I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 386 385. Only plague


The Star Alliance countries have a particularly strong religious atmosphere. Even when the president takes office, he has to swear an oath by pressing a Bible and shouting "God bless".

So when they saw the golden light behind Lu Li's head, the people of the Star Allied Nations couldn't hold back.

Among all kinds of religious artworks, the Holy Son, the Madonna, etc. all have the same round light, which is far less mysterious and shocking than Lu Li's.

Such a scene, doesn't it mean that this terrorist is... a god?

"Then what are we who were attacked by him...?"

“God has abandoned us…and sent down His wrath!”

At this moment, countless people were either shocked, or lost their minds, and their beliefs collapsed.

Other countries with a strong religious atmosphere were also shocked.

Lu Li had just destroyed New York and turned it into a land of marshes, echoing the world-destroying flood in the Bible.

Looking at the shivering poor people trapped in the floods, people on the Internet said one after another:

“The LORD saw that the sin of the allies was great, and that he would send a flood upon the earth.”

"War, famine, death...the only thing left behind the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is the plague."

"Remember what he said last time? It was the Star Allies' use of biological and chemical weapons that angered him, which led to today's results."

"It's all the fault of the Star Alliance! My parents died in the bombing of this shameless country. Retribution has finally come."

Suddenly, many people from all over the world stood on Lu Li's side.

The most intuitive manifestation is the power of wish coming from the void.

Hundreds of millions of golden merits condensed into dewdrops, constantly emerging in the void.

There were even many "Golden Lotuses of Wish Power" floating down. Lu Li counted... 88 of them!

With a developed network and a large population, Blue Star never disappoints in terms of willingness.

In addition to positive emotions, there are naturally also billows of "evil power" that turn into ink.

As soon as Lu Li had a thought, a translucent dragon head emerged from the air and started to devour it.

Human emotions also have limits. They have fluctuated violently once before, and now they only have a limit of 500 million.

But it contains the ultimate hatred, and - fear!

Fear accounted for nearly 70%, and a bunch of Angsha were really frightened by Lu Li~

It's just that Lu Li doesn't care about what others think of him. At this moment, after swallowing the evil power with his semi-manifested mind, he wants to put away his merits and golden lotus.

But its quantity is at least 1 billion, and the mind still stores 2 billion "evil power", which cannot be contained at all.

After all, it is the spiritual power of an entire planet, and it is impossible for one person to use it up. Fortunately, there is the Kunlun Mirror.

At the spiritual veins, the Kunlun Mirror is still extracting it unhurriedly, and has already stored 2,000 units of spiritual energy!

"so much!"

Lu Li was afraid of hurting Blue Star with the severe whipping, so he quickly asked the Kunlun Mirror to stop extracting it and store the merits and golden lotus first.

And he manifested a translucent dragon head and penetrated along the seabed gap where the spiritual machine spurted out.

The "mind" is half-manifest, equivalent to a monk's limbs, and the "half-real, half-empty" form cannot touch rocks, so it can easily sink into the spiritual veins to detect the situation inside.

Lu Li also saw the picture at the same time and was suddenly shocked: "This spiritual vein is connected to the core of the earth!"

No matter how the Kunlun Mirror is drawn, there will always be inspiration coming up from the bottom to replenish it, a steady stream.

But precisely because it was about the earth's core, Lu Li was unwilling to take any more risks.

Putting aside emotions and morality, Blue Star is his biggest trump card.

Growing up to this point and surviving crisis after crisis all depended on the civilization and magic nurtured by this planet.

Lu Li certainly didn't want it to be damaged, and 2,000 units of inspiration was enough for a long time.

"Take 500 of the Kunlun Mirror, fill it up with the Flying Sword, and save the rest."

Lu Li made arrangements, and seven flying swords excitedly gathered around to claim the benefits.

With the fourth grade and above, each of them devoured 50 units and was full.

At the same time, the Statue of Liberty also crossed the sea to join her, with 16 puppets standing on her shoulders.

This landmark building of the star allied country has completely become Lu Li's war weapon.

The moment he appeared, he attracted a lot of attention:

【Damn! The Statue of Liberty has become a minion of the devil! 】

[If you think about it a little bit, maybe it’s “from God”]

【Shit! You really treat mutants as gods! This is just a supernatural phenomenon that cannot be understood for the time being! Just wait, the government will destroy it sooner or later]

[Stupid Star Alliance people, your gods have spurned you, this is the best proof]

Along with the debate, hundreds of millions of wishes gathered.

The Statue of Liberty instinctively breathed it into the body, her body creaked, and there was a faint brilliance coming out, as if she was about to transform.

But it was too big, and the brilliance quickly dispersed after a few rounds, and the transformation ended.

This breakthrough to the Statue of Liberty has made great achievements, and has been practiced for hundreds of years. It has a good foundation and is worth investing in.

So Lu Li raised his hand and drew 500 million merits and 50 "Golden Lotuses" from the Kunlun Mirror and poured it into it.

Fortunately, the merits of "Golden Lotus" are pure positive emotions, which are of great benefit to monks and magical instruments!

Of course, it is also very precious. Qinglong broke through and became a saint. He gritted his teeth and only used 2 of them.

There are now 50 of them, and the effect is naturally extraordinary.

As soon as it fell into the goddess's body, the brilliance immediately surged, covering the goddess's whole body.

In just about 10 seconds, the light receded, and the metal body of the Statue of Liberty was already emitting "treasure light", which was exactly the appearance of a fifth-grade magic weapon.

Transformation is so easy, there are even 30 "golden lotuses" left unused.

Lu Li had a more intuitive understanding of the function of "Golden Lotus".

The goddess instinctively continued to refine. After a while, there was a sudden wave of spiritual fluctuation - hunger.

This fluctuation is very familiar. Feijian also shouted before when he broke through that he wanted to eat gold.

The Statue of Liberty is suddenly going to transform into the fourth level!

This is not just the function of "Golden Lotus". Lu Li was a little surprised:

"The foundation of Lady Liberty is better than expected."

The Statue of Liberty has been sacrificed by people's wishes for more than a hundred years, and was awakened by two out-of-body spirits. It can be said to be the embryo of the top magical artifact.

It's just that his body is too big and his rank is low. Now he is returning to his original position.

Lu Li was naturally happy to see it happen, but judging from her body shape, she knew that the goddess must have a big appetite.

Lu Li immediately remembered that someone had left a message on his account saying that there were hundreds of tons of gold in the underground vault of the Federal Reserve Bank.

This amount must be enough. Lu Li immediately took out his mobile phone to search for the location of the vault, but the top search result was a piece of news:

[New York City was attacked, and the Federal Reserve Bank’s underground vault urgently transferred gold]

It turns out that as soon as the three-headed dragon appeared, the army urgently transferred the gold, but it was photographed by enthusiastic netizens.

"Moved to...the Green Pine Base, the largest military base in the northeastern part of the Star Alliance."

Lu Li easily searched for the location of this place and immediately wanted to go there. Anyway, he and his wives would need gold for future breakthroughs, so they just had some supplies.

But things in this world are just such coincidences.

In the combat command room of Green Pine Base, Admiral Fenton personally pressed the launch button.

At an altitude of 15,000 meters, a Reaper drone dropped an ordinary aerial bomb.

Under the guidance of the satellite, this thing fell towards the landing area.

There was a muffled sound from 10,000 meters in the air, and many small green balls the size of table tennis balls were thrown out.

I suddenly have a headache, I really can’t help it~~~

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