I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 376 375. Condensation of mind

As the saying goes: appearance comes from the heart.

If you want to condense your "mind", you must first find your "self" in your consciousness.

To put it simply, you have to know what your "mind" is.

Tigers, leopards, jackals, flowers, birds, fish and insects...anything is possible.

The dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and four spirits are of course the top ones. There are also people who have condensed the appearance of gods and Buddhas, and they are even called saints descended from heaven.

Lu Li has been able to "semi-manifest his mind". This step of pursuing his true self and seeing his mind is naturally extremely simple.

He waved his hand, and a two-story-high three-headed shadow appeared on the bottom of the sea. The hazy shadow was the semi-manifest "mind state".

The longing for freedom and release is the innate instinct of life.

The three-headed dragon had been imprisoned for a long time and was naturally very aggrieved. He kept opening his mouth and letting out silent roars.

The two sides were one, and Lu Li could clearly feel his anger.

"Don't worry, you'll be out soon."

Lu Li immediately left his body at the bottom of the sea, and another version of himself flew out from between his eyebrows.

After dotting the eyes, the soul completely appeared, exactly the same as the physical body.

From hair to nails to eyes, there is no difference at all.

The soul is not only an out-of-body mind, but also truly exists in the material world. It is the most suitable bridge to communicate between the soul and reality!

And next, you have to condense the "mental phase" into the real world!

Lu Li's soul and body closed their eyes at the same time, communicating with the "Sea of ​​Consciousness".

The sea of ​​consciousness is the human spiritual world. Even if it is opened up by the Kunlun Mirror like a vast universe, it does not affect reality at all.

The physical body only senses it for an instant, but only at the level of reality.

The soul is an existence between the soul and reality. At this moment, it perceives the sea of ​​consciousness at the spiritual level!

"Connect, open!"

The physical body and the soul drink at the same time, just like the spiritual world of the universe and the starry sky, using the soul as a bridge to communicate with reality!

Lu Li's physical body showed no reaction, but a pale golden halo suddenly appeared behind his soul's head!

The diameter of the aperture is about half a meter. Many mythological figures from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, have similar artistic shapes on the backs of their heads.

This is the manifestation of the mind in reality. The sea of ​​consciousness is deep and chaotic. Lu Li is a little confused as to why it is golden?

"It seems that some kind of substance has reacted with the mind..."

Now that Wuxia was studying this, Lu Li put aside his doubts and continued to work on the manifestation of the saint.

There was an inexplicable attraction from the aperture, and "Xin Xiang" instinctively ran towards it. His huge body became smaller and smaller, and disappeared after entering it.

The next second, the aperture behind the soul's head quickly expanded, and its color gradually became transparent, turning into a giant egg that continued to expand.

This eye looked very familiar to Lu Li. It was the "spiritual spike" that Shen Siang had seen when he broke through.

Lu Li could clearly feel that his "mind" was growing and improving in it, becoming more and more real!

"Just like a seed planted in the ground, the melon finally ripens and falls off. No wonder it's called a spiritual ear."

Compared with eggs, it is indeed more like an "ear" that bears fruit.

The required nutrition is the owner's mind, which must be watered continuously for at least 20 days. It is a protracted battle that consumes a lot of money.

Lu Li's mind has already been semi-manifested, and it will definitely not take that long.

What's more, he is in the spiritual veins, so how can he leave a magical object like the spiritual machine unused?

"Kunlun Mirror, extract inspiration, but at the slowest speed."

After receiving the master's instructions, the Kunlun Mirror immediately came to the center of the spiritual vein. The mirror pointed at the seabed, creating a very small suction force.

The next second, a small crack opened in the sea floor, and inspiration spewed out.

These crystal clear liquids do not react at all with the surrounding environment and go straight into the Kunlun Mirror.

The momentum is much smaller than before, and it is indeed drawn slowly.

Not only is it guaranteed not to damage the planet, but it is also very concealed so as not to be discovered by the Star Allies.

Lu Li was very satisfied and used the Kunlun Mirror to inject spiritual ideas into his "Spirit Spike" to promote the cohesion of the mind.

But after all, it was the eldest girl's first time on the sedan chair, and she had far underestimated the effectiveness of the inspiration.

As soon as this divine thing was poured in, the mind immediately formed bat-like wings and thick reverse-jointed lower limbs.

At the same time, the body also grew larger, and the "spiritual spike" expanded rapidly like a balloon. After a while, the diameter exceeded 10 meters.

It will exceed sea level in another 10 meters, not to mention it will continue to grow, and sooner or later it will be seen.

And not far away, on Liberty Island, the Statue of Liberty also began to rattle, about to wake up.

A group of tourists and staff screamed in surprise, thinking it was caused by the aging of the bronze statue.

"We have to start planning quickly."

The plank road is built openly and the warehouse is secretly built. Next, the puppet must show its head to attract attention and cover up the breakthrough movement here.

The soul maintains the "spirit spike" and cannot move away. Fortunately, Lu Li can control the physical body remotely.

He had an idea and asked the puppets to gather at the coast, and he rushed there like a torpedo.

After landing, Lu Li took out his mobile phone and turned it on, and also canceled the mental shield.

After turning on the phone, he first called Jessica, and as expected, the phone had been turned off.

Lu Li was not too worried. The two puppets he had left behind were functioning normally and did not consume much energy. They had obviously not experienced any battle.

There should be no problem with Jessica's safety, but the two sides are too far apart, at least 3,500 kilometers away.

In addition, the puppet is just an ordinary model, so I can't project my mind to look at the little girl.

"It doesn't matter. You will be able to live freely soon."

His strength continues to grow, and sooner or later he will completely crush his enemies, so Lu Li is not in a hurry.

He searched Teresa online again and found that she was safe and sound under the protection of his mother, so he paid no more attention to her.

After playing on mobile phones by now, the Star Allies should be monitoring it.

This was what Lu Li meant. He logged into his Xia Guo social platform account and posted:

[New York City is about to become a war zone. Unrelated personnel should evacuate immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences]

Because his account was not blocked in his hometown, Lu Li handed his phone to No. 0 and returned to the sea.

When condensing the mind, the inspiration is only an auxiliary, and the mind is the foundation.

Without the physical body, the little energy reserved by the soul cannot last long.

Lu Liyou came back to charge Shenhun wirelessly, and his remarks immediately caused an uproar!

Countless Xiaguo netizens left messages:

【The largest city in the world! Times Square, Wall Street, and even the United Nations Headquarters are all there! 】

[God, don’t forget the Commonwealth Bank’s underground vault, which contains more than 8,000 tons of gold~]

[Stop it, surrender to the Star Allied government and seek leniency]

[Are you inhumane? He actually wanted to launch a terrorist attack! How many innocent lives are you going to harm! 】

【Fuck you monster! 】

The scene turned into chaos, but the "Green Pine" military base was orderly.

The F35 fighter jets on standby have already taken off and are expected to arrive within 15 minutes.

Several C17 transport aircraft have taken off, with unmanned tanks loaded in the cabin, which will be deployed via airdrop.

Dr. Barrick and others also came to the combat command room. A big drama is about to take place!

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