Shen Siang's spiritual ear turned from transparent to pitch black, like a black hole.

With such a vision, it seemed that the "heart image" was about to appear, so Lu Li quickly took a closer look.

According to his guess, something should emerge from this thing like a baby bird breaking out of its shell.

But the strange thing is that an inexplicable "suction" suddenly occurs in the field, drawing everything there.

The force was very weak, so there was no need to worry about it, but Lu Li's expression suddenly changed!

The black hole-like spiritual spike was suddenly covered with a ring-shaped halo, slowly rotating around itself.

Lu Li was surprised and said: "Accretion disk!?"

The so-called accretion disk is a disk-shaped structure that moves around celestial bodies with high gravity such as stars.

The size of the spirit spike was far from adequate, and what was moving around it was impressively light! Light captured by gravity!

Even light cannot escape, it is a wonder that can only be seen with a black hole! But how is this possible?

"If you create a black hole to show your holiness, the entire universe would have been wiped out long ago, right? It's obviously unreasonable."

Lu Li felt that it shouldn't be a black hole, but how to explain the situation in front of him?

After thinking about it for a while, he had an answer.

"As far as gravity is concerned...dark matter?"

The memory in his mind searched quickly and quickly retrieved the information Lu Li needed.

"Dark matter" sounds very mysterious, but it is actually the main component of the matter in the universe, accounting for at least 1/4 of the total mass and energy of the universe.

However, this material does not interact with electromagnetic waves, nor does it emit electromagnetic waves, and cannot be observed at all with existing methods.

And you don’t know how important these most basic components of the universe are!

It provides most of the gravitational force that binds galaxies into what we see now and prevents planets from being thrown around.

It can be said that dark matter is like the "thread" of a series necklace that maintains the normal operation of the universe!

It is so crucial that all the countries in Blue Star are frantically searching for it.

Xia Guo established a Jinping underground laboratory 2,400 meters deep underground to actively capture dark matter.

Recalling the information, Lu Li looked at the black hole-like spiritual spike and felt that the dark matter guess was more reliable.

At the same time, the foreigner attending the meeting, Edison, was staring at the center of the lake, preparing to capture dark matter.

Shen Xing and Fan Chengbin also let go of their momentum, and their surging vitality turned into blood and smoke, guarding against Xiao Xiao who might appear.

Of course, this probability is very low. After all, the Shen family has three great masters present.

But one of them was breathing heavily and was about to reach his limit.

It was at this moment that Shen Siang's "spiritual ear" suddenly cracked open.

A green faucet bigger than a minibus forced its way out!

It looks majestic and domineering, and at first glance it looks like a standard Shenzhou dragon, struggling to break free!

The black hole-like "spiritual spike" seemed to have a huge suction force, preventing Qinglong from leaving.

The Qinglong was huge, but it had no resistance to the darkness behind it, and it struggled to escape.

The onlookers couldn't help but feel anxious. The next second, they heard a violent roar and Shen Si'ang, who had never been seen before, appeared.

He was in the lake directly below the "Spirit Spike". At this moment, he appeared on the surface of the lake, plucked his hands and shouted:

"Get out!!!"

Qinglong Xinxiang also screamed in response, then jumped with all his strength, broke out of the darkness, and came to the real world completely!

This is a blue dragon with a body length of more than 80 meters. It actively holds its owner above its head, flies across the sky, and screams repeatedly!

The wind and waves it stirred up during its flight were enough to uproot trees, and guests on the ground repeatedly screamed:

"It's really a blue dragon! So domineering! So majestic!"

"The Xian Sheng Zhenjun's normal state of mind is only about 30 meters, right? It's so big, I don't know how powerful it is!"

Everyone was shocked, and the next second they suddenly heard an explosion.

When I turned around, I saw that it was Edison's instrument that was emitting a large plume of black smoke. The experiment must have failed.

The crowd laughed and laughed again, filled with joy.

Edison made a stinky face and cursed secretly:

"Barbarians from the Far East, do you think that spiritual manifestation in the material world is just a matter of summoning a biting monster? Ignorance!"

He didn't stay long and left quickly with the remains of the equipment and his assistant.

However, Lu Li noticed the movement and asked Su Qing, "What do these foreigners do?"

Su Qing said tremblingly: "'s someone from General Electric Company, saying they want to capture some dark matter."

Lu Li nodded, confirming his guess.

He looked at the black "spiritual spike" that had slowly dissipated, and summarized the experience of this observation:

"According to the "Appearance of the Holy Spirit", this is the monk's sea of ​​consciousness, which connects to the real world with the soul as the link."

"Through this, the mind crosses over to the material world, and the divine manifestation is achieved!"

"And the basis for the existence of the mind and the composition of the body must be dark matter!"

I no longer have any doubts about manifesting the sage, and I can go back and make a breakthrough next!

Of course, this realm is by no means as simple as summoning a monster to bite people. There are endless mysteries waiting for Lu Li to discover for himself.

Under the impassioned mood, there was another burst of banging, and immediately there was a billowing flow of Yin Yuan.

As if by some mysterious feeling, Shen Siang, who was dancing the dragon in the sky, suddenly felt hatred in his heart and wanted to take revenge on Lu Li!

"I'm going to play with your wife in front of you! Play until she dies!"

Shen Siang had a look of resentment on his face, but when he saw his father beckoning him to go down, he quickly put on a proud look, and the dragon descended from the sky.

The guests came like a flood and flattered in every possible way:

"The Shen family has a new son. This kind of mentality must be of great power. It is really enviable to others!"

"The green dragon belongs to wood, and the horns and mane on its head are both green. It is indeed full of vitality~"

"Master Shen... Hey, look at my mouth, I should be called Master Shen. You have become a saint, and you can marry a beautiful female master. What a double happiness!"

This sentence tickled Shen Siang, and he couldn't help but smile reservedly and nodded towards the speaker.

Seeing the success, Shen Xing wanted to further demonstrate the combat power of his four great masters, so he said:

"It's rare to get together today, and people in cultivation aren't that particular. Let Su Qing come out to meet the guests."

Shen Siang also wanted to show off his beloved wife, so he arranged for a steward to call someone.

Lu Li, on his side, just shivered a few times and then called it a day.

You're done, it's time to leave.

He was about to hand over the benefits to Su Qing as agreed, but found that the other party was lying on the windowsill crying.

Tears fell down like broken beads.

"Hey...what happened to you?"

Lu Li was a little confused... Even though he was not a human just now, he was still a great master, so he wouldn't be unable to bear it.

Su Qing put down her skirt, wiped away her tears and said:

"Damn it, if I had known it would turn out like this, I might as well have stayed at home! It's better to be poorer and more tired than to be screwed by you on the big day!"

Lu Li's face froze, and he lowered his head and said:

"Well... I'll give you the things. It's time for me to go."

"Bring it here."

Su Qing rubbed his face and returned to his pure and beautiful appearance.

But as soon as she stood up, she and Lu Li suddenly looked out the window - a housekeeper had walked nearby!

This house can block out prying eyes, but in turn it also affects the perception of the people inside.

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