Although Lu Li had issued an attack warning, nearly half of the people in "New York City" still had not evacuated.

Among them are Internet celebrities, media people, and people like Fang Qian who have ulterior motives.

But most of them are ordinary people who are blindly confident.

In their opinion, the army was ready to kill a yellow-skinned mutant with ease!

The puppets were suppressed by unmanned tanks as soon as they came face to face before, which reinforced this view, and many people who originally planned to leave did not leave either.

Unexpectedly, the evil mutants resurrected the Statue of Liberty and headed towards Manhattan!

Air raid sirens rang throughout the city, and people who had no time to evacuate rushed to underground parking lots and subway stations.

"The evil mutant defiled the Statue of Liberty! He will go to hell!"

"What the hell are the troops doing! Kill this son of a bitch!"

There was only curse and hatred in the hearts of the citizens. At this moment, the Statue of Liberty rushed into the city!

The 15-story metal giant came with a "rumbling" and knocked away the pieces of high-rise buildings along the street.

These were large chunks of cement and broken glass, and some old gangsters who had taken advantage of the situation were buried in the rubble screaming.

The Statue of Liberty didn't care, she just kept rushing forward to attract as much attention as possible.

It was not in good condition, with wounds all over its body, including bullet holes on its forehead and face.

The overly large body actually became a disadvantage in the face of saturated artillery fire.

Fortunately, the gun lines of those tanks were blocked by buildings and could not fire for the time being.

But it was only temporary, the tank company was pumping the gas and was chasing after them.

And these are not the only defense forces in New York City.

Under the control of General Fenton, 50 more tanks surrounded them from the front, and 24 "Apache" armed helicopters roared into view.

Without flying swords fighting for air supremacy, they would definitely be attacked from all directions.

The 24 Apaches were divided into eight groups and locked the Statue of Liberty firmly.

The next second, a "Hellfire Missile" roared in! The cannon also opened fire!

The Statue of Liberty hid behind a skyscraper, barely avoiding some damage.

At the same time, he grabbed a handful of the building and threw it towards the sky, turning it into a helicopter hit by shotguns and flying with sparks.

One of the planes was shot in the tail and fell in a circle on the spot, while the others quickly scattered and climbed up.

As soon as he gained some advantage, the extremely fast light unmanned tank caught up with him, aiming at the goddess's knees and calves and pouring barrage!

At the same time, a dozen F35 fighter jets also formed a formation and flew across the sky, dropping a large number of missiles and precision-guided bombs.

This is a saturation strike in modern warfare. Even with extraordinary power, not everyone can stop it.

The Statue of Liberty had no ability to evade missiles at all. In desperation, she only had time to move a "Starbucks" as a shield. The next moment she was overwhelmed by a violent explosion.

The dust is covering the sky, but many people in the industry know that the Statue of Liberty is dead.

Unlike in science fiction movies, these large monsters are actually the most restrained by modern weapons.

Three kilometers away on the top floor of the Holiday Inn in Manhattan, Fang Qian was flying a drone to film everything, and she thought so in her heart.

Sure enough, when the dust settled, the Statue of Liberty was missing an arm and had a huge gaping hole in her waist.

The second round of air strikes was about to begin, and the tank company also caught up.

The Statue of Liberty couldn't escape with her wings, but instead of fighting to the death, she turned around and ran north!

Seeing this scene, Admiral Fenton immediately shouted:

"It's going to Wall Street! Stop it at all costs!"

This is true, Wall Street and the stock exchange are less than 1 kilometer away.

The Statue of Liberty runs at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour and can reach it in half a minute.

But the land and air power of the Star Allies would not let it get what it wanted, and they immediately poured out firepower like crazy.

Artillery shells, missiles, and machine guns all hit the goddess's body with rumbles. Her face, which was full of flesh, exploded on the spot.

The unmanned tank specifically targets the calves and soles of the feet to destroy the target's ability to move.

The goddess tried her best to avoid using high-rise buildings, while waving torches and books to resist, and rushed towards Wall Street with all her strength.

The command it received was to attract attention, so it naturally had to execute it resolutely to buy enough time for its master!

At this moment, Lu Li's "Spirit Spike" was already beating continuously, just like when Qinglong broke through.

Normally, there would have been an uproar in the city, but everyone was staring at the Statue of Liberty, and the "spiritual spike" was translucent, so it could be fooled for the time being.

But it won't fool you for long...

When she was only a hundred meters away from the stock exchange, the goddess's right calf broke and crashed to the ground.

It stood on the ground with one hand and one leg and wanted to crawl forward, but a dozen tanks had already rushed over to support it.

There were also tanks that threw steel cables to tie them up, obviously to capture them alive.

Seeing this scene, Admiral Fenton breathed a long sigh of relief.

As long as nothing happens on Wall Street, everything else will be fine.

And all the officers, experts and scholars in the command room hugged each other excitedly!

The losses in this battle were not great, but the metal giant was captured alive.

As long as the secrets are discovered, the Star Alliance will become the greatest and most brilliant country in the universe! I and others will also be remembered in history!

They were so excited, but the other spectators at Blue Star felt very sorry.

"There's only one step left, goddess, try harder!"

"At least the stock exchange has been raised, go go go go!"

At this moment, the prayers of people all over the world, especially those of a certain eastern country, gathered into a surging tide of wishes, and there were more than 2 billion!

As networks and smart devices become more and more developed, it is becoming more and more known what kind of material the Star Alliance is.

Even if many people don't side with Lu Li, they still want to see the Star Allies eat turtles.

Unfortunately, the power of will is not omnipotent and cannot resurrect the Statue of Liberty with full health.

The stock exchange, which is less than 100 meters away, paid in error after all.

Countless people sighed with regret, feeling that they would not be able to eat anything big today.

The Star Alliance and its allies turned into a sea of ​​joy and were proud of themselves online.

People hiding underground in New York City also ran out and wanted to take photos with the Statue of Liberty, but were blocked by a group of soldiers.

Ordinary people must think that the Star Alliance side has won, but things are obviously not that simple.

In the combat command room, Professor Rossi muttered: "Something's wrong...Where are the mutants and his flying sword?"

"Maybe he saw the laser and ran away."

Professor Reid wanted to participate in the study of the Statue of Liberty and made a casual guess.

This is also what most people think. After seeing the strength of the Star Allies, the mutants will definitely not dare to show their faces.

But Rossi didn't think so.

He picked up a pen and paper and sorted out everything that happened today...and suddenly shouted:

"No! This mutant is diverting our attention! What is his intention... By the way! Where is the weird scene captured by the drone before?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the officer in charge of the drone group changed his expression and shouted:

"Unknown situation discovered near Liberty Island!"

On the big screen, Lu Li's "Spirit Spike" had turned pitch black, like a black hole!

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