a while and said, "I am willing to bring you a new life."

Su Qing lowered her expression, lowered her head and said solemnly: "It's just for fun, you still take it seriously."

"You are not a bad person, you deserve better."

Lu Li's tone was sincere, and Su Qing suddenly shook his head and smiled:

"Forget it, with your meager cultivation, even the Shen family can't stop you, let alone the Taishan sect. Elopement with you is the same as being buried together."

Before Lu Li could speak, she continued:

"We, the Five Mountains Immortal Sect, all have spiritual veins that go straight to the core of the earth, and within them are suppressed by the Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Lord. I am just a piece of cake for them.

The emperor you have to deal with is no simple person. The origin of this person is a mystery, but he is deeply loved by the Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Lord on the other side of Deyun..."

After Su Qing talked eloquently, he sighed: "It's better to keep a low profile. Don't think about it."

Lu Li quietly digested the news and asked, "Tell me about Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Lord."

"I don't know much..."

Su Qing muttered:

"There are five in China, one in Izumo, and there are also in other continents, but the number is unknown. But they have not appeared in the world for hundreds of years. Rumors are that they are entangled in something in the core of the earth... It must be related to enlightenment."

The fairy could only guess so much, enough to reveal some deeper mysteries to Lu Li.

But he also had a doubt: "5 versus 1, why not...rectify the situation?"

"What's the situation? Are you talking about cloud invasion?"

Su Qing shrugged and said: "In the eyes of Tianjun, mortals are just ants. Do you care about the fight between two ant nests?"

Lu Li was about to say, your Taishan sect needs the willpower of mortals...

But then I thought about it, people have spiritual veins that go straight to the core of the earth, and the complex spiritual power of wish power is only used by low-level people.

After a long silence, Lu Li said, "Thank you for informing me. I'll contact you if I need anything."

"You leave your mind on me for easy communication."

Su Qing took off the satin shoe on her left foot and said, "Put it on here and stay hidden."

Lu Li didn't dislike it in the slightest. He focused his attention on the shoes.

Su Qing put her shoes back on and set a code: "If you need something, just knock three times and meet here."


Lu Li nodded in agreement and said goodbye, "Goodbye, Fairy Su."

"Well...there's something else to tell you."

Su Qing smiled strangely and said: "I didn't do it with Qinglong, do you feel better~"

Lu Li said sincerely: "It does feel better."

Sincerity is the best weapon. Su Qing felt bored, so she waved her hand and said:

"Okay, let's go and show the Holy Spirit as soon as possible. It's going to be uneasy next time."

Qinglong breaks through, and naturally he will not be willing to be lonely.

Of course Lu Li knew this, and he also wanted to "renew their relationship" with the other party and see whose dragon was stronger.

He waved his hand and turned to leave.

Until the figure disappeared, Su Qing was still there.

“Damn, this donkey is so generous!”

Carefully feeling the spiritual energy in his body, Su Qing was afraid that this was a dream and he would wake up and disappear in the next second.

At this moment, she completely understood what "opportunity" meant.

In just a few days of knowing Lu Li, I gained three times the resources I accumulated in my entire life!

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