The scenery in Avalon's spiritual realm is extremely beautiful, and the beautiful mountains and rivers seem to have been filtered.

The spiritual vein is also extremely conspicuous, it is a lake in the center.

The water of the lake is clear and clear, glowing with a dreamy blue color, with stars dancing from time to time, and a pair of big, flat, plump feet stepping on the lake.

The owner of the foot is wearing a half-naked cassock, with his right shoulder exposed.

With deep facial features, white skin, and a standard appearance of a high Indian race, he must be the "Tathagata".

Himihu immediately reminded his master: "This is the Tathagata who has left the core of the earth!" 】

Tathagata raised his hand to pick up flowers and said with a smile:

"I have long heard about the deeds of fellow Taoist Lu, and I have always longed for him. I am lucky enough to meet him today."

Lu Li nodded in greeting and said, "I'm also very happy that you can come forward. You should know my purpose."

"It's just to use me to increase my cultivation. It just so happens that I also have desires for Fellow Daoist Lu."

Tathagata said with a smile on his face:

"If I lose today, I will become a blessing to my Taoist friends; but if I win, I will use my fellow Taoists as a skin."

Skin refers to the human body in Buddhism, which means to seize the body.

But before, Liu Shu only dared to think about "dragon fetuses", which shows how difficult this matter is. Tathagata actually targeted Lu Li directly?

Himihu sneered and said: "What kind of wishful thinking comes from this? No one else can be sure that you can succeed."

Tathagata picked up the flowers and smiled slightly, and explained:

"Fellow Daoist Lu's skin will indeed produce a strong rejection reaction, but this is just a springboard. I will occupy his body, fuck his wives, and have more children."

"These children will have the characteristics of me and fellow Daoist Lu. They are the real skins. They will definitely transform me and lead me to the top."

When he said these words, Tathagata's face was filled with hope and yearning, and he didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

Lu Li also looked calm. He couldn't do the first grade of junior high school by himself without asking others to do the fifteenth grade. The next step was just to see who had the biggest fist.

But the master humiliated his minister and died, and Bimihu immediately shouted angrily: "Tathagata! Today I will follow the master and cause the god to disappear!"

She obviously wanted to join forces and sent a spiritual message to Lu Li, which contained information about Tathagata.

But Lu Li waved away these thoughts and said calmly:

"You can just step back and watch quietly. There is no need to provide any form of help."

"But... this slave obeys your orders."

Beimihu's expression was stagnant, but he gritted his teeth and finally said nothing, quietly retreated.


The smile on Tathagata's face never diminished: "Fellow Taoist is like a lion that has just grown its claws. It always feels like it can hunt an elephant."

Lu Li entered the red lotus form and said slowly:

"A heavenly king like you who combines spirit and body is too weak. If you don't adjust the difficulty higher, the meaning of training will be lost."

These serious and solemn words are more heart-warming than any sarcasm.

Tathagata said with a cold look: "I have lived from the Zhou Dynasty to the present, and I will never disappoint fellow Taoists."

After saying this, a holy white lotus appeared under the man's feet and held him up.

The blazing red light also appeared behind him, and a "lion" flew out from it!

It has a lion's head and body, standing and walking, and is 5 meters tall.

He was also wearing a half-naked cassock and was carrying a Zen staff in his hand.

The body is burning with 20 cm thick immortal golden flames, fusion energy surges in the blood vessels, and blazing red lines appear on the body surface.

"The Great Sage of the Demon Clan!"

Himihu changed his face in shock: "Tathagata actually hides such a skill! He has tamed a demon clan whose strength is equivalent to that of a martial saint!"

"No! It's not domestication, it's enslavement!"

Himihu took a closer look and saw that the lion demon had big and dull eyes, and it was dumbfounded. It was clear that it had no sanity.

Although it will affect the combat effectiveness, he is more obedient and more fearless of death!

At this moment, Tathagata was sitting cross-legged on the "lotus seat", and his fingers turned into demon subduing seals.

"This spiritual pet that I raised, the Great Sage Spiritual King, has never appeared in front of others. Today I am here to entertain Fellow Daoist Lu."

"Very well, let's begin."

Lu Li's figure shrunk, and driven by his soul, he accelerated to 20 times the speed of sound, bombarding his opponent at a speed of nearly 7 kilometers per second.

At the same time, the three dragon heads also half-appeared, with red and blue brilliance surging from their mouths.

A bright red proton beam blasted towards the "Spirit King" and pushed it completely underground.

Another blue laser cannon blasted at "Tathagata", and Lu Li followed closely behind and approached at a high speed, intending to use his "Double Cultivation of Divine and Martial Arts" to destroy the enemy.

But with a flash of brilliance, the "Rose Seat" disappeared with a hiss of "Tathagata" and appeared 1 kilometer away.

All this happened in an instant, even the sub-light speed laser cannons were shot away, and Lu Li was unable to catch up.

He raised his sword eyebrows and said to himself: "This lotus seat... can move instantly."

The opponent's evasion does not rely on speed, but direct short-distance teleportation, which is quite magical.

At this time, the "Great Sage Spirit King" took the opportunity to rush over and smashed Lu Li's head with a round Zen staff!

Lu Li punched with his backhand, and before the Zen staff touched him, it struck the heart of the "Spirit King" first.

With a bang, it flew out and smashed a section of the seaside cliff, making a loud rumbling sound.

But with this punch, "Tathagata" couldn't hold the fundamental seal with one hand, and slapped it with a distant palm from the other hand.

Following his movements, a translucent giant palm as big as a football field took shape and pressed down with a bang!

This is clearly the "Tathagata Divine Palm" activated by "divine thoughts"

The violent tossing movement of spiritual thoughts turns into "high frequency waves", using high-frequency magnetic fields to cause fierce collisions between the molecules of objects.

Regardless of whether it is rock, soil or metal, any contact with it will turn into fine dust in an instant.

The solid ground is like a cake, and the "Buddha's Palm" presses it down to create a bottomless sinkhole.

Lu Li was unscathed by this blow, but the immortal golden flame, which was more than a foot thick, was thinned by 1/4 out of thin air!

Without enough time to catch his breath, Lu Li rushed towards his opponent again, and at the same time, the three dragon heads sprayed out lasers.

Three bright beams of light came over, but the "Rose Seat" teleported far away in a flash of light.

The three heads of the demon dragon continued to spit out lasers, plowing furrows on the ground and chasing after the "Tathagata".

Occasionally, he could hit, but he couldn't penetrate "Tathagata's" protective mind, and the opponent would teleport away in the next moment.

Moreover, the "Spirit King Great Sage" would recover in two seconds at most and attack with his Zen staff.

This demon saint is not as strong as Ma Xinjie, but he is fully capable of applying dog-skin plaster and annoying people.

Lu Li wanted to pull off his head first, but "Tathagata" launched the "Tathagata Divine Palm" from a distance and struck it down.

The Buddha's palm suddenly pressed down on his head, and the "Spirit King Great Sage" didn't hide away. He waved his Zen staff and beat Lu Li wildly, pestering him and getting hit all at once.

Amid the tremors of the earth and mountains, a palm-shaped sinkhole appeared on the ground again, and Lu Li's immortal will was reduced by nearly half.

Tathagata was quite satisfied with such a result at the beginning, but he did not dare to take it lightly.

He sent a message to Himihu:

[Amaterasu, are you willing to be a slave? You might as well take this opportunity to cooperate with me and end this person. I guarantee you will have an earth core]

Himihu sneered and didn't bother to answer.

My master hasn’t given his full strength yet.

I had a course of physical therapy and will be back to normal tomorrow. Update

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