I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 533 532. One finger blast

An hour later, Lu Li and Himihu crossed 9,000 kilometers and arrived above the English Channel.

"The spiritual vein that the master is looking for is located in the white cliff by the sea."

Himihu raised his hand and pointed to a towering cliff on the seaside, and saw that the cliff where the waves were lapping was pure white.

It stretches for 5 kilometers, like a huge white wall across the sea.

"It is said that when this spiritual vein emerged from the ground, it tore the English Island from the Western Continent, and the opened spiritual realm was called 'Avalon'."

"It is occupied by the Yingli royal family. It was originally loyal to Tiantian Mountain, but is now occupied by [Tathagata]."

As soon as Himihu made a few introductions, he saw rows of giant steel ships approaching on the sea.

Avalon Spiritual Realm is located on the seaside, less than a hundred kilometers away from the capital of England, "Fog City", so there is naturally a fleet stationed there.

The straight-line distance between the two sides was close to 20 kilometers, and the strong foreigners in the fleet could not see clearly the appearance of the two men.

However, important areas of the empire cannot be lost. The two golden-body captains are already standing on the bows of the flagships "Royal Oak" and "Sovereign".

Cannons were also aimed at them darkly, with a strong smell of gunpowder.

The two of them paid no attention to it, and Bimihu said obediently: "Master, please wait a moment. I will open the spiritual realm right now."

"You go ahead, I just want to settle the score with Ying Yuli."

When a group of powerful Westerners attacked Qixia Mountain before, Lu Li would not let them go easily.

But with a loud bang, he hit a ring of shock waves and hit the fleet at 20 times the speed of sound.

The body violently rubbed the atmosphere, burning out a ball of blazing light. In the eyes of foreigners, it was really like a meteorite crashing down!

The navy these days are all elite, and they immediately knew that this was a strong man who did not belong to this world.

There were screams and screams on the sea, and many people jumped directly into the sea to escape, and the popping sound was like dumplings.

The two foreign captains escaped at the front by virtue of their good cultivation.

Three seconds later, Lu Li approached. The two of them turned around and took a look at Lu Li's face. They were immediately stunned!

"It's the Far Eastern Barbarian God!"

"Notify Her Majesty the Queen quickly!"

The two captains immediately activated their magic weapons and reported the situation urgently.

And Lu Li had already hit the turret of the "Royal Oak" with a "concrete" sound.

This is a 200-meter-long battleship with a displacement of 30,000 tons. The turret is as big as a villa and is made of steel. You can imagine how strong it is.

But when Lu Li hit him, he was smashed like a potato with a big hole.

Under the violent collision and friction, the edge of the hole burned red, and the molten iron made a sizzling sound.

Lu Li's force continued, and he smashed through the entire hull of the ship. It wasn't until it hit the bottom of the sea that the huge kinetic energy was completely released, causing waves up to a kilometer high on the spot.

The "Royal Oak" was torn into two pieces along the breach, and two nearby frigates were also capsized by huge waves.

Not to mention those who jumped into the sea to escape, they would have been swallowed up by the waves.

The two captains in the golden realm ran fast and were not affected. They were running desperately now.

But in the next second, the backs of their heads suddenly tightened, and they were grabbed and lifted up!

It was Lu Li who came. With a little force, he crushed the heads of the two golden-body foreigners.

"It's really better to kill the enemy with martial arts methods!"

Lu Li threw the body away casually, and "Annihilation" half-manifested excitedly. He stuck his head out and chewed up the battleships one after another, like a dog playing with a molar stick.

The only remaining battleship "Sovereign" used 14 cannons to blast and fire, but it could only scratch the three-headed dragon.

The dragon deliberately left the largest toy last, and tore it with his hands and mouth for a while until it was like a rag, then bit the middle head and threw it violently.

I saw a giant steel ship roaring through the air, flying into the "Fog City" across a distance of nearly a hundred kilometers, and finally crashed into the Palace of Westminster, the Houses of Parliament.

