I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 371 370. Establish written evidence

The housekeeper sent by Shen Siang has arrived downstairs.

He was a servant after all, so he didn’t rush into the house. Instead, he knelt down and kowtowed:

"Xianzi Su, the master and the young master please come and have a chat."

Su Qing ignored it. Instead, she pointed to a copper basin filled with water beside the bed and ordered Lu Li urgently:

"Hurry and wash me with water so that no one can smell it!"

The carp pattern is carved into the copper basin, and the couple washes together before the wedding, which symbolizes the joy of fish and water, and a happy marriage for a hundred years.

Lu Li's eyes narrowed, and he held the water in the copper basin and floated it in front of Su Qing.

But when Fairy Su lifted her skirt and took a look, she was shocked to find that the dirt had flowed down to her ankles, and a large area of ​​her red skirt was soaked through.

The workload was now heavy. Su Qing was impatient and complained:

"It's all your fault for being such a wild ass! Now, if you are discovered, Qinglong will definitely risk his life! Let's see how you die!"

Lu Li knew he was wrong and didn't refute.

He just controlled the water polo and quickly washed Su Qingbai's raw thighs and red wedding dress.

Then the vibrating particles are heated and dried, and in just over a minute, the fairy returns to holiness.

She was about to go out immediately, but she did not forget to tell her:

"Wait until I get there before leaving. As for the things... let's meet at the old place in the early morning and give them to me."


Lu Li nodded in agreement and said, "I'm sorry for making you cry."

"Fart! Why am I crying! I was picked up by you bastard 9 times, so I lost my mind and said some nonsense! Damn you!"

Su Qing cursed a few words, put a red hijab on her head to cover her brows, and then walked away.

Lu Li stood by the window and watched her stand next to her husband, receiving congratulations one after another.

While everyone's attention was attracted, Lu Li walked in the opposite direction and left the Governor's Mansion.

This time I gained a lot. Not only did I see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and the state of mind, but I also picked up a lot of multi-yin to strengthen my body.

Everything is ready, and then we have to prepare for the return to Blue Star.

Su Qing, on the other hand, felt extremely irritated as he looked at the guests who were surrounding him with all kinds of flattery.

They are just ants, compared to pigs and sheep.

It’s so fancy, why don’t you save time and practice? If you have strength, why don’t you worry about losing pigs and sheep?

More importantly... only by having strength can you avoid becoming a pig or a sheep!

Thinking of this, Su Qing's expression became colder and colder, and he looked like a fairy who did not eat the fireworks of the world.

This girl looks really good. Shen Siang stood aside and looked more and more satisfied.

Thinking about the upcoming bridal chamber, he felt even more excited, so he reached out to wrap his arms around the fairy's waist.

But Su Qing's body suddenly glowed with golden light, and her indestructible and immortal will easily deflected her husband's thieving hand.

Shen Siang's face darkened and he felt unhappy, but he didn't say anything in public.

And Su Qing himself was also very surprised! Was it just a completely subconscious move?

She suddenly thought of the word "love caused by adultery", and her heart was filled with a sense of absurdity:

【Grass! I was made emotional by that beast! 】

[No, no, I’m just looking for his benefit]

Su Qing immediately found an excuse for herself:

[The Shen family is stingy and can only draw big cakes, but how can they compare to Lu Lu’s generosity! 】

[With my talent, and with the help of this donkey, I might be able to get a glimpse of the secrets of the Martial Saint! 】

[At that time, we will be able to completely escape the fate of pigs and sheep! 】

On the contrary, Su Qing became energetic and high-spirited, but she also became more and more displeased with the Shen family.

It's just that the betrothal gift promised at the beginning is gone. There is no way to make up for it at all, so he just promises empty benefits and coaxes himself to work in vain.

[The more I think about it, the angrier I get. I really think I’m stupid! 】

Su Qing suddenly lost her composure and said coldly: "I'm a little tired, so I'll go down first."

This reason was not false. She was really taken in and was a bit false. After speaking, she turned around and returned to the wedding room.

As for this gesture, no one was surprised.

Even Fan Chengbin felt that the disciples of Wuyue Immortal Sect should be so arrogant.

After a while, the guests who came to watch the ceremony dispersed one after another.

Shen Siang ran to the wedding room impatiently, hoping to make things good with the fairy.

When he opened the door, he saw Su Qing sitting on the wedding bed with her legs crossed, with an indifferent look on her face.

At this time, most of the day has passed, and the smell in the room has returned to normal.

