I can summon myself

Chapter 102 Cloud Whale

Cloud whales are creatures of the sea of ​​clouds who were born in the clouds and died in the sky.

When a whale falls, all things come to life. When alive, spiritual energy is transformed into flesh and blood, and when dead, flesh and blood are used to feed the whole world.

"They are one of the most common gregarious species in the sea of ​​clouds. They have a gentle personality and have the four spiritual attributes of wind, rain, thunder and lightning. However, sometimes mutants with rare spiritual attributes are also born."

"The emergence of subspace has led to the intersection of psychic energy between the earth and the unknown psychic world. They should be affected by the resulting psychic surge and prepare to move towards the lost zone in clusters."

"We just need to follow them and get a ride with the whales' intimidation."

Gu Shaoyi understood the first half of Bai Chen's introduction to Yunjing.

Subspace and the like were beyond his understanding.

"Are they gentle creatures?"

Gu Shaoyi wanted to confirm.

"In theory."

Blue Star Baichen, 233 Earth, find the space nodes in the world where the cat Baichen is. The cloud whales in each world are gentle species.

Of course, the case of those who are cheap and seeking death, who regard cloud whales as prey and are brutally killed, are not within the scope of Bai Chen's consideration.

Judging from Bai Chen's experience with each version, they wouldn't mind him traveling with them.

"It's a bit dangerous to just keep it in theory."

Gu Shaoyi disapproved of Bai Chen's attempt to take advantage of the Dongfeng group of cloud whales.

For this kind of species that was not in the human database before, even if Bai Chen didn't seem to be sharing stories made up on the spot, it was always better to play it safe.

"Yes, the old principal, the ninth level controller, a pretty scary guy."

The little man didn't want the elites from his alma mater to show up in front of the cloud whales to gain a sense of presence.

The ancestral graves of my alma mater finally started to smoke, so don’t waste your time. You should be safe and secure.

Safety first.

"What if you don't follow them?"

The old weirdo asked Bai Chen.

"It could be as short as ten days and a half a month, or as long as, I don't know how long it will take."

"Judging from the data detected by the detection array, they are not one, but a mixed team of multiple vanguard forces."

“The real big group is still coming together.”

"We must get ahead of their swarm and blend into the vanguard."

"This way we can get to the edge of subspace as soon as possible."

"If they are mixed with a large group of cloud whales, their speed of 700 to 800 kilometers per hour is not only slow, but also we must consider that so many cloud whales gathering together will attract various predators in the sea of ​​​​clouds, greatly increasing our risks. "

"But the vanguard is different. The advanced predatory creatures in the sea of ​​clouds are very intelligent. They will not just ignore the old, weak, sick and disabled in the large group, but choose to fight to the death with strong pathbreakers like the vanguard. ”

"So, following the vanguard of Cloud Whale is the safest approach."

The old wizard fell into deep thought.

Cloud whales that are so big dare to come and prey when they are in a group. They are definitely no less super predators than ninth-level controllers.

Although the Bear bomber has complete concealment rules.

But in the face of this level of terrifying predators, safety may not be guaranteed.

Bai Chen's choice was correct.

"I agree."

The old wizard praised greatly.

"Of course we believe in Junior Bai Chen."

"When a whale falls, all things come into being. Walking with such a creature, if it weren't for Junior Bai Chen, we wouldn't be able to do it in this life."

"When I board the Bear bomber, my life belongs to Junior Bai Chen."

"Whatever Bai Chen says will be done, we are a whole."

Teachers and students chose to support without hesitation.

Not to mention anything else, this bear aircraft alone has proved Bai Chen's power.

Being able to reveal the identity of Cloud Whale, which is still unknown to landowners like Airport 5.

Being able to make prompt decisions based on their habits, Bai Chen really convinced every member on the plane.

"Student Bai Chen, do you need to make some preparations, such as going to the airport to buy some supplies that Cloud Whale likes?"

"Or prepare some extra supplies?"

The college bosses felt that they had taken advantage of the Cloud Whale Group.

Both emotionally and rationally, we should give them some feedback.

"Cloud whales love psychic metals most. Flesh-and-blood creatures like them need trace elements such as psychic metals."

"A standard dark iron ingot of one hundred kilograms is fine."

There are hundreds of tons of black iron ingots in the space equipment of the teachers and students of the logistics team. This is Bai Chen's confidence to hitch a ride on Yun Whale.

However, if it can be purchased at Airport 5, Bai Chen is willing to buy it directly without using the college's reserves.

"If it is black iron, black copper and other basic psychic materials, there will definitely be no problem."

Gu Shao has a guaranteed victory.

"In addition, our airport also has many specialties brought back by the ocean-going flying team."

The excited people looked at the old wizard.

Since you need to buy black iron, it is logical to buy some specialties on the way.

"Classmate Bai Chen, what's your opinion?"

The old weirdo asked Bai Chen for his opinion.

"We have about twenty hours."

The leading troops of the Cloud Whale Group are still gathering. Even if they pass now, they still have to wait until their gathering is completed.

With the Bear bomber's level flight speed of 950 kilometers, it can buy twenty hours of procurement time.

"Then shall we fly down or use a transport boat?"

Mo Qianxing asked.

"Let's do a head count."

If everyone wants to go shopping, even though he wants to stay here to practice, Bai Chen will not stop everyone from flying directly to Airport 5.

However, not many teachers and students are willing to go to Airport 5.

"There are many opportunities to buy and buy, but viewing the scenery at an altitude of 35,000 meters is more important."

"We need to keep practicing."

"The cooperation is not enough and we are not enough to deal with more emergencies."

The response from teachers and students made Mr. Wu very pleased.

With a wave of his hand, everyone got a shopping allowance of 5,000 yuan, regardless of whether they bought it or not, which made the plane full of joy.

"In this way, I will ask my colleagues to send the mall catalog. If those who stay here need it, we can deliver it to their door."

Gu Shaoyi didn't want to miss the opportunity to get closer to Yanyu Academy.

"Okay, that's settled then."

"I'll take the team down there."

The old monster Wu walked towards the belly of the plane.

A quarter of an hour later, a chubby transport boat, accompanied by a Gushao saucer-shaped aircraft, left the Bear bomber and headed for Airport 5.

"Junior brother, let's talk about Yunjing."

Zuo Miao's voice sounded in the communication system.

"Yes, what other characteristics does this psychic creature have?"

Zhu Huan, a tall female representative of the Crested Ibis Garden, was also on the plane.

She likes this unknown creature the most, which sounds very romantic.

"Junior Bai Chen, please give me some knowledge."

"Is the cloud whale delicious?"

"The cloud whale is so big that it can't be stewed in one pot!"

"The cloud whales are so cute, you foodies actually want to eat them?"

"When a whale falls, all things come alive. Isn't it just giving back to the Yunhai biosphere with flesh and blood? The alien creatures here can't eat us humans at the top of the earth's food chain?"

"Does the cloud whale have bones?"

"Can cloud whale skin be made into bags? It should be better than crocodile skin."

"Does Cloud Whale have a psychic script? If so, what kind of script is it?"

The old wizard and most of the college bosses are no longer in charge.

Top academics reveal their true nature.

The cloud whale is such a wonderful creature. They really want to catch one and dissect it.

Bai Chen took a sip of happy water and moistened his throat: "I'll start with the thing that senior brothers and sisters are most interested in: the fall of a whale, the birth of all things."

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