With a loud bang, the whole building collapsed and was in a mess, and Big Ben was thrown two streets away.

The people screamed and fled in all directions like frightened ants.

The strong men looked towards the sea with horrified faces!

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew over slowly.

After seeing his face clearly, there was another exclamation of ""Far Eastern Barbarian God"".

Although he is in an extraordinary world, Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Lord is already a mythical figure.

Not to mention ordinary people, not even the rich and powerful, including the "Queen", have ever seen Tianjun.

They can only confirm that there are such terrible existences in the world.

Now there is a person who has come to the capital of the country, and he is not kind, so how can he not be frightened?

Even the most courageous people did not dare to look at it and hurriedly fled out of the city.

But anyone can escape, except one person.

I saw a woman wearing a black dress and a crown flying out from the direction of Buckingham Palace.

She is nearly thirty years old, beautiful and dignified, with jewels all over her body, adding a bit of grace and elegance.

"It's Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Queen Victoria!"

Many people shouted excitedly and held a trace of expectation.

Victoria looked at Lu Li and said solemnly:

"Strong men from the Far East, please stop your hostile actions! This land is blessed by Buddha Tathagata, and He will arrive soon!"

Tathagata took the initiative to send it to his door, so Lu Li naturally couldn't ask for it.

But Himihu has been paying attention to this side and immediately sent a message:

[The Tathagata is unlikely to pay attention to Yingli. In the eyes of Tianjun, everything on the ground is just an ant nest]

[Master might as well take this queen to relieve her boredom. I will be able to open the entrance to the spiritual realm in a few minutes.]

Lu Li frowned, completely disdainful of this foreign devil queen.

The opponent was covered in stolen goods from head to toe, and all his jewels were looted, and every gem was home to countless innocent souls.

But Victoria was wearing stolen goods all over her body, but she didn't care at all.

Seeing Lu Li silent, he thought that the other party was afraid of Tathagata, so he continued to speak to intimidate him.

This woman didn't know where she got her confidence from. Before she could speak, Lu Li raised his hand and made a "flicking" motion with his fingers.

Victoria had the cultivation of a golden body of fetal breath, and her hair immediately stood on end, and she tried her best to drum up her immortal will without even thinking about it.

But Lu Li had already pointed his index finger at her!

But with a "bang" sound, the area above Her Majesty's chest burst into pieces of flesh.

This scene shocked the foreigners watching!

In the past, even if there was a gap of two big ones, it would not be fatal with a flick of a finger!

But the thing in the world is that the higher you go, the bigger the gap becomes, and the same goes for practice.

When strength increases squarely, even the same realm is completely different.

What's more, Lu Li has ignited 720 fusion acupoints from the beginning, making him a top martial artist.

At this moment, he looked at the exotic city and whispered to himself:

"Just kill all these alien bandits, leaving only the Yanhuang bloodline, and create a perfect world."

"I wanted to do this at Blue Star, but it was just because of Jessica and Theresa that I didn't do it... Do you want to try it here?"

As this thought came to mind, a large sun circle appeared behind Lu Li, the fusion acupoints lit up one after another, and a red ionic lotus slowly bloomed across the sky and the earth.

The three heads of the demonic dragon's shadow also grinned evilly, and monstrous malice surged out, horrifying all sentient beings within hundreds of kilometers!

Himihu was also frightened, but at the same time he felt a sense of admiration.

Unparalleled power, do whatever you want, do whatever you want, this is the real strong man!

The efficiency of the spiritual thoughts has accelerated a bit, just like an electric drill drilling into a safe and breaking open the entrance to the spiritual realm.

Almost at the same moment, a voice came from the spiritual realm:

"That's good, that's good. I was just thinking about how to find Fellow Daoist Lu, but Fellow Daoist came here on his own initiative. It's really a fate."

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