I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 589 588 Extraordinary Grant

Chapter 589 588. Extraordinary Grant

The sense of oppression emanating from Wu Xu was much greater than the erosion, and he was a formidable opponent.

Coupled with the indescribable "original", Lu Li didn't know what the future would hold.

So when I go back this time, I have to leave a way out for my home planet and nation.

For a long time, Lu Li has been cautious about the spread of extraordinary power.

A large group of little supermen who are not afraid of bullets and cannonballs will definitely have a violent impact on the social order, and mankind will probably finish itself off.

However, the naked jungle law is implemented in the universe, which emphasizes the law of the jungle and the strong. If you don't have power, you will really become an animal.

The light elves are the most typical example, and have always been used as hard labor and food reserves.

If Blue Star doesn't want to end up like this one day, it must have enough strength to protect itself.

Spreading extraordinary things can be put on the agenda, but Lu Li is by no means a "nanny", and not everyone is qualified.

"I have to think about it again... first go back and improve Jessica and Theresa's realm."

The Immortal Master Yang Shen can control the microscopic world and easily improve the life level of mortals. The most important thing is that there are no sequelae.

After making up his mind, Lu Li said to his wives:

"Don't worry about Lingzhi for now. I have to go back. You guys should go and relax."

Of course the women wanted to travel in modern society, and they immediately became interested.

Especially since Su Qing didn't catch it last time, she had to make up for it.

Lu Li immediately summoned the Kunlun Mirror and activated his cross-realm magical power.

Everyone filed in and returned to the blue planet in the blink of an eye.

The mobile phone I bought when I came last time was only brought by Wan Qing in the spiritual realm.

Lu Li raised his hand and shook it, polymerizing atoms to form plastic, metal, and circuit boards, and created seven mobile phones out of thin air.

"You can play with it, but I won't follow you. I still have two confidantes who need to be taken care of."

Lu Li develops in two worlds. It is normal for Blue Star to have women here, and several wives know it.

To make Lu Li care about her, she must be a true confidante.

The wives said nothing and went shopping in big cities with their mobile phones.

Lu Li flew to Moxico. As New Year's Day was approaching, Jessica and Teresa returned to Moxico.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened, someone attacked the two girls! ? ——

The relationship between the two girls and Lu Li was well known to everyone, and you would be crazy to dare to provoke them.

But it was a group of lunatics who launched the attack.

After the collapse of the Star Alliance, it was divided into dozens of small countries, but the centipede remained alive, and there were many old and young people who missed the past glory of the empire.

They hated Lu Li, but they also knew that there was nothing they could do against Lu Li, so they wanted to pour out their anger on the people Lu Li cared about.

At this moment, Mexico City, Central Plaza.

A yellow man with a fierce face looked at a group of young students viciously.

"Here they come, with both primary targets."

"Start taking action! Let the so-called God know that there will be a price to pay for your reckless actions!"

A group of remnants of the Star Alliance with different skin colors followed the flow of people and approached a group of young students.

They are from Xia Capital University and are classmates of Jessica and Theresa. They came here to travel during the holidays.

As the hosts, Jessica and Teresa naturally accompanied them, and there were Terminator bodyguards protecting the outside.

A group of people were chatting and laughing, never imagining that anyone would dare to attack.

But the accident happened. The yellow man with a fierce face leaned to a distance of 20 meters and suddenly took out an "AK74U" from his back!

This short assault rifle was extremely concealable, and two white accomplices also showed the same weapons and aimed them at Jessica and Teresa.

The biggest disadvantage of the puppet is that its reaction is too slow, and it is too late.

Just as the trigger was about to be pulled, and the crowd was about to scream, Jessica's eyes began to shine like stars!

Lu Li helped the little girl advance to the "Marrow Washing Realm" a long time ago just to guard against this kind of situation.

I saw Jessica stepped on the floor tiles and shot out with electricity. In the blink of an eye, she was in front of the fierce yellow man's face, and the "Wandering Dragon's Shock" hit his face.

There was a loud bang, and the pink fist hit the man's head, causing blood to fly everywhere.

At the same moment, stars flashed in Teresa's eyes, and she jumped out and blew up a white man's head.

Lu Li asked Jessica to "teach the skills", and now it seems that she did a good job. Canary has the cultivation level of "refining internal organs".

Female warriors are known for their agility. The incident only happened in an instant, and the trigger of the third remaining enemy had only been halfway pulled.

Jessica's arm suddenly twitched, blasting out a white energy that quickly crossed a distance of 20 meters and cut off the man's neck like a sharp axe.

The three corpses fell to the ground almost at the same second. The crowd's exclamations were stuck in their throats and their tone was very strange.

The central square is a tourist attraction, and almost everyone was taking pictures with their mobile phones, so this scene was naturally captured.

Jessica didn't care, but was concerned about her classmates: "You are okay..."

Before she finished speaking, her expression suddenly changed, and she immediately used her strength to move away.

A .50 bullet grazed her shoulder and hit the ground. The huge momentum caused the clods of soil to turn into shotguns and splash out. Four or five people were overturned on the spot, and there was a wailing sound.


Jessica was furious, her pretty face turned red, and she rushed towards a tall building.

There was a sniper above, but as soon as the bolt was pulled, Jessica was already downstairs.

She sprinted at a speed of 40 meters per second. When she got close, she jumped up to five stories and collapsed the sniper's chest with a whip punch.

The broken pieces of organs spurted out of his mouth, but the man smiled strangely.

Starlight flashed in Jessica's eyes, her inner energy surged throughout her body, pushing her to the limit, and she suddenly rolled down the roof of the building with a "Kite Turn".

There was a loud bang, it was a bomb planted on the roof.

It's a pity that Jessica was so deep in concentration that she could predict the danger and didn't even hurt her hair.

But the blast of the explosion overturned more people, and the whole place was filled with wailing, causing many casualties.

Jessica's face was full of bitterness, and she was about to save someone...but suddenly froze!

I saw my husband arrived at some unknown time and was smiling and applauding me!

"Well done, you are more talented than I thought, and Teresa is good too."

Lu Li had been here a long time ago and everything was under control.

He waved his hand casually, and vast spiritual thoughts surged out like a tsunami.

The ground damaged by bullets filled back up on its own;

The roof of the building collapsed by the bomb was backfilled at a speed visible to the naked eye;

As for the injured people, the stone shrapnel flew out of their bodies and their wounds healed instantly!

In 10 seconds at most, everything will return to its original state, and what just happened seems like an hallucination.

But the video taken by the mobile phone is still there. This is...a miracle!

The foreigners were extremely superstitious and knelt down to pray to Lu Li on the spot.

Lu Li ignored them, took Jessica and Theresa's hands, and disappeared in an instant.

But the avalanche has just begun, and the Internet is already completely abuzz:

[Extraordinary power can indeed teach practice! The movements of those two foreign girls were clearly Xia Guo's boxing techniques! 】

[They must have obtained the cultivation method. Even foreigners know it. Can Lu Shen also teach us?]

[This is something that affects all mankind, you shouldn’t be too selfish]

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