I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 381 380. Annihilation

When people are in danger, they instinctively raise their arms to protect their brains.

The mind is the embodiment of "self" and an inseparable part of Lu Li. Of course, it will give priority to protecting important organs.

It was extremely careful when it came out of the "spirit spike". After all, this was the embodiment of the sea of ​​consciousness.

But the one that squeezed out first... was a jet black wing?

The "heart" is Lu Li himself. Of course he knows what he needs most right now!

Continuous and dense explosions caused the smoke to turn into a choking thick fog, with visibility less than two meters.

But the Allies did not give up the attack, and all kinds of missiles and bombs were thrown at them.

The 100 tanks also fired with a roar, which was enough to kill the Xiantian realm shells instantly, tearing the air and screaming.

Saturation fire came overwhelmingly, but Lu Li felt at ease because a dragon wing as big as a football field was blocking his head.

The deafening explosion resounded throughout, but it was completely isolated by the black dragon wings, and Lu Li could not feel much vibration.

"What a strong defense!"

Lu Li stretched out his hand and touched it. The body made of dark matter was completely impossible to predict by common sense.

No matter the shells or missiles, they are like firecrackers thrown on granite, unable to shake the slightest bit.

With the rise of the Star Alliance, Lu Li was happy to let his "mind" come out completely, so he was naturally not in a hurry.

He took back all the flying swords to "charge" them, and at the same time arranged for the Kunlun Mirror to continue extracting spiritual veins.

Kunlun Mirror kept in mind the previous order not to violently extract the spiritual veins, so the extraction was not fast.

The rumbling explosion lasted for another half minute, and the mental state finally came out!

Sure enough, it was a huge three-headed dragon, lowering its head in the middle for Lu Li to stand on it.

Lu Li stroked the sharp and ferocious dragon horns and smiled happily:

"It finally worked, it wasn't easy..."

From the beginning of Jin Xiantian, all kinds of plans have been aimed at this step, and now they are finally completed.

Just when they had just broken through and needed to familiarize themselves with the realm... At this time, the Star Allies stopped bombing, but it could no longer change the fate that followed.


After a few more rounds of explosions, the smoke on the sea became thicker and thicker, and even a strong wind could not dissipate it.

The melon-eaters couldn’t see the picture and were anxious, but some smart people had already seen that something was wrong:

[Those missiles and artillery shells clearly hit something hard when they exploded! And the area is very large]

[Is it some kind of super power? new skill? 】

No one knows the answer, but the Star Allies know it well.

In the operational command room of Green Pine Base, everyone looked at the radar scanning interface with unsightly expressions.

I saw a huge light spot on it. Normally, this kind of mark is only found when an aircraft carrier is detected!

The venue was unusually quiet, and Professor Reid whispered: "Could it be...this is... again?"

Rossi nodded solemnly... This was obviously another method that humans couldn't understand.

At the same time, Fang Qian and others had more advanced drones and also detected something was wrong.

"What the hell? 160 meters long..."

She looked at the blurry images returned from the infrared camera, a little unbelievable!

And the answer will soon be revealed!

A strong wind suddenly arose in the field, and the waves were rolling and roaring. The wind force level was level 10, and even some cars on the shore were blown away.

The smoke cleared instantly, leaving billions of people around the world stunned at the same time!

What caused this strong wind was a pair of wings!

A pair of dragon wings with a wingspan of more than 400 meters and comparable in size to an aircraft carrier... dragon wings!

After the smoke was blown away, the wings folded up and turned into forelimbs, which turned out to be "chiropterans".

Everyone also saw the full picture of this behemoth, and they were all shocked and said:

"Dragon? Three-headed dragon!"

"Summoning a three-headed dragon from another dimension? This is his plan!"

"Too, too big...the wingspan is over 400 meters, and the body length is over 160 meters!"

At first glance, Xinxiang indeed looks like a giant dragon in the west.

It has a body similar to that of a puma, with two huge chiropteran wings, and is covered in black scales.

