I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 383 382. Heavy thermobaric bomb

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Thousands of Xiao Huang shouted loudly, blocking Lu Li's way.

"Stop the terrorist attacks! Stop destroying our homes!"

They held up slogans "Resolutely Oppose Terrorism" and chanted slogans over and over again. Some took photos and videos with their mobile phones.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li was a little confused:

"Do these people think...I won't do anything to them?"

Not to mention their nationality, these little yellow guys all use Angsa from their slogans to slogans.

At least he could say a few words in his mother tongue and Lu Li could show some compassion.

This is like a foreigner from beginning to end. Who would get used to them?

"Annihilation" kept walking and stepped directly towards the crowd.

The front end of the wing hand is a sharp claw with cold light, which is as big as a basketball court. How terrifying it is to fall from the sky!

A group of little yellows screamed:

"We are all Xia Yi, you can't do this!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

But the giant claws stepped down without mercy, and with heart-piercing screams, a large number of people were trampled into two dimensions on the spot.

The crowd screamed and ran away, many of them were trampled to death as you pushed me and squeezed you.

The giant claw lifted and fell, leaving several huge flesh and blood footprints. Lu Li left the group behind.

The reason why I didn't let my heart breathe out was not because of kindness.

Lu Li would not deliberately attack civilians, just like adults would not deliberately step on ants unless they were in the way.

This scene was filmed by various anchors and self-media and broadcast around the world.

Countless people were surprised by Lu Li's cold-blooded cruelty. Fang Qian also had a stern look on her face:

"He is born with a cold personality, coupled with his acquired upbringing... He doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all!"

"Sure enough, someone as powerful but gentle and kind as Superman only exists in imagination after all..."

At this time, although a group of Xiao Huangs suffered some casualties, most of them survived and were pretty lucky.

They survived the disaster, but did not escape immediately.

Instead, he took out his phone, uploaded the photo he just took and left a message:

[Riding death to stop terrorists, but unfortunately failed]

[Terrorists’ cold-blooded atrocities will surely be punished by God]

All the comments were more like asking for credit, but they also received a lot of likes and support.

But at this moment, a group of people looked up at the sky with doubts.

There is a meteor shower falling from the sky...it is the violent tail flame of a cruise missile!

And above the altitude of 10,000 meters, there are countless laser-guided bombs, covering the rapid fall of a giant "GBU-43" thermobaric bomb.

Missiles and aerial bombs covered the entire Chinatown. A group of people suddenly panicked and ran out desperately, trying to escape the bombing range.

But it's too late! Violent fireballs exploded one after another!

The targets of aerial bombs and cruise missiles are large facilities, and their charges far exceed those of ordinary air-to-surface missiles or artillery shells.

For example, the "Tomahawk" missile has a conventional explosive charge of 450 kilograms.

The "Young Zhu" missile launched by a fighter plane has a charge of only 37 kilograms.

The difference is more than 10 times, and the power is naturally different.

Not to mention that there were a lot of Mk84 aerial bombs dropped on the head. This thing contained 430 kilograms of explosives!

At this moment, countless huge explosives were attacking, and Lu Li's instinct began to give warning!

Having seen the power of these things in the capital, and in such large numbers, Xian Xiang would probably be hurt.

Fortunately, these big guys did not exceed the speed of sound, and the seven flying swords immediately took off and cut off the tail fins of the aerial bombs.

Without this, the aerial bomb would immediately roll around in the sky and have already rolled several miles away by the time it landed.

Lu Li's eyes glowed red, and he activated his laser eyes to fire at the incoming cruise missiles.

With a hiss, the short laser blast burned a hole in the warhead, and the thing immediately lost its direction, spinning and hitting somewhere else.

Huge fireballs exploded all over Manhattan, and the shock wave could easily lift the entire building.

The scene was chaotic, but the "GBU-43" thermobaric bomb in the sky was impossible to ignore.

It is 9 meters long and weighs less than 10 tons. It is particularly conspicuous among a group of 4-meter-long aerial bombs.

The killing range is 1.6 kilometers, and it is known as a "sub-nuclear weapon."

Lu Li fired a particularly thick laser eye on the spot and shot it into the air!

But the power of the explosion was far less than expected, and a lot of powder was blown up into the air.

And this is exactly how thermobaric bombs attack!

It will explode twice, the first time releasing a large amount of chemical powder rich in flammable materials, covering a large area.

The second explosion ignites the powder, deflagrates the high-temperature shock wave, and drains the oxygen in the area.

Now the powder has covered the air, and the real explosion has followed.

But I saw a blazing fireball suddenly rising in the sky!

Its radius is close to 500 meters, and it is still expanding outward, causing thermal radiation as high as 2,500 degrees!

A violent shock wave followed, sweeping towards Luli.

"Annihilation" reacted very quickly and had already spread its wings to cover its whole body.

The shock wave rumbled past, scraping away the surrounding buildings, and was no less powerful than a Category 12 hurricane.

But it is nothing to the mind, as the wings will completely isolate it.

Then there was heat radiation, but as soon as it got close, it was absorbed by Xin Xiang's body, and a blazing red light began to surge under the scales!

As for the so-called lack of oxygen, neither Lu Li nor Xin Xiang needed air, so they naturally ignored it.

The fireball slowly dissipated, and the thermobaric bomb was easily taken down without any damage.

Although the laser eye did not completely destroy the weapon, it caused it to detonate early and its power was greatly reduced.

This is exactly the method Lu Li planned to use to deal with nuclear bombs, and now it looks like it works well, especially when combined with Xin Xiang's powerful defense.

But we can't relax our vigilance. The power of nuclear bombs is much greater than this. It's hard to tell when the distance is close.

By this time, the dust had settled, and Xin Xiang was just about to put down his wings when two aerial bombs without tail fins suddenly hit his lower back.

It's a long shot that this can hit, but it's also just a chance to further test the defense.

After the two violent explosions, Xin Xiang's scales also had two more cracks about two meters long.

The injury wasn't serious, but it really broke the defense.

Lu Li became more and more vigilant. Although his mind was strong, it was not invincible and he could not take it lightly.

The cracks in the scales slowly healed. Looking around, the entire Chinatown had been blown into ruins, and the little yellows were in pieces.

This is definitely not a coincidence. This is the location where the Star Allies have planned the air strike in advance.

Those little yellow guys risked their lives to stop Lu Li, but they ended up like this, which is really disappointing.

However, Lu Li didn't pay too much attention to it. His heart had absorbed a lot of heat radiation just now, and now it was converted into breath energy, which was very satisfying.

By the way, try to further solidify your breath!

The three-headed demonic dragon advanced towards the north, and light burst out from its mouth, sweeping away skyscrapers one after another.

As two landmark buildings, the Empire State Building and Times Square, were plowed, Manhattan, the world's economic center, also fell.

This scene is like a scene from a disaster science fiction movie, spread all over the world through the developed network.

The people who witnessed all this worshiped, rejoiced, roared, and grieved...

All kinds of spiritual power turned into a tide of willpower and surged over.

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