I can summon myself

Chapter 170: Unwilling to let the Association go to the island

"No reason."

"Just assume that I am not interested in the unknown world."

Bai Chen did not want to say the theory that the unknown world behind the data of the subspace can be judged.

It is not that he is keeping it secret.

It is that the East Earth Psychic Association may not be able to understand it.

Because even with the help of Blue Star Bai Chen, Bai Chen now only knows the result but not the reason.

The experience of Bai Chen is based on the invincible advantage of the human beings in the universe.

For the Earth, which has just started.

These formulas are not much simpler than the heavenly book.

So even if he takes out the formula.

It will not have any effect.

It is better to find a reason.

Just treat him as willful.

Sure enough, Wang Dachong had a genius expression on his face.

But he had no objection.

Because he is also a genius, he also believes in his own judgment more.

"If you really don't plan to develop the unknown world."

"Then can the East Earth Psychic Association borrow the dead volcano island as a point?"

Bai Chen frowned.

He didn't want anyone to interfere with the embers and the ember land.

Although from the performance of the Wei Changkong trio, they, like the Liu family in the imperial capital, only regarded the Dead Volcano Island as a foothold for visitors from the mirage world, and did not find the existence of the embers and the ember land.

But if there is anyone on Earth who is most likely to discover the embers and the mystery of the ember land.

It must be the East Earth Psychic Association.

To develop an unknown world, it is a must for a powerful mythical person to sit in charge.

Bai Chen did not want to take the risk of a powerful person landing on the island and stationing there.

"Dead Volcano Island, I don't want outsiders to set foot on it."

"If the association really intends to develop an unknown world, it can reclaim land in the sea near the Dead Volcano Island, or let a submarine fleet like the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market be stationed there for a long time."

"We can let the Cloud Whale Allies provide the same transportation and escort services as the Dead Volcano Island."

"But I'm sorry, I don't want any outsiders to enter the Dead Volcano Island and the surrounding 20 kilometers of sea area."

Bai Chen proposed a compromise plan.

That is to let the East Earth Psychic Association find a foothold nearby.

Wang Dachong read his determination from Bai Chen's eyes.

"This kid seems to care about his territory."

"But think about it, the Dead Volcano Island is not a very big island, and there is not much land that can be used without the dead volcano."

"Yanyu Academy is spacious, but if the association is added, it will definitely be crowded."

"Bai Chen doesn't want outsiders to enter, mostly because the area of ​​the Dead Volcano Island is limited."

"Once the association sets foot, it is easy for the host and the guest to be reversed."

"But whether it is land reclamation or permanent residence in the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, it is not so easy."

"But this will give the strategic department and the think tank team a headache."

Wang Dachong is just an emotionless pharmaceutical machine, and his task is only preliminary communication.

Anyway, Bai Chen has agreed to cooperate with Xiao Yaowan.

Wang Dachong is actually very satisfied.

As for whether Bai Chen can be relaxed at the station.

It is not within his business scope.

"Well, I will give your opinion and this disposable gossip worm eyeball to the UFO pilot to take back."

Wang Dachong snapped his fingers.

The spiritual energy fluctuations on the big eyeball disappeared.

He took off the big eyeball and put it back into the space equipment.

"Finally, I have a personal request."

Wang Dachong became a little shy.

"Can you sell me the small pills for a long time, one week's supply at a time? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to copy it but use it myself."

Bai Chen understood immediately.

"How much do you want? Seven 120 super cups per week?"

"Not so much, three or four 45-minute ones are enough."

Wang Dachong is not a pile driver like Wu Laoguai.

"Okay, I'll give you two 120 super cups per week, you can cut them into the amount you need."

Bai Chen took out a box and took out two 120 super cups from it and handed them to Wang Dachong.

"Thank you very much."

Wang Dachong put his hands together.

He carefully put it away.

"Later, I'll let my apprentice transfer the money to you."

Bai Chen nodded and opened the hatch.

He led Wang Dachong to the command center.

Soon, the UFO returned to the Bear bomber again.

"Take it back."

After giving some instructions, Wang Dachong handed the big eyeball to the UFO pilot.

The high-speed aircraft of the Dongtu Psychic Association immediately set off on the return route.

"Where are the senior sisters?"

Bai Chen found that Hedria, Zuo Miao, Mo Qianxing, and a large group of senior sisters who were not on duty had disappeared collectively.

The familiar senior pointed outside the cargo hold and said helplessly: "The transport boat is still fighting in the air."

Bai Chen was speechless.

Wang Dachong smiled bitterly and said, "Hydria is a stubborn person."

"Sister Zuo Miao is the same." Bai Chen shrugged and asked, "What race is Hydria?"

"Her father is from the Dragon Court of the Deep Ocean, and is one of the heaven-defying myths in the East."

"Her mother is very mysterious. We don't know her background yet, but what is certain is that her mother is stronger than her father."

"These two heaven-defying myths are the few heaven-defying myths in the deep ocean of the East that are close to humans."

Wang Dachong began to explain to Bai Chen the composition of the deep ocean forces in Channel 5.

"Divide Channel 5 into three sections."

"The fifteen thousand kilometers around Airport 5 are the offshore section. This is the territory of our Dongtuhehai Amphibious Sea Tribe."

"They have a good relationship with our association, but they think this land is too barren and basically leave it alone."

"So the water creatures that actually exist in this area are all outsiders."

"But because of the reputation of the local sea tribe, they are quite honest."

"The middle section of about 50,000 kilometers has entered the deep ocean range and is the private fiefdom of Hydelia's parents."

"Controlled by their people."

"The situation at the end where the extinct volcanic island is located is more complicated."

"Among them are forces that give Hydlia's parents face, and there are also a few predatory species that wander around and bite everything, but the vast majority are third parties that are neutral and indifferent to humans."

"Bai Chen, you must consider the defense of the extinct volcano island."

"However, if you don't engage in nature's miraculous undersea development, you won't get any hostility from third parties."

"Just be prepared for deep-ocean predators. Generally speaking, there are very few of them that can land on the island."

"The vast majority are deep-ocean species that can only stay underwater."

Wait until the teachers and students of Mist and Rain College finish recording.

Wang Da Chong's expression became extremely serious.

"Hydelia's parents are enlightened beings. They will never regard you as enemies just because of this conflict between Hydlia and you."

"It is a small probability event that deep-ocean predators can land on the island."

"In general, the indigenous creatures in the deep ocean do not pose much of a threat."

"What you really need to guard against are humans."

Once the small pill money printing machine is turned on, the extinct volcanic island far away from the east soil will definitely be set as the first target by all greedy people.

The most dangerous thing is not the deep-ocean natives, but the greedy hearts.

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