I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 388 387. Dragon Head Gatling

Lu Li accurately located the location of the Green Pine Base, and that was where the Federal Reserve Bank transferred gold.

He definitely had to go there, so Lu Li immediately turned around and flew northwest.

Originally, he was flying with his soul wrapped in his physical body, and his speed was only 800 kilometers per hour, which was similar to that of an ordinary civil airliner.

But after the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, it becomes completely different.

Behind Lu Li, he saw huge dragon wings stretching out.

Its wings are 450 meters long. At this moment, they flap, producing extremely terrifying thrust!

Lu Li's flying speed suddenly increased sharply, violently breaking through the air and blasting out umbrella-shaped sound waves, roaring towards his destination at a speed of Mach 1.5.

At the same time, the Statue of Liberty and the puppets quickly followed.

The people of Blue Star were confused when they saw the movements of Lu Li and his creations.

Someone from Xia State asked on Weibo:

【what happened? Is there any rich brother who pays for the live broadcast room to tell me?]

Limited by the equipment and the courage of the host, the clarity of this live broadcast is also very different.

Fortunately, this was a global carnival except for the Angsa Alliance, and enthusiasts soon shared:

[The Star Alliance used biological and chemical weapons again, which made Lu Li angry, so he went straight to it. Looking in the direction should be the Green Pine Military Base]

[The largest military base in the northeast of the Star Alliance? That’s a good show to watch! 】

[What do you think about military bases? They have air traffic control]

[It’s okay, there must be a desperate anchor following me to secretly take photos]

In the midst of the commotion, there were actually people from all walks of life showing their special abilities and chasing after Lu Li.

Among them was the bearded anchor named "Bourne".

During the last battle in the capital, this person had attracted millions of fans thanks to Lu Li. He was already quite wealthy and even rented a helicopter.

Bourne sat on the helicopter, clasping his hands and praying sincerely. He only hoped that Lu Li would move slower so that he could take some pictures.

As for what happens to the country, Byrne doesn't care at all. He only cares about his fans and subscriptions.

But he was destined to be disappointed, because Lu Li's speed was much faster than expected.

At this moment, the seven flying swords act as "empty-breaking hands", flying in front to break the air and reduce wind resistance.

The dragon's wings flapped, and Lu Li's flying speed exceeded Mach 2.

It only took about 6 minutes, and the Green Pine Base was already in sight.

This is really too fast. It takes 6 minutes for a first-level combat-ready fighter plane to take off in an emergency.

At this time, only three fighter planes will leave the runway and prepare to take off to intercept.

There are also many experts and scholars who are making suggestions and are jumping on military vehicles and helicopters like crazy, trying to escape.

But it's too late.

The golden halo behind his head suddenly brightened, and Lu Li's entire body was enveloped by the huge shadow of the three-headed dragon.

The mind state is still "semi-manifested" and translucent, and its power is definitely not as powerful as the fully manifested state.

But doing so consumes very little, and it can be activated very quickly, just by raising your hand.

Lu Li raised his palms and pointed them downwards. Three illusory dragon heads also reached towards the ground, opening their big mouths full of fangs. Golden light surged in his throat, and the next second they burst out with terrifying breath!

Three bright golden jets fell from the sky, sweeping across the entire base brutishly, plowing the ground into trenches several meters deep.

Buildings on the ground, various types of aircraft, cars, etc. were immediately shattered into pieces and exploded one after another.

Three huge dragon heads kept shaking, plowing through the entire base, especially the activated vehicles.

The experts and professors who wanted to escape were beaten into powder along with the vehicles.

By the time the breath sweep was finished, the entire base had turned into burning and smoking ruins.

"The power is 20% less than the full body, but it is so flexible, this shortcoming is completely acceptable."

Practice brings true knowledge. Lu Li gained a lot of experience and became more and more comfortable in controlling his mind.

But the matter is not over yet. This base has a huge underground structure, but through the thick rock formations, the eyes of the sky cannot see clearly.

Lu Li landed slowly, and three illusory dragon heads pointed at the ground and screamed loudly. The vast mind exploded, penetrating dozens of meters deep into the ground, and violently scanned it.

Lu Li immediately understood the entire underground structure. This should be a bomb shelter, and the transferred gold was also here.

Lu Li raised his hand and pointed towards the ground not far away, and the head in the center of Xin Xiang immediately sprayed out a golden jet, carving a big hole in the ground with a loud bang.

There were faint screams and wails in the cave. Lu Li jumped in without even looking.

After landing, he waved away the smoke and dust, and saw the concrete wall. It was indeed an air raid shelter, and it was quite large.

Judging from the shout just now, there should be someone there, but what came to "greet" Lu Li was two unmanned tanks! The one equipped with a 30mm rotary cannon!

The seven gun barrels rotated rapidly, and accompanied by the violent movement of the electric drill drilling into the wall, cannonballs as big as wine bottles roared like a rainstorm.

The puppets were defeated by this thing before, but now Lu Li was also enjoying it.

This kind of weapon can turn a tank into a colander. A martial arts innate will definitely not be able to resist it, and will be beaten into pieces within two seconds.

But Lu Li looked calm and watched helplessly as the cannonballs hit him... to be precise, they hit Xin Xiang.

A pair of translucent dragon wings had already covered him, and the huge 30mm cannon shells hit it, sending out large sparks and smashing into pieces.

However, there were only some moderately deep dents left on the dragon wings, which healed within a short time.

At the same time, two dragon heads on the left and right came out and chewed up the unmanned tank.

"In its semi-manifested state, its defense power has also dropped by 20%."

Lu Li knew what was going on and continued walking forward.

However, when he saw the remains of the unmanned tank, he suddenly thought of something and raised his hand to pull out its "ammunition" and take it with him.

A long time ago, I thought about "turning the mind into a cannon", but unfortunately the mind is intangible and cannot withstand too high a chamber pressure.

This has nothing to do with strength, the mind is too soft like water, and it will inevitably deform when the pressure in the chamber is high.

But now...it's definitely different.

It happened that there was a group of soldiers and two unmanned tanks setting up a defense line in front.

With a thought, Lu Li used his mind to shape and shape it, condensing it into a 30mm rotary cannon.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon head on the right side of the heart came over, integrated with the cannon and blessed it, turning into a "dragon head Gatling".

Lu Li pulled the trigger. Amidst the violent noise of the electric drill drilling into the wall, the huge shells sprayed violently, exploding several living people into dumpling fillings on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the unmanned tanks were beaten into a honeycomb and then exploded.

And the barrel of the concentrated cannon was not damaged at all!

"It's really good!"

Lu Li swept around with the "Dragon Head Gatling" in his arms, instantly disintegrating the enemy's defense.

The biggest advantage of this kind of "Mind Transformation Cannon" is that it consumes almost nothing.

All you need to do is provide a stand, and the power comes from the cannonballs.

"It can be developed, such as using 155 shells..."

Lu Li was thinking about it and came to a metal gate.

Behind the door was a group of senior executives who had no time to escape.

There was Admiral Fenton and Lu Li's target this time - the father of Crown.

At this moment, Professor Barrick was clutching a small metal can so tightly that his knuckles turned white, which seemed to be his last trump card.

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