At this time, the hiding place of Professor Barrick and others is the "core protection unit" of the air-raid shelter, which is extremely strong and can even withstand nuclear strikes.

The door is 2 meters thick, which can isolate the shock wave and high temperature of a nuclear explosion, as well as the most deadly radiation fallout.

But Blue Star's top-notch shelter failed to bring even the slightest sense of security.

Especially when the demon dragon's extremely penetrating terrifying scream came through, a deep despair instantly overwhelmed his heart.

"I don't want to child can't leave me..."

A female scholar burst into tears, feeling very sad.

The officers and experts next to them also had pale faces and expressions of despair.

The laser physicist, Rhett, murmured endlessly: "Who will save me, who will save me..."

Rossi quickly wrote his last words on his mobile phone, then came to the sobbing woman and whispered:

"Professor Ruth, I have a way to survive, and I need your cooperation."

The magnetic low voice and the hope of survival made Ruth calm down quickly, and she said with a hopeful look on her face:

"What should I do?"

"It's very simple. Do you see the corner over there? Walk slowly over there."

The two of them quietly moved to a corner.

It's unobtrusive and, most importantly, far away from Barrick.

Immediately afterwards, Rossi brought over several more people one after another, all of whom were old and weak scholars, mixed with two yellow-skinned data analysis experts.

This group of people were not stupid either, and quickly realized what Rossi wanted to do.

Perhaps out of arrogance or disdain, the evil spirit would not attack civilians directly.

As long as a group of old and weak women stay away from the soldiers and pretend to be no threat...the probability of survival is not low!

The two yellow men also invariably pulled off their work name tags and completely pretended to be civilians, hoping to get through.

Rosie glanced at Rhett, but didn't call her friend over.

Because the opponent is tall and does not fit the status of a weak person, it will lower the survival rate of the entire group.

All that can be done now is done, all that's left is to pray for God's blessing.

At this time, screams came one after another, and from the surveillance camera, the evil demon came to the door and raised his hand to shake it.

The door only rattled a few times and was not damaged at all.

" don't need to read the mind. My own mind only has about 60 tons of strength."

Just relying on the mind is far from the power to destroy the world. This is normal, after all, the whole body is made of iron and how many pounds of nails can be hammered?

The physical body has its limits after all. The bioelectromagnetic field generated by the central nervous system is probably about 60 tons.

"60 tons is equal to 120,000 kilograms."

"The Manifestation of Saint is the sixth level of god refining, corresponding to the sixth level of martial arts, innate. And the innate warrior has the power of a dragon - 128,000 kilograms."

But Xian Sheng has a "mind", so he can cross a great realm and compete with the golden body of martial arts!

A golden light flashed behind Lu Li's head, and two vast dragon wings instantly appeared in the void.

The dragon's wings fold into pterodactyls, ending in three sharp claws up to 10 meters long.

At this moment, he swung violently, but with a loud bang, his sharp claws easily pierced the gate.

With just one pull, the two-meter-thick gate was torn apart. If it weren't for the violent metal breaking, it would be like tearing apart a cardboard box.

This movement must have had tens of thousands of tons of force. It was really powerful, especially compared to the "weak" 60 tons just now, the contrast was even more obvious.

"As expected, most of the power of the Manifest Saint Realm is located in the heart."

Lu Li sighed and walked in.

The crowd screamed in horror, and Lu Li immediately focused on the bald, fat old white man - Dr. Barrick.

It was already known that the electronic equipment that had been hacked into the base was the virus developed by this person.

When Lu Li stared at him, Dr. Barrick's chest tightened, his heart and lung function plummeted, and he could hardly breathe.

But experts who develop biochemical weapons must be extremely crazy.

Barrick bit his tongue, activated his body with severe pain, and threw a small metal can in his hand.

"Go to hell! Evil monster!"

The can is only slightly larger than a medicine bottle, and it starts to spray white smoke as soon as it is taken away from your hand.

This is obviously some kind of biological weapon, and it is definitely not simple as it was used as a trump card by the father of Corona.

But the problem is that we are all in a confined space, so don’t we have to be buried together? ?

Rossi, who had always been calm, changed his face in shock: "Barrick! You are crazy!"

Barrick gritted his teeth and grinned. The jar contained a super virus synthesized by himself. It was extremely toxic and was a real biological weapon of mass destruction!

As long as it is life, it will inevitably be affected. This evil demon has human symptoms and has not broken away from the category of life.

In addition, during the battle in the capital, he raised his body temperature to kill the virus, which shows that he will also be attacked by the virus!

As for himself being within the scope of influence, Barrick didn't care at all.

Anyway, if you have been vaccinated, even if you are not completely exempt, the symptoms will be much milder.

As for the others, they can only regretfully die for the long as they survive.

At this moment, the small metal can was puffing out smoke and rolling to Lu Li's feet.

Facing Barrick's vicious and expectant gaze, Lu Li picked up the jar... and took a sip?

The white smoke is inhaled into the mouth and blown out from the's really like smoking a cigarette.

Lu Li also commented: "It is highly toxic and attacks the whole body. It is a weapon that is designed to kill people."

Along with the words, the people around him vomited and had diarrhea at the same time, spewing out body fluids.

This is when the virus attacks the digestive system, which is also the part of the human body that has the most intense stress response and is trying its best to expel poisons.

But Lu Li was not affected at all.

Innate in martial arts, his body is not only tough, but the cells that make up his body are also incredibly strong.

When a virus enters the body, it is directly swallowed by various cells as soon as it touches the body surface, and is broken down into polypeptides and amino acids for digestion and absorption.

Lu Li felt refreshed and felt quite comfortable, so he took another breath of smoke full of microorganisms.

Barrick looked in disbelief: "How is this possible... You were affected not long ago..."

Lu Li held up the metal can and said, "The father of the crown, right? Did you develop this thing?"

"Don't be excited, please listen to me..."

Barrick quickly shouted:

"I am an expert in the field of biology. I know many top scholars and have the most advanced laboratories. I can make you a god..."

This person wasn't bragging, but Lu Li would never agree. He interrupted impatiently on the spot:

"More than these, I want you to taste what you have developed."

Lu Li raised his hand and summoned his strength to stuff the metal can into Barrick's mouth.

White smoke full of microorganisms kept pouring out, covering its entire head.

Barrick screamed loudly, and soon transformed into a Splatoon.

He knew what he was going to face next, and he couldn't help but let out a heart-piercing cry, but he couldn't stop it from happening.

Under the constant pollution, the attack speed is extremely fast.

Barrick's mouth soon began to spit out blood and fragments, which were all damaged organs.

Immediately afterwards, his seven orifices and lower body did the same, constantly expelling necrotic tissue.

The whole figure seemed to be melting from the inside out, showing the intensity of the toxicity.

Guan's father couldn't stand the taste of his creation at all, so he staggered towards the door and ran away, but bumped into a transparent wall.

As soon as the jar appeared, Lu Li completely isolated the place with his mind.

The venue was filled with howls of despair, and the symptoms were getting more and more serious. Naturally, the small group Rossi formed was not immune.

Admiral Fenton roared with all his strength: "Evil! You will go to hell!"

"Hell? You are already here, enjoy it slowly."

Lu Li turned around and left, leaving a group of people to fester from the inside out and fall into the abyss.

Not far away, the Statue of Liberty and the puppet have arrived, and it's time to look for gold.

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