I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 377 376. Come to life

The news that Lu Li was going to attack New York spread all over the world in an instant via the Internet.

Admiration, disgust, hatred... No matter what mentality you have, the eyes of the whole world are focused on you.

A series of riots also occurred in New York City. Many people took their families and fled the city by car and boat.

The permanent offices of various countries also began to evacuate one after another as fighter planes roared across the sky.

However, not all of them have been evacuated. Some "special personnel" have been left behind in various countries.

At this moment, inside the Xia Kingdom consulate.

"Miss Fang", who had accompanied Norinco to deliver machine guns, was silently looking out the window at the Hudson River.

She wears a name tag on her chest with her name written on it - Fang Qian.

Next to Fang Qian was a drone equipped with an extremely complex and sophisticated probe.

Her remaining mission was to collect as much information as possible.

Puppet, flying sword, and even Lu Li himself. If you want to discover the treasures contained in it, you need huge data support.

In addition to drones, Fang Qian also prepared some organ bags and blood collection tubes.

Although Lu Li showed miraculous abilities, no matter how powerful an individual is, he cannot resist a country.

If Lu Li dies or is seriously injured, Fang Qian will collect his biological samples at all costs.

Of course, a living body is definitely the best.

In the base's combat command room, Dr. Barrick was repeatedly urging:

"General Fenton, please try your best to capture them alive and keep them intact. I noticed that you have prepared thermobaric bombs. I guess you don't want to use them yourself? I suggest you use the gas bombs provided by us."

General Fenton is tough but surprisingly easy to talk to: "I will do my best to meet your requirements."

Barrick nodded, turned around and walked to Rossi and Red, smiling and saying:

"Mutants are still humans after all. I'm really afraid that the military will break him."

Rhett took a step back calmly.

Rossi responded politely: "The gas bomb you just mentioned...are you referring to?"

"Yes, those gadgets."

Barrick smiled and said: "I have prepared a batch of high-temperature-resistant variants that can survive in an environment of 140 degrees for 10 minutes."

Hearing this, Rhett frowned and said: "Using it in densely populated areas will cause more serious sequelae than nuclear weapons."

"It doesn't matter, the vaccine was patented five years ago."

Barrick didn't take it seriously at all, waved his hand and said:

"These gadgets have amazing value, not only as weapons... In short, it is recommended that you buy shares of the pharmaceutical group in advance."

Rossi nodded immediately and said, "Thank you for the reminder."

Barrick came here mainly to make friends with this talented psychology expert.

After a few brief exchanges of greetings, Barrick paced back to the general, staring at the big screen to watch the live broadcast of the battle.

Rhett frowned softly and said, "Are they already so blatant?"

"Look at it openly, at least the pharmaceutical group will not pursue the fatality rate."

Rossi took off his glasses and took a breath, then wiped them for a long time before putting them back on.

At this moment, a red frame suddenly appeared on the big screen in the command room!

It was a group of drones high in the sky that discovered the target, and Red looked excited and expectant!

The one who can carry out the first round of strikes must be his own airborne laser!

The air strike was direct and efficient, and soon the fighter planes were targeting the target and firing.


New York City has a total of 5 jurisdictions. The puppets took Lu Li's mobile phone and were targeted by fighter planes in the "Staten" district.

Six fighter jets roared over in formation, and the control system firmly locked onto the puppet on the ground.

Unlike science fiction movies, lasers that convert electrical energy are emitted silently and have no color.

I saw the clothes on the three puppets spontaneously ignited out of thin air, and then their chests sizzled and melted into a shallow pit.

It hurriedly ducked to the ground and quickly maneuvered to evade, but it was completely unable to see at the speed of light and was firmly locked by the fire control.

The longer the laser is irradiated, the greater the damage. Not to mention that multiple fighter planes can hit one target at the same time. The main structure of the puppet will soon be damaged and scrapped.

At the same time, the second and third wave of fighter formations have also passed over.

No. 0 and Ada immediately stepped forward to block the situation, actively attracting laser irradiation.

They are leader-level, their bodies have the strength of a fifth-grade magic weapon, and they have strong tolerance to high temperatures.

The laser shined on the body for nearly 5 seconds before there was a slight trace of melting.

The younger brothers had already rushed into the building to take cover. Naturally, the two of them would not carry it with force. They trampled on the ground and crashed into the building.

The will power stored in the body is immediately activated to repair the injury.

But before he could make any move, he saw giant parachutes falling from the sky.

50 unmanned tanks landed one after another, their engines roaring and rushing towards them, surrounding the area where the puppet was.

The development time was too short and the tank looked weird.

It's just a Phalanx "close defense gun" clamped on a movable chassis.

But with the caliber increased to 30 mm and a rate of fire of 4,500 rounds per minute, its power should not be underestimated.

Amidst the violent movement of electric drills drilling into the wall, only four tanks opened fire together, forming a terrifying barrage that shattered the building where the puppet was into pieces like biscuits.

Without their hiding place, the puppets lay on the ground and rushed towards the tank at high speed.

This move is completely useless in the face of a fire control system that can intercept missiles.

Each unmanned tank locked on the target and opened fire in the blink of an eye. No matter how the puppets lay on the ground to avoid it, they would be covered by the barrage.

Soon, sparks flew out of the air and flew out one after another.

Even No. 0 was hit in multiple places and was smashed into the building by the huge kinetic energy of the cannon, raising large amounts of smoke and dust.

As soon as they met, the puppet army was completely suppressed and surrounded.

New York City is the largest city in the world, and there are many Internet celebrity self-media companies with drones.

This scene was filmed and broadcast to the world, causing an uproar on the Internet.

I don’t know how many people got angry and said: [That’s great! Bring this monster to justice quickly]

[By dissecting him, Star Alliance and allies can gain superpowers]

At the same time, warm applause also broke out in the combat command room.

Everyone was smiling and congratulating each other, as if they had won the battle.

Rossi frowned and said, "Why are there only robots? Where are those terrible flying swords? The mutants didn't show up either..."

There were many people who noticed this, and immediately there were officers controlling the drone group to inspect.

Four Dark Star drones flew at an altitude of 14,000 meters, scanning the area around New York City back and forth.

Soon, I discovered something was wrong.

"Sir, there is something unusual in the water near the Statue of Liberty."

At this time, the diameter of Lu Li's spiritual ear had exceeded 30 meters, already higher than the sea level.

Not only was it photographed by a drone, but it was also noticed by passing ships.

"What the hell?"

"It's a supernatural phenomenon! It must be caused by the mutant!"

While everyone was considering countermeasures, the drone suddenly focused its view on the Statue of Liberty.

The officer exclaimed: "Oh my God! The Statue of Liberty...she, she is alive!!!"

No need to report, everyone saw it!

The Statue of Liberty...came off her pedestal!

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