But it also has three heads, and six ferocious horns grow out of the facial bones, forming the shape of a crown to protect the head.

There are two dragon beard-like bone spurs on the lower jaw, which hides a bit of the charm of an oriental dragon despite its brutality.

But no matter how much he modified it, he looked like a villain and a monster.

In the combat command room, everyone was dumbfounded. Admiral Fenton roared crazily:

"Hurry, fire quickly! All military services open fire with full force! Prepare to drop thermobaric bombs!"

Without his order, the front-line commander was already roaring in the communication channel and firing.

Nearly 40 fighter jets fired missiles at the same time, and hundreds of tanks on the shore also roared and fired.

But Xin Xiang didn't bother to hide or defend. He just moved his three heads to protect Lu Li and allowed all kinds of attacks to explode on him with deafening explosions.

To be able to support such a large body, the hardness of dark matter far exceeds the known materials of Blue Star.

After a series of explosions and flames, there were only some insignificant marks on the scales.

"The defense is comparable to that of a battleship!"

Lu Li was surprised: "And it has a strong tolerance to high temperatures... No! It's energy absorption!"

What hit him at this time was an armor-piercing projectile that sprayed high-temperature metal jets. However, the high temperature was directly absorbed by the scales without causing any damage.

His telepathic power was beyond imagination. Lu Li cheered up and said, "Come, let me see your true ability!"

Upon hearing this, Xin Xiang's three heads showed cruel expressions at the same time, and took a deep breath.

Golden light surged under the skin of its abdomen, surging to its chest and neck... and its mouth was pointed at the tank on the shore.

Anyone with a brain knows that the next step is to "breathe".

Many of the tank crew members who had been so brave and fearless just now opened the roof and abandoned the vehicle and fled.

There is no way, this monster is 160 meters long, the Statue of Liberty is like a house cat in front of it, the oppression is not the same magnitude.

And what is going to happen next is definitely not a good thing!

Sure enough, in the next second, the three dragon mouths spurted golden jets at the same time!

The jet was solid and thick, and its speed exceeded 6 times the speed of sound. As soon as it came out of the dragon's mouth, it hit the air and exploded into a circle of white air waves.

Three golden light beams as thick as a van suddenly hit the tank group on the shore.

These extremely strong steel fortresses are like ice cubes soaked in hot water. They only lasted for less than 3 seconds before they began to melt and disintegrate, and then exploded.

Lu Li kept sensing it, nodded and said:

"This energy is... dark matter activated by the mind? Dark matter breath! It also uses metamagnetic acceleration!"

The dragon's mouth is blessed with a "magnetic" coil, which is his most proud method.

"That is to say, what I know can also be applied to the mind!"

Lu Li realized something, and the three faucets in his mind turned around, breathing out like three high-pressure water cannons, and rows of tanks collapsed and exploded.

The entire park was also plowed away, exposing the soil.

A Hilton Hotel not far away was accidentally hit, and a huge hole was punched out in an instant. Then the whole hotel collapsed, sending up smoke and dust into the sky.

In seven or eight seconds, the armored cluster of hundreds of tanks was destroyed, and the entire Bay Park disappeared!

Such power shocked the world again——

"The destructive power is no less than that of tactical nuclear weapons! This is the true sense of the word...monster!"

"The mutants tricked the Star Alliance! He obviously used some insignificant things to attract attention, and then achieved his real purpose!"

"He keeps getting stronger! This is the scariest thing!"

There is a lot of noise on the Internet, but in reality the noise of hundreds of tanks is much quieter.

Lu Li touched the heart's dragon horn and said: "I will call you [Annihilation] from now on. Now~ Annihilate the city in front of you."

[Annihilation] liked this name very much. He spread his wings, his three heads roared in unison, and then walked towards Manhattan.

It just so happened that Lu Li also had to get more familiar with the realm.

Manifestation is more than just summoning a monster to bite someone.

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