I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 380 379. Excitement

When the Statue of Liberty was making a fuss, Lu Li was naturally concentrating on condensing his "mind".

In "Spirit Spike", the shadow of a three-headed demonic dragon exudes a golden halo, and gradually grows wings, claws, and scales, becoming more and more real.

Lu Li continuously poured his mind into it as nutrients for its growth, and he was aware of the whole process clearly.

This condensation of "mind" is the same as the previous "spiritual appearance" and the incarnation of the human body.

They all rely on the subconscious to shape "I" to condense the body.

The "mental image" relies on the "self", so what is condensed is not the human body.

Lu Li naturally knew this, but what he didn't expect was... the three-headed dragon was so huge that it was beyond imagination!

One wing alone is bigger than a football field when spread out!

Each of the three heads gathering at this moment is no smaller than a double-decker bus!

This size is simply terrifying, and the corresponding consumption is astronomical.

It was simply impossible to gather it together with just Lu Li's mind.

He tried his best to run his body, and all the energy was supplied to the central nervous system.

He also took out several bottles of "soothing essential oil" and poured them over his head to stimulate and squeeze his brain.

Just trying so hard to solve the problem can only satisfy 30% of the consumption.

The remaining 70% of the gap depends entirely on the inspiration extracted by the Kunlun Mirror.

Lingji not only nourishes and harmonizes the body, but also ensures a steady supply of mind and spirit.

It was also poured into the "spirit spike", and together with the mind, it was quickly transformed into the body of the "mind form".

At first glance, mind and inspiration are like raw materials, and a magic dragon is 3D printed.

But that's just the surface!

Lu Li had been observing, knowing that his mind or his inspiration were only catalysts.

What constitutes the body of "mind" is another kind of substance, a unique substance that is unknowable and invisible.

"Dark matter!"

This is one of the most basic material components of the universe. It does not participate in electromagnetic interactions and cannot be observed or captured by any means.

But it can only react with idealistic things like mind and spirit!

"Spirit Spike" is the embodiment of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the inner space is deep and dark.

But as soon as the mind and inspiration come in, a golden light will immediately appear, which is caused by the reaction with dark matter.

Under the constraints of the "self", they condensed a large amount of dark matter and transformed into a huge body of "mind".

There is enough energy, and the "mind state" is semi-manifest and only needs to be filled.

As a result, the condensation became smoother and smoother, and the speed became faster and faster... Before I knew it, all that was left was my eyes!

In half an hour at most, you're done!

But becoming a saint is a state of spiritual transformation, and it is called a "god", so how can it be without disaster?

At this moment, the Statue of Liberty was knocked down!

A group of puppets were also completely suppressed by unmanned tanks and airborne lasers, and they could only rely on buildings to avoid them.

Among them, No. 15 and No. 16, two newly born ordinary models, were locked by multiple unmanned tanks at the same time and were blasted to pieces by 30mm machine guns.

This scene was captured by drones and even people using mobile phones and uploaded to the Internet.

The Star Allies suddenly cheered!

They posted pictures of the goddess lying on the ground and being bound, and the puppet being beaten into pieces, and they even shouted triumphantly:

[Justice defeats evil, worthy of being the most powerful country in Blue Star]

[When the Star Allies get serious, the so-called super-powered terrorists are just rats in the gutter]

[It is indeed a mouse, a white mouse in the laboratory]

In the hustle and bustle, many people were wondering:

[Where is Lu Li himself and those flying swords? 】

[Are you really scared away? He doesn't look like this kind of person...]

All kinds of doubts were soon answered——

Near Liberty Island, a pitch black ball with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters suddenly appeared.

When it was originally translucent, it wasn't too conspicuous, and everyone was paying attention to the battlefield.

The appearance of this black hole immediately attracted all eyes.

As if that wasn't eye-catching enough, the "Spirit Spike" captures light and rotates around it, forming a striking "accretion disk" effect.

This suddenly made everyone even more surprised:

[Light cannot escape...is it a black hole? 】

[Then why didn’t the sea water react? A mirage, right? 】

[It is not in the same dimension, so it only affects light! What on earth does he want to do? 】

The discussion was heated, and Lu Li was completely exposed to the global public.

The "mental phase" has been condensed and is about to come to the material world.

This step of switching between reality and reality is the most dangerous, and of course Lu Li wants to complete it safely.

