I can summon myself

Chapter 171 Vampire Coolies

"Junior Bai Chen, the second batch of 500 teachers and students from Yanyu Academy have set off. They will take the Jiangnan Airlines fleet to the No. 5 Airport, and then form a group with the Jiangnan, Gonggong Federation, and the three major clusters of aircraft to enter the No. 5 Channel and merge with the cloud whale group, and then go to the dead volcano island together."


"Where is the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market?"

The familiar senior who was reporting on his work imitated Bai Chen and shrugged: "In the words of Captain Yu Zhou, it is a miracle that the six submarines of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market were not sunk by vampires."

"They are still parked in the same place for emergency maintenance, working overtime to produce and replace the consumables necessary for maintenance."

"However, Captain Yu Zhou made a suggestion."

"Their workers are temporarily unable to accept our employment."

"But Mace and his men can transfer to our side to complete five years of labor."

Wang Dachong's treatment was simple and rough.

In addition to the punishment within the Deep Ocean Market, Yu Zhou must be responsible for recovering Mace's daughter from the buyer.

The vampires like Mace, who made a big news, were sentenced to five years of hard labor to make up for the losses of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market.

Witnessed by Yanyu College and Hedria.

Both parties accepted the solution proposed by Wang Dachong, who represented the East Earth Psychic Association.

Although Yu Zhou was unintentional, it was his mistake that caused such a consequence. Although the internal punishment was not easy, he finally kept the bottom line of staying in the Deep Ocean to make a living.

Mace and his gang of vampires knew very well that the East Earth Psychic Association had actually shown them mercy because no one died. Five years was just a blink of an eye for vampires with long lives.

As the life-saving hero of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, Yanyu College prevented the matter from developing into an irreconcilable situation and received a guarantee from Wang Dachong.

He guaranteed that Yanyu College would get two big gift packages that were still being prepared by the association and the Deep Ocean Market.

Bai Chen had no doubts about this.

Although he was still unfamiliar with the Deep Ocean Market, the East Earth Psychic Association had never treated any hero unfairly, so Bai Chen was willing to wait.

"Let Mace and his gang of vampires come to work?"

"Captain Yu Zhou is really good at taking advantage of the situation and doing favors."

"He must have gotten the approval of His Excellency Wang Da Chong."

Otherwise, how could Yu Zhou, who was waiting for punishment, dare to hand over Mace and his gang of vampires to Bai Chen as laborers in front of the legend sent by the association.

"Junior, do we accept them?"

The familiar senior looked at Bai Chen eagerly.

Although he, who also came from the Department of Flowers, Birds, Fishes and Insects, did not study vampires.

But if there really was a group of vampires to work for everyone, it would definitely be a pleasure.

"First ask what skills these vampires have. If they are a bunch of useless scum who can't do anything, we will lose."

"Junior, you are still thoughtful. I will go back to the command center to reply to Yu Zhou and ask them to compile a list of vampire skills."

What no one expected was that only half an hour later, the vampire leader Mace flew out of the porthole of the tail fairing.

Obviously, he knew who had the final say on this bomber.

"He is younger than he looks. He will definitely not be over 100 years old this year."

"Bloodline, sea dragon lineage, and a bit of abyss. This guy's bloodline is quite complicated."

"I can't tell his physique. The vampires in the fairy world are basically the private pets of the female bosses. There is little information about their physique, but he can give birth to offspring at such a young age, which shows that he has a good talent."

"After all, it is absolutely impossible for a vampire mother to use the potential of both parties' spirit, energy and spirit to create offspring without sufficient control."

"And his daughter is a highly dragonized egg."

"It means that the sea dragon gene in Mei Si is quite powerful."

"If his bloodline ability is not enough, then he will definitely not be able to maintain the vampire appearance in front of him."

"Based on the above judgment, it is hard to say whether this guy can get the legendary title, but at least he will definitely have no problem growing to the 17th level of the controller like Wei Changkong."

The fairy king Bai Chen made a preliminary judgment on Mei Si.

While Mei Si was surprised that Bai Chen was so young, he was also shocked by his human-shaped self-propelled black hole Great Void Cultivation Method.

Is this still a human?

When did humans have the ability to absorb all kinds of spiritual energy at an altitude of 35,000 meters?

Even the emotionless pharmaceutical machine could never do this.

It seems that this guy is really a monster as Hedria said.

"Come in."

Bai Chen indicated that Mace could enter from the cargo hold entrance.

After a while, the sound of leather boots stepping on the deck was heard outside the door.

The vampire leader Mace, wearing a black windbreaker, black trousers and black boots, came to Bai Chen.

"Sir Bai Chen, here are our resumes."

Mace, who looked like a medieval vampire, took out a laptop from the space equipment.

Bai Chen looked closely and found that it was the latest model released by the manufacturer under the East Earth Psychic Energy Association during the Spring Festival this year.

He called a familiar senior, who in turn invited the college boss who was responsible for human resources allocation, and began to study the profile of this group of vampires.

"Hey, I also worked for a company under the East Earth Psychic Association."

"Oh, I even got the professional qualification certification from our Jiangnan region."

"The paper was actually published in Science and Nature. Although it was not on the cover, it is also a core journal with a very high impact factor."

"I have run a chamber of commerce and a company. I can move bricks during the day, and I can set up stalls at night after taking off my brick-moving suit vest."

"Jiangdong cuisine is level 12, Jiangnan cuisine is level 11, and Imperial Capital cuisine is level 11. Could it be that the mysterious Westerner who is proficient in all major cuisines of the East is your clan member?"

"He is also good at logistics allocation!"

The human resources boss was blinded by the resumes of these vampires.

"Student Bai Chen, if these resumes are correct, these vampires are all elites."

Mes smiled bitterly and said, "How dare we lie when we make a living in the East."

"Each of these resumes is well documented and certified by the East Earth Psychic Association."

Bai Chen said lightly, "I will verify it once."

"However, what we urgently need now is brick-moving labor for front-line work."

The bitterness on Mes' face became even stronger.

He didn't expect that after showing the abilities of his clan members, Bai Chen did not place them in a relatively easy position according to his little calculation.

But he clearly wanted them to be coolies.

But Mes couldn't refuse.

Before coming, Yu Zhou made it clear in front of Hedria and Heishitou, the disciple of Lord Wang Dachong.

Their group of vampires is a favor to Bai Chen.

No matter what means Mace uses, he must show enough value to be accepted by Bai Chen.

Otherwise, Yu Zhou will send the vampires to the hardest place in the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market for the next five years, working day and night.

Mace said painfully: "Lord Baichen, is there a place where I can show my brick-moving skills?"

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