I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 387 386. Electronic Intrusion

More than 20 kilometers away, there are still thick clouds blocking the way.

If the drone stayed quietly in the stratosphere, it would be difficult for Lu Li to detect it, but when he dropped the bomb, he was immediately noticed.

What was dropped was a "GBU-12" laser-guided bomb, which weighed more than 200 kilograms and was a relatively small medium-sized aerial bomb.

At this moment, it exploded on its own at an altitude of 10,000 meters, scattering a large number of green balls.

When Lu Li saw this thing, he immediately recognized it...it was another biological weapon!

The Star Alliance countries are not that good, but they are definitely paying attention to biological and chemical weapons.

Having been hit before, Lu Li knew how terrifying this ghost was. With its contagiousness and virulence, it can infect the whole world in just a few days.

I’m not afraid, but what about Jessica and Theresa?

There are also those who have helped him, relatives and friends in his hometown, who will inevitably be affected. Even the entire Blue Star civilization may be destroyed in one day!

Lu Li definitely couldn't accept it!

Seeing the small balls filled with viruses explode, he kicked off the ground and rose into the sky. His soul wrapped around his body shot straight into the sky, facing the poisonous balls in the sky.

As he looked closer and closer, three translucent dragon heads, as big as a passenger car, suddenly popped out of the void around him.

The semi-manifested "Heart Phase" opened its three big mouths and sucked hard, creating a suction force no less than that of a hurricane, drawing large pieces of poisonous balls into its mouth.

There were some omissions in the edge area, and six flying swords immediately took over their positions, bursting out at three times the speed of sound to intercept.

After getting close, it turned hardness into softness, adsorbed the poison ball on the sword, carried it back and threw it into the big mouth of "Xin Xiang".

Wan Qing's "Blood Drinking Sword" rushed into the sky and cut off the bomb-dropping Death drone.

As soon as the rabbit was up and the falcon was about to fall, Lu Li and his subordinates cleared the poisonous balls all over the sky.

He then vibrated the particles with his mind, causing high temperature to be generated in the dragon's mouth to kill the virus.

Under normal circumstances 100 degrees is more than enough, but life is always good at creating miracles.

Prions are still infectious after being stewed in a pressure cooker for 4 hours; hepatitis B virus can survive in a high temperature environment of 140 degrees for 10 minutes.

What Lu Li was targeting was also not simple. Even after heating it to 120 degrees or even 140 degrees, it was still active!

Through the mind-to-heart connection between himself and himself, Lu Li could sense it clearly!

Shocked, he quickly increased the intensity and increased the temperature to nearly a thousand degrees.

This suddenly exceeded the endurance limit of life, and these terrible biological and chemical weapons were wiped out on the spot.

A plague was eliminated without much effort, but Lu Li's face darkened.

The thing last time was dangerous enough because it could affect the blood-changing warriors, but now there's something even more perverted!

With such terrifying vitality, coupled with extremely strong contagiousness and toxicity, it is really on its way to destroying the world!

"Who on earth is developing this kind of thing and even dares to use it..."

Just when I was wondering, I suddenly saw the damaged drone falling from the sky and still sending out electromagnetic signals.

Lu Li's heart moved, and he used his mind to catch it and hold it in the air, and then used his mind to hack into the electronic equipment on it.

Drones are operated by humans beyond visual line of sight and must be connected via electronic devices.

Lu Li wanted to use this method to track the "poisoner" in reverse.

Originally it was impossible for him to do it with his cultivation level, but at this moment, the light circle behind his head suddenly lit up, and a golden light rippled out.

This is the form of dark matter projected from the "mind space" of the sea of ​​consciousness, activated by the mind.

Dark matter is also the support and support of "mind".

It can make the "mind" more powerful, spread farther, exist longer, and do more incredible things!

I saw the golden light separated from the aperture behind Lu Li's head, attached to the electromagnetic waves emitted by the drone.

In an instant, it spanned a distance of 300 kilometers and was projected to the "ground control station" of the drone.

Where it is located is the combat command room of Green Pine Military Base!

All drones, military arrangements, etc. in this incident were commanded and deployed from here.

At this moment, there was a lot of noise in the conference room.

Someone said: "Dr. Barrick, your ridiculous tricks can't harm the devil at all! I have already said that nuclear weapons should be used directly!"

Dr. Barrick said angrily: "The evil devil has power that we cannot understand. My creation cannot touch him, otherwise it will definitely take effect!"

"Come on, it's better to use nuclear weapons quickly. Conventional means are useless."

"The evil spirit can intercept missiles in advance, which requires multiple hypersonic missiles to be launched at the same time."

"Or use the method of burying it in advance to introduce it into a trap."

Just as everyone was shouting, a sharp and shrill howl suddenly erupted from the speakers hanging on the wall, as if they had been disturbed by something.

Everyone frowned, and an officer was about to call the logistics staff to come over for inspection.

But what he never expected was that Lu Li's voice suddenly came from the speaker:

[Did you use biological and chemical weapons? 】

The scene came to a standstill, and everyone's eyes widened with disbelief on their faces!

Admiral Fenton was a general after all. He calmed down and asked in a deep voice:

"Who are you?"

[You know who I am, but when I heard your conversation just now, you called me "Evil", Evil...that's a good name]

Evil means vicious and evil.

What the Star Allies did to the world was evil. Lu Li felt that what he wanted to do to the Star Allies was also evil, so he accepted the name openly.

But Admiral Fenton and others had no time to take care of this.

They are horrified that evil spirits can invade the combat command room with strict network protection!

Several technical officers hurriedly checked the equipment, but could not find any signs of being hacked. They were sweating profusely.

[Occupy the most abundant resources on the planet, but are creating biochemical weapons that destroy civilization...]

Lu Li's words came from the loudspeaker again, with some electronic interference sounds:

[You are indeed cancer cells, a cancer that will destroy civilization and the planet. I must stop all this and eradicate you completely]

"Wait a moment!"

Professor Rossi said quickly:

"There is a serious misunderstanding between us and we should talk about it. The Star Alliance is not what you think..."


Admiral Fenton shouted angrily:

"We are God's chosen people, the greatest country in the world, and we will never negotiate with terrorists. Evil! You will be shattered to pieces before the light of human wisdom!"

The righteous words were quite powerful, and as soon as they were shouted out, the speaker returned to calm.

Everyone thought that the evil spirit had been driven away by the general, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Rossi was the only one with an ugly expression. How much power does this evil demon actually have hidden in the electronic equipment?

"We can't continue. I have to suggest to the president that we start negotiations and at least buy some time..."

Just as Rossi was thinking about it, an officer unexpectedly exclaimed:

"The evil mutants are approaching rapidly! The speed is close to Mach 1.5! They will arrive in 10 minutes!"

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