I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 375 374. Statue of Liberty? puppet!

Lu Li came to the "New York City" to check out the area. He was extremely cautious at first, for fear of disturbing the situation.

But when I came here, I realized that I was overthinking it. A large group of Xia people were marching on the street with the slogan "Stop hatred and oppose discrimination."

It turns out that due to Lu Li's troubles last time, Xiao Huang in the Star Alliance became a punching bag. He was frequently discriminated against and even violently persecuted, and his situation became increasingly miserable.

There were a lot of Xia people taking to the streets at this time, so Lu Li was becoming more and more inconspicuous, which was a good thing.

But when he saw the signs held by these people, he couldn't help but frown.

[I am weak, please don’t bully me]

【Love us as much as you love Xiazhou food】

[We are also citizens of the Star Alliance]

With such a slogan, people of other skin colors who were watching laughed in disbelief.

“Is this an anti-oppression march, or is it a show of cuteness asking for love?”

Lu Li didn't understand why these people wanted to show weakness to the enemy and didn't even have guns on them. It was really wrong.

"Everyone has a gun so he doesn't mess up... Wait a minute, that doesn't seem right either. Moxico isn't much better."

The boy was not good at politics, and he didn't bother to think about it. It was none of his business anyway.

He continued to move forward, locating the precise point of the spiritual vein.

I've done this several times, so I have a lot of experience. Moreover, the spiritual veins are abundant and they are not buried deep. A large number of spiritual ideas have escaped, making it even easier to find.

Lu Li arrived at the mouth of the Hudson River and looked at the center of the bay with some surprise:

"The center point of the spiritual vein...is near the Statue of Liberty?"

I saw a towering bronze statue standing in the sea, wearing a radiant crown on his head, holding a torch high in his right hand, and holding a thick book in his left hand.

There are broken handcuffs, shackles and chains at the feet, symbolizing freedom from the constraints of tyranny.

This is the famous Statue of Liberty, and the center point of the spiritual vein is in the sea not far away.

Lu Li looked around and felt that this bay was actually quite nice.

Two or three kilometers away from the land, there is still 15 meters of water depth...all of them are cover for a breakthrough.

And every gain must come with a loss, and when the situation cannot be covered up at the last moment, the Star Allies can use heavy force without any scruples.

But it's better than being discovered as soon as you come up, and you won't have any fun like that.

Lu Li calculated it and found that Shen Si'ang, a poor guy, only needed 6 days. He had a lot of ideas to help him and it would only go faster.

The battle can be roughly divided into three stages.

There was no movement at first, and everything must be fine;

Once the soul spike is formed, the puppet will be needed to attract attention outside.

When the "accretion disk" is generated, it will definitely not be concealed, and it has reached the final stage, and it is necessary to use the flying sword to protect yourself and break through...

Thinking of this, Lu Li discovered a problem——

Against the flying swords and puppets, the Star Allies must be fully prepared, and they must have separate means.

As the sea breeze blew, Lu Li looked at the towering goddess statue and suddenly had a flash of inspiration:

"I have two out-of-body souls, Fan Chengxun and Ling Gui, and 400 million willpower, which are just enough to drive a puppet, and it's not a small puppet!"

Lu Li had an out-of-body experience himself, so of course he knew how powerful this spirit was, let alone two of them!

The Statue of Liberty is about 40 meters tall with her arms lowered, just right!

"Two out-of-body souls serve as the nervous system, and 400 million willpower serve as power, which is enough to drive it!"

The more Lu Li thought about it, the more reliable it became. And the most important thing is - the Statue of Liberty is a landmark building, known to everyone in the world.

How much willpower has been tempered over the past hundred years? No matter how big he is, he will definitely be sacrificed and refined into a "sacrificial weapon"!

With this activation, the combat effectiveness is not low~

Think about it, a 40-meter-tall metal giant, with a torch in one hand and a book in the other, is demolishing the city, and can extract souls to recover from injuries... It's like Pacific Rim!

Lu Lideng immediately became more interested: "It looks like we have to give the Star Alliance people a big job!"

He suppressed his excitement, found an uninhabited place, jumped into the bay, and rushed from the bottom of the water like a torpedo to the Liberty Island where the Statue of the Goddess was located.

Before even landing, Lu Li opened his eyes on the seabed, poured out his mind, and looked towards the Statue of Liberty.

"Sure enough, it has already been a sacrificial weapon!"

This was not unexpected, but Lu Li showed surprise again:

"Hiss~ Comes with 2 billion will power!!!"

After all, he underestimated the world-class landmark building. It didn’t need Lu Li’s willpower at all. He could bring his own~

No one cares about this, and countless willpower has gone by with the passage of time. Otherwise, with the propaganda agencies of the Star Allies, there would be only 2 billion!

Lu Li was greatly refreshed: "It is indeed a Blue Star item! The power of this thug... I am afraid it is far beyond imagination!"

"I can't wait!"

Just as he was told, Lu Li immediately began to awaken this unprecedented puppet.

The whole process was extremely simple, and there was no need for any "jade powder". Lu Li just crushed the two out-of-body souls with his mind, and then mixed them with his mind and forcefully poured them into the head and heart of the statue.

This is the best embryo that has been sacrificed and refined by billions of wishes for more than a hundred years. There is no need for any bells and whistles. It can conquer ten levels with one force!

To ensure nothing went wrong, Lu Li also added two useless fetal breath souls in his hand.

Confused with his own thoughts, he forced his way into the main joints of the goddess statue.

There was no reaction from the statue. Many tourists on the island could not see their souls and minds, and they were still visiting and taking pictures with great interest.

Lu Li was not in a hurry. With such a big body, the bullets would definitely have to fly for a while.

My mind is wandering inside the body of the statue, connecting it into a nerve network covering the whole body, and I will see results soon.

This was a free benefit. A good start was a good sign. Lu Li was in a good mood. Of course, he had to keep up his efforts.

He called the "Kunlun Mirror" into his hand and began to detect this spiritual vein.

Judging from what we can observe through looking at the air, this spiritual vein is so obvious that it is not deep underground, and there is a high probability that "laser drilling" is not needed.

Lu Li took the Kunlun Mirror and sensed it. He quickly confirmed that it was indeed the case and nodded with a smile.

“This trip went really smoothly!”

Sometimes, if you want to succeed, you need this "smooth" energy.

Lu Li stopped inking and went directly to the center of the spiritual veins and began to "condensate the mind"!

In the Xiantian realm, you can use "circulation of true energy" instead of breathing, and it will be particularly quiet at the bottom of the sea.

According to "The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit", Lu Li began to communicate with the "self" in his consciousness.

What is the true self?

When encountering a tiger, some people will immediately empty their body of waste and prepare to escape;

Some people will be so frightened that they lose the ability to think and freeze in place;

There are also people who are so passionate that they would pick up a stone and fight to the death!

These instincts without consciousness, the earliest and most primitive part of personality, the storage of impulses and desires, are the "id"!

The Self is buried deep in consciousness and exists in the world of thinking.

And to manifest the saint is to let him come to the material world, become a bridge for monks to communicate with the world, and become a protector!

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