Shen Siang was unaware of what was going on and was just about to pounce on him and have fun.

But suddenly, Su Qing's body glowed with golden light again, which was the Grand Master's immortal will!

Shen Si'ang was forced to retreat continuously, and immediately said angrily: "Su Qing! What are you doing!"

Su Qing looked at her husband and said indifferently: "If you want to consummate the marriage, bring the bride price first."

"Didn't I say I would make up for it in the future?"

"Hmph, that's really interesting. Let's make up for it later."

Su Qing was most worried about credit, and the disgust on his face was no longer concealed.

Shen Si'ang also turned cold, and the phantom of the green dragon loomed behind him, shouting:

"I am your husband, do you want to force me to use violence?"

"You can try it."

Su Qing stood up with a cold face, the golden light on her body became more and more intense, the entire marble manor began to shake, and the various furnishings in the room also staggered.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Shen Siang didn't want to fall out, let alone make the Taishan faction unhappy, so he took the initiative to dissipate his momentum, turned around and left.

Su Qing smiled contemptuously and began to practice, waiting for the early morning hours to arrive.


At the same time, Lu Li immediately called the three ladies over after returning to his residence in Qixia Mountain.

"I'm going back to my hometown to show my sage, and I'll fill you with inspiration before I leave."

Hearing this, the three beauties were stunned for a moment.

Wan Qing and Xiao Cha had experienced a lot and were the first to come to their senses and said together:

"Mr. Lang, you just need to be more careful. There will be no problem in keeping it."

"If it doesn't work, just slow down, safety first!"

Xia Weixin was still a little dazed... This eldest sister was well-informed and vaguely guessed something, but she was very knowledgeable and didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, he just said with a solemn face: "You have to come back with all your beards and tail, my sister is not good enough with you yet!"

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Lu Li put his eldest sister into his arms and hugged her hard, then kissed her.

It took 20 units to stop, which was also the limit that the innate warrior could accommodate.

Next was Xiaocha, but this girl leaned into Lu Li's ear and whispered: "Do you want me to follow you to protect the law?"

She clearly remembered that the last time Lu Li came back, he was full of evil spirits and got into a fight. It was obvious that the spiritual realm was not at peace.

Lu Li smiled and said, "No, I can handle it. Just relax."

It would be good to take the ladies back to protect the Dharma, but the risk is too high.

Many weapons in the world of science and technology can only be dealt with by relying on God Refining and Martial Arts to keep pace with them.

The ladies haven't grown up yet, so Lu Li can't accept any loss.

Although her man was smiling, Xiaocha knew from his eyes that there was no chance.

The girl didn't say anything more, she just took the initiative to kiss him, and before she had any idea, she went over and started to get angry.

He gave half of it on the spot. If Lu Li hadn't stopped him forcefully, he might have hurt himself.

After getting rid of his true energy, Xiaocha was still worried, so he said again:

"Xian Sheng is a god. You must be extremely careful when you break through. Come back safely... I will sleep with you in a big quilt."


Lu Li took a deep look at the girl and raised his hand to grab a pen and paper: "Set up a written document. Don't even think about defaulting on your debt this time."

"Stand up right away."

Xiaocha pouted and wrote honestly on the paper: Lu Li came back safely, and Luo Xiaocha agreed to sleep with him.

"Are you satisfied?"

"I'm satisfied, I'm satisfied. You can clean up and wait for me to come back."

Lu Li poured some energy into the writing to protect it, then folded it and put it in his pocket.

The two of them were having fun, which made Wan Qing and Xia Weiyun laugh out loud.

Xiaocha's face turned red and she reached out to pinch Wanqing's waist.

Wan Qing dodged away and said with a smile: "If you pinch me, maybe Sister Xia is with you~"

Xia Weixin waved his hand quickly: "No, I'm not as open-minded as Xiaocha, you can just have fun."

As a joke, she said to Lu Li:

"You're not in a hurry to leave, are you? Sister Cai, take some of your true energy and yin yuan with you and keep improving~"

"Not urgent."

Lu Li smiled and felt more confident, and the atmosphere in the venue became completely relaxed.

At this time, Wan Qing raised her hand and made the Blood Drinking Sword fall into Lu Li's arms.

"Mr. Lang, take it with you. You must come back safely. If you die, I will be buried with you."

The voice was soft, but the tone was extremely firm and heavy, and it was definitely not a joke.

This time, Lu Li could only succeed and not fail!

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