I can summon myself

Chapter 103 Listen to Bai Chen for important matters

An hour later, the purchasing team with 50 tons of black iron and 60 portions of No. 5 Airport specialties returned to the bomber depressed.

"The big dogs from the Jiangdong District and the First Ring Islands have come. They have directly booked all the commercial facilities at No. 5 Airport. If it weren't for Gu Shaoyi's help in mobilizing the airport reserves, we wouldn't even be able to buy these things."

Wu Laoguai looked gloomy.

As soon as they arrived at No. 5 Airport, they saw a group of flying vehicles covering the sky and the sun arriving at the airspace of No. 5 Airport.

Several of them carried the emblems of the institutions of some people he least wanted to see.

He simply stayed on the transport ship and didn't show up at all.

But he still received the news that these big dogs had booked the whole airport.

"Booked the whole airport?"

Except that the basic departments of No. 5 Airport are never open to the public, the act of booking all commercial facilities is like booking the entire airport in the minds of teachers and students.

"Too rich!"

"It's different where there are resources."

The business atmosphere in Jiangdong District is far better than that in Jiangnan District, and the First Ring Islands have their own mines. Any of the top 20 colleges can easily beat the leader of Jiangnan District, Jiangnan Psychic Research Institute.

Before Bai Chen came to prominence, Yanyu College did not even have the qualifications to become a subordinate of these wealthy colleges.

"But we have Bai Chen."

"As long as Bai Chen is here, we will be richer than them sooner or later."

"No matter how rich they are, they don't have Xiong Shi or Bai Chen."

Looking at the teachers and students who are full of confidence in the future of Yanyu College, Wu Laoguai is in a much better mood.

They are right, Bai Chen is the biggest confidence of Yanyu College.

With him, the future of the college is bright.

Suddenly, the screen in front of the detection array group flickered.

"Three single-person butterfly-shaped aircraft were found."

"Altitude 7,500 meters, speed 1,050 kilometers per hour."

"They seem to be coming for us."

This time, without Bai Chen's order, everyone quickly returned to their respective posts.

Thirty seconds later, the calculation results came out.

"Yes, they are targeting us."

The bomber quickly changed its flight attitude, and the front and rear weapon platforms locked onto each other.

At this time, their voices came from the public channel.

"Wu Yiming, Wu Laoguai, Wu Dascum, you come out!"

The murderous intent could not be concealed in the Jiangdong region's iconic Wu Nong soft language.

Mo Qianxing, who was about to warn them, was stunned.

The amount of information in this voice was so much.

"Wu Jun, it is the most plump time of the year for mullet roe. I have already boiled your favorite chrysanthemum wine for you."

The strong flavor of Yingzhou in the mellow Dongtu dialect.

"Brother Wu, the fried chicken is out of the pot, it is the crunchy smecta you like."

After confirming that these three single-person aircraft have been registered in the public database and belong to various famous institutions.

The teachers and students started eating melons.

Especially Wu Huang'er, Wu Laoguai's most beloved junior, not only turned on the camera and recording functions of all her mobile phones, but also took out a small notebook and prepared to start recording.

"Tell them that Wu Yiming is not here."

Wu Laoguai first looked at Mo Qianxing, and after Mo Qianxing gave him a look that said she was not involved, he turned around and glared at the college leaders.

"The old principal said he was not here."

The college leader who was not afraid of trouble directly confirmed Wu Laoguai's existence.

The teachers and students who were eating melons in the cabin laughed.

"Wu Laoguai, are you a man?"

"Wu Jun, please don't let us down."

Wu Laoguai glared at the college leader who was deliberately making trouble.

"You know nothing."

"Bai Chen, hurry up, we will enter the channel now."


"Don't seek death!"

"Come back!"

From their anxious reactions, it seems that they are not really enemies.

"Junior brother, don't worry about it."

Zuo Miao sent a private message to Bai Chen.


Bai Chen is not a fool, he will not participate in it.

All teachers and students cooperated to lower the bomber to an altitude of 20,000 meters and a speed of 400 kilometers.

Three single-person butterfly-shaped aircraft entered the visual range.

"Top 1 in Jiangdong Region, the logo of Jiangdong Psychic Research Institute."

"The golden chrysanthemum logo is the family emblem of the great nobles of Yingzhou."

"Great, three big iron sticks, the number one consortium of Smecta."

The singles looked at Wu Laoguai with admiration.

When everyone was watching the disc-shaped aircraft.

The three ladies in the aircraft were also watching the Bear bomber.

"It is indeed a aircraft with a breathtaking appearance."

"It seems that Yanyu Academy has turned over a new leaf."

"A great engineering miracle."

The three mechanical arms slowly opened, ready to dock with them.

"Hmph, you bastards, if you can't save two million people, I will deal with you later."

Throwing these words, Wu Laoguai drove the transport boat away from the tail of the plane.

The three ladies who discovered Wu Laoguai's movements at the first time seemed a little hesitant.

It took a while before they gave up docking and chased after him.

"Sorry, I'm sorry to bother you."

With its excellent performance, Wu Laoguai's transport boat was surrounded by them before it flew out of everyone's sight.

"You guys handle the minor matters, listen to Bai Chen on the major matters."

After saying that, Wu Laoguai turned off the communicator.

He would rather be stuck in mid-air than have them board the Bear bomber.

"Bai Chen, I believe you won't let me down."

Wu Laoguai smiled with relief as he watched the Bear bomber start to climb again.

He controlled the transport boat and slowly flew towards Airport No. 5.

Back to the Bear bomber.

"What should we do?"

The college leaders were very entangled.

Although they knew that this was most likely related to personal privacy, Wu Laoguai was their old principal anyway. Did they really want to watch him fall into the hands of these three women who sounded like they were not good people?

"Blue Star, what should we do?"

Bai Chen felt that this matter was not as simple as a resentful woman chasing a heartless man.

Wu Laoguai had been down for less than an hour. How could the three of them who were not from Airport No. 5 confirm that he was here in such a short time?

Given their ages, experiences, and identities, it was even less likely that after confirming that Wu Laoguai was here, they would chase him regardless of the presence of Yanyu College, Airport No. 5, and their respective teams.

The more Bai Chen thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"How about we find a few versions of ourselves, Bai·Holmes·Chen, Bai·Emotional Expert·Chen, and Bai·KGB·Chen, to study together?"

Blue Star Bai Chen, 233 Earth Bai Chen, and Cat Finder Bai Chen, none of them had experience in this area.

However, the cloud whales in the channel helped Bai Chen make a decision.

After discovering that the number of their vanguards had not increased during this period.

Bai Chen knew it was time to set off.

"The size of the nearby whale group is much smaller than I calculated."

"Their vanguards have been assembled."

"We don't have time to delay."

The bomber turned around and headed for the channel entrance.

"Listen to Bai Chen for important matters."

All teachers and students executed this order perfectly.

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