Chapter 588 587. Return

Seeing Lu Li tearing apart and devouring the erosion, all the intelligent races exploded on the spot:

"A true god was actually tortured and killed? Even his spiritual star was taken away!"

"It's incredible...can't you even escape? It's just a one-on-one fight!"

At this level, even if you can't fight, you can easily escape.

But the erosion of the Star God was completely wiped out, which shows the huge gap in strength between the two sides.

After the commotion, everyone came to their senses and swarmed around Wu Jin to fawn over:

"It's really enviable that the light elves can be favored by a great being."

"Excuse me, Priest Wujin, what does the God of Annihilation require of his dependents? We also want to believe in this great existence."

If you want to be a human being in the universe, the protection of the Star God is a mandatory requirement.

Only when the appearance and thoughts are in harmony with God will it be easier to gain favor.

Everyone looked at the light elves in the field. They were fair and slender, and were recognized as a beautiful race.

That great being's preference for appearance can basically be determined, and the rest are taboos and the like.

Wu Jin took over Lu Li's power and had some insights:

"Our Lord loves bravery and steadfastness, and hates robbery and viciousness. Only by sincerely worshiping Him and dedicating your soul and body can you be qualified to win divine favor!"

Everyone kept this in mind and planned to select the elite of the ethnic group after returning to communicate with the true God.

There are also some mediocre-looking ethnic groups who are afraid that they will not be able to get into the eyes of the true god, so they try to please them:

"Thank you Priest Wujin for your guidance. We, the Shadow Moon Clan, are willing to offer a boatload of food as a thank you."

"We, the orcs, are willing to provide ceramic armor and weapons!"

All ethnic groups competed to flatter each other, and the scene was very lively.

But the high priest Kalash stood there and did not move for a long time.

He is urgently negotiating with the cult through the intelligent brain implanted in his body.

A few minutes later, the result seemed to be there. Kalash came back to his senses and coughed dryly.

Hearing the noise, the people surrounding Wu Jin quickly dispersed.

Kalash said cheerfully:

"Your master is a great being who will surely bring security and order to the universe. Bishen welcomes his followers."

"On behalf of the Supreme Order, I would like to announce that Ancient Wood City and its affiliated areas will be the territory of the light elves."

Ancient Wood City is a large city not far away. This gift is quite sincere, but also reasonable.

After all, the strength of "Supreme Sky" is similar to that of erosion, so it is natural to be appropriately humble when facing Lu Li, especially since both sides have a common enemy.

The Wujin people are mature and mature, and they know very well that the other party needs to win over the God Lord to fight against the original Kingdom of God.

He said calmly: "Thanks to the Supreme Order for the gift, our clan will strictly abide by the laws of the planet and maintain the prosperity of this star field."

"There is no doubt about this. Please convey our respect to the God of Annihilation."

Kalash bowed and then took the initiative to hand over control of "Ancient Wood City".

The economy, personnel, and military were all handed over to the light elves. It was truly a "dominion."

Representatives of all ethnic groups saw this and were so envious that they almost went crazy with envy.

In just a few days, the light elves have transformed from lost dogs to "lords" with real power, completely turning over.

"We must obtain divine grace as soon as possible!"

Representatives of all races secretly gritted their teeth and made up their minds to do their best to please Lu Li.

There are only a handful of intelligent races present, but they reflect the thoughts of the majority of people.

Everyone was not stupid. They had already begun to pray devoutly to Lu Li and dedicate their worship and reverence to him.

Hundreds of billions of positive emotions, no matter how impure, condensed into five hundred "Golden Lotuses of Merit" that emerged and fell from the void.

Lu Li hugged Xingru's small waist and violently attacked her, while at the same time pouring these golden lotus flowers into the spiritual plants in various places.

The spiritual plants are like eating golden garbage, growing and heightening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Some low-level varieties are beginning to mature and bear fruit.

If this continues, your spiritual star will soon become full of vitality.

In addition to making your inspiration more vigorous, the scenery will also become more pleasant.

I didn't rely on something like the power of will, nor did I deliberately seek it out. It was a complete surprise to be able to gain something like this.

Lu Li was so happy that he kissed the girl's cat ears hard and made a mua sound.

"Don't bite my ear."

There are blood vessels and nerves all over here, and Xingru suddenly feels extremely irritated, and a pair of cat ears twitch hard, which is really cute.

When Yue Ru saw that Lu Li liked her, she took the initiative to come over and let him kiss her.

Two identical girls with cat ears quickly broke down Lu Li's defense, making him tremble involuntarily.

The husband and wife were very familiar with each other. Xingru knew that Yuanyang was coming, so he quickly stood up with a roar and Yueru took over.

The strange behavior of the two sisters was to concentrate their probabilities to ensure that one of them would get pregnant first.

Lu Li didn't say much and just drank to his fill.

After feeling refreshed, the three of them lay on the sea and looked up at the night sky.

There are naturally no stars at night in the spiritual realm, only an extraordinarily huge bright moon. Occasionally, you can see silver dragons soaring past, causing lightning and heavy rain.

Xingru rubbed her sister's little head and said softly: "I hope Dragon Girl's method will work."

Lu Li said: "Actually, there's no need to rush, we have plenty of time. By the way, why are you all so anxious to have children?"

"This is the responsibility of a wife!"

Xingru looked matter-of-fact, but at the same time he was still a little confused, why would Lu Li ask such a question?

The values ​​​​in this other world are more traditional, and blood is very important.

In addition, under the influence of progesterone, several women also instinctively desire.

After resting for a few words, the two cat-eared girls became entangled again.

Lu Li naturally enjoys it and continues to improve the marine ecosystem without delaying work and entertainment.

At this time, the little fish flew over again and went to the moon to adjust the climate.

Lu Li's heart sank slightly... It was time to deal with Wu Xu next.

After all, this is Xiaoyu's father, and all he can do is fight the other party openly and honestly.

"Hopefully he's been freed from his shackles."

Lu Li specially gave time for Wu Xu to get rid of the "prisoner dragon's heart" and return to his full glory.

Wu Xu has naturally not been idle for more than half a month.

At this moment, in the core of this star.

Wu Xu grabbed his wife's body with both hands and struggled to pull out a large section.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, extinguishing nearly half of the star's core on the spot.

The dragon's tail that had passed through the dantian was pulled out directly, leaving only the severed part still stuck in the heart.

Wu Xu breathed a long sigh of relief and felt that he was in great condition.

He gently stroked his wife's body and said with a hoarse smile:

"The prisoner dragon locks the heart... How can you lock me without the body of husband and wife? Haha~ It's so ridiculous. The person you know the most can cause the most harm."

Wu Xu was about to get out of trouble, and Lu Li sensed something and suddenly wanted to go back to Blue Star.

"Let's arrange things over there and fight to the death with Wu Xu without any worries."

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