However, the change of "Spirit Spike" involves the law of gravity, one of the four basic forces, which cannot be concealed or changed.

In this case, we can only try our best to cross over!

Lu Li's eyes narrowed, and seven flying swords surrounded him, already ready.

Naturally, the Star Allies would not just watch. The Apache formation that attacked the Statue of Liberty was still there, and they were sent over immediately.

24 armed helicopters roared in and appeared in the distance.

But before the fire control system could take aim, three flying swords suddenly shot out of the sea.

At the moment, the flying sword in its normal state has a speed of 2.5 times the speed of sound, and it comes close in the blink of an eye.

Three streaks of cold light flew past, piercing eight Apaches on the spot.

【May day! May day! I'm going to crash! 】

The armed helicopter spewed black smoke, swirled and fell, and the pilot screamed in panic.

But this was not bad. Several of them exploded directly into the air and turned into violently expanding fireballs.

The Apache formation, which was so arrogant just now, chasing the Statue of Liberty, lost 1/3 of its troops when they met.

The rest also quickly turned around and retreated, not daring to stay for a second longer.

The flying sword only attacks for one round and then stops, because the real threat has already come higher up in the sky.

Due west, a large number of fighter jets roared across the sky!

They are grouped in groups of five and five, organized into four attack echelons, and the number is exactly 20.

From a long distance away, the missiles under the wings separated from the lower pylons one after another, spraying tail flames and hitting them.

There were 40 rounds. Not to mention that Lu Li was not free at this time. Under normal circumstances, he would not have time to interfere with them all.

This is the critical moment for the transition between reality and reality. Once the "spiritual spike" is disturbed by the explosion and the structure is unstable, the breakthrough will inevitably fail.

At that time, all the hard work will be in vain, the "mental image" will disappear permanently, and the saint will no longer be able to manifest in this life.

At the critical moment, Lu Li had an idea and ordered all the flying swords to attack to intercept the missiles in the sky.

The flying sword swooped in at 2.5 times the speed of sound, blasting all the incoming missiles, creating a splendid fireworks show.

Then he shot straight into the sky and killed the fighter planes.

The formation of fighter jets dispersed and evaded, and at the same time, they locked onto the "Lingsui" again and launched missiles.

Feijian quickly divided into four to intercept and guard, feeling quite exhausted from running for his life.

The Star Allies are fully prepared, and this has just begun!

Amidst the roar, the second batch of 20 fighter planes roared to the rescue and appeared on the horizon.

There are also the 100 M1A1 tanks from before, which are also rushing back from the city to the shore and will soon join the battle.

Feijian definitely couldn't take care of it, and was about to be covered by saturation firepower.

But Xinxiang has just begun to struggle in the "spirit spike", and it will take two minutes before he can come out.

Fortunately, no more mental infusion is needed!

Lu Li quickly multi-purposed, letting his soul stay where it was while his physical body took the Kunlun Mirror to join the battle.

I have to say it came at the right time!

The 20 fighter planes that had just arrived for support fired 40 missiles.

At the same time, while Feijian was overwhelmed, he also dropped 20 satellite-guided bombs.

The Star Allies have discovered that Lu Li can interfere with the guidance device of missiles, but they cannot interfere with too many at once, so they are calling in pieces.

Time was running out. As soon as Lu Li jumped out of the sea, he immediately activated his laser eyes.

His eyes were blazing red, and he shot out short laser beams one after another, accurately hitting the projectiles falling from the sky.

Boom boom boom, violent explosions resounded across the sky.

The entire sea area was more lively than the New Year. At first, you could still see the explosion and fire, but then only thick smoke filled the air.

The picture disappeared suddenly, and the Blue Star people who were enjoying watching it all shouted:

"Damn smoke! Anchor, swim to the sea and take pictures!"

"No one cares about his laser eyes? Cool new skill."

"He obviously cares about this black hole...what's in it!?"

"Whatever it is, it's definitely important."

This is obvious, and the Star Allies must also know it.

Not only were the fighter jets attacking like crazy, but the 100 M1A1 tanks had also arrived at the shore and were adjusting their turrets to fire.

A tank gun with a muzzle speed that can reach 5 times the speed of sound is the firepower Lu Li fears the most! Not to mention 100 doors!

Fortunately, at this moment, a sharp claw tore open a small opening in the "spiritual ear" and then carefully squeezed it out.

Don't panic, the next chapter will be soon

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