Since World War II, subway stations have served as air raid shelters.

At this moment, the 500,000 people stranded in Manhattan for various reasons have all taken shelter here.

There were so many people that the subway station was so crowded that there was no place to stay.

From time to time there were loud roars and earthquakes overhead, scaring the crowd into screaming.

This is exactly how Lu Li was practicing "Dark Matter Breathing" while destroying the city through entertaining and entertaining activities.

Someone held up a mobile phone and trembled: "Monster, monster destroyed Times Square!"

I saw the magic dragon spit out three beams of light and swept across it. Dozens of prosperous high-rise buildings, gorgeous neon lights, and big screens all burst into pieces.

The scene was spectacular, but the subway was filled with deep despair:

"Dead...we will all die here!"

"What are the government and the army doing! Stop this son of a monster!"

"Monster who deserves to go to hell! I curse your soul! You will turn into mud in hell!"

They reviled, were angry, and hated! But there are also people who are ecstatic and worshiping!

The people of Blue Star were in agitated mood, and their emotions gathered into a rolling tide of willpower and flooded them.

"Well done!"

Lu Li was worried.

The energy of the mind is not unlimited. After the destruction of Manhattan, most of it has been consumed, and the body has become much blurred.

But the realm has not been tested yet, the dragon's breath also needs to be further condensed, and there are still many things to do.

These wishes come at the right time!

As soon as Lu Li had an idea, Annihilation immediately spread its wings and sucked in...

I saw the billowing golden substance emerging out of thin air and being taken into the body by the demon dragon. It was the "merit" that represented positive emotions.

The number is about 500 million. After annihilation and absorption, there is not much reaction. It is just ordinary energy, just like ordinary people eating and drinking water.

The "merits" were optional. Lu Li looked calm and thought it was good to be able to recharge his batteries.

Immediately afterwards, he made his mind begin to absorb some of the churning black matter.

This is naturally the "evil force" condensed by negative emotions, and Annihilation's favorite!

When it destroyed the capital before, it was attracted by the hatred of two billion people.

Precisely because of this terrifying energy base, it had a shocking size and power right after it was born!

The Qinglong's body length of 80 meters is already exaggerated, but when compared, it suddenly looks like a catfish.

Now, Annihilation has once again absorbed its favorite "evil power"!

1 billion, 2 billion... through the feat of destroying Manhattan, a full 3 billion were gathered! 50% of it is hatred, and the rest is horror and fear.

The three-headed demon dragon received this boost, suddenly spread its wings, raised its head and neighed in excitement!

The cry was so loud that it made rows of high-rise buildings tremble; it was so penetrating that even the Green Pine Military Base 350 kilometers away heard it!

"This is the cry of the monster! What happened?"

"It's getting bigger! It's getting bigger!!!"

A group of people looked at the big screen at the same time, and their expressions changed in horror!

Annihilation's body suddenly expanded to more than 200 meters in length, and its wingspan was as high as 500 meters, which was 1/4 larger!

And the "evil force" of 3 billion is not just a change in body shape.

Faint black particles were steaming from Annihilation's body, and he suddenly flapped his wings and blew out a strong wind!

Those black particles were also mixed in the air, making the wind roar and spin.

The speed is getting faster and faster, the wind level is getting higher and higher, rolling up larger and larger pieces of cement, steel bars, cars... Even a collapsed building was shattered by Lingchi!

The dark tornado roared and raged, and the world was turbulent!

Even the clouds were stirred, and the vortex swirled above the head of the three-headed demon dragon that screamed in the sky, forming a vast tropical cyclone.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a hurricane covering a radius of 5 kilometers took shape!

Due to its geographical location, the Star Alliance countries are often hit by hurricanes, so they are very familiar with such natural disasters.

In the combat command room of Green Pine Base, an officer reported with a trembling voice:

"The wind speed exceeds 70 meters per second. It is a Category 5 hurricane! The storm surge is expected to form in 15 minutes!"

In addition to its own physical attacks, hurricanes can also cause abnormal rise and fall of sea water, also known as "storm tsunamis".

New York sits on the Atlantic Ocean, so it's only natural that this would be the case.

There was chaos in the combat command room.

Professor Rossi blushed rarely and shouted to General Fenton:

"General, we must negotiate. If we continue, we will cause irreparable damage!"

An officer immediately objected:

"Are you kidding? How can we negotiate with terrorists! Since the city cannot be saved, it is better to use nuclear weapons!"

Someone immediately objected: "It's impossible, this is the largest metropolitan area on the East Coast, and neither the President nor the Department of Defense will agree!"

There was a commotion in the field, but Professor Rossi looked directly into General Fenton's eyes and said solemnly:

"General, no matter what, it's time to make a decision!"

General Fenton looked pale and asked in a low voice to an officer beside him:

"Mutant's girlfriend, are you under control?"

"She hid in the jungle on the west coast of Mexico. The Mexican government was not cooperative and it was difficult to find her in a short time."

"Damn it!"

General Fenton cursed and picked up the phone to the New White House...

At this time, Dr. Barrick, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke:

"General, why don't you try my crown gadget."

Upon hearing this, General Fenton pointed at the vast storm on the big screen and said hoarsely:

"Faced with this kind of monster, you'd better put those things away."

"Don't underestimate them. They existed on the earth billions of years ago and destroyed countless powerful species."

Barrick said calmly: "And I have the original strain in my hand, which is highly toxic and resistant to high temperatures..."

"Wait a moment!"

Rossi interrupted: "Sir Barrick, the vaccine you mentioned before is not the original strain, right?"

"Yes, there is currently no antidote for the original strain."

Barrick nodded and admitted, then pointed at the dragon flying on the screen and said:

"But facing this unprecedented monster, is there a better choice?"

There was silence for a moment, and Rossi murmured: "I would rather use nuclear weapons..."


At the same time, Lu Li was pleasantly surprised by the "ultra-wide range" magical power that activated his mind - the storm!

The raging Category 5 hurricane surrounded him, and Annihilation was not affected at all. Instead, he became more flexible and could even fly in the wind.

I saw it spread its wings, and without even having to move, it was lifted up by the hurricane and flew into the sky.

At this moment, it can control storms to hit the city, and it can also use the surging energy in its body to breathe out at will.

This must be very exciting, of course Lu Li wants to experience it for himself...

As soon as this thought was born, the scales where he stood suddenly turned into illusion, and Lu Li suddenly fell into Xin Xiang's head! ?

It just becomes one!

"Is this... a combination?"

The two parties' thoughts were united, and Lu Li immediately knew... This was a way of using mind telepathy.

Operated by the monk himself, it is not only handy, but also provides all-round protection!

"Very good, then let me give it a try, and then... it will be the real manifestation!"

Manifestation is not just about summoning a monster to bite people, the most magical thing is far from being revealed!

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