I can summon myself

Chapter 214 Can it still be sold for money?

The turtle was less than 400 meters away from the bait cage.

Zuo Miao let out a loud roar.

"The hinge system is activated and the bait cage is immediately recovered."

"The relative distance to the target slowly decreases from four hundred, attracting the target to a shallow water layer of one hundred meters."

"Sonar array detaches simultaneously."

"Hydraulic bomb preparation."

"Prepare ice bombs."

"The cannon groups at the nose and tail of the aircraft are simultaneously replaced with the above two types of ammunition."

Along with her falling words.

The thick cable connected to the bait cage began to straighten and tighten. The winch on the reinforced ribs of the fish frying platform pulled the cable at extremely high speed.

The bait cage rises toward the surface.

The target is pursued relentlessly.

"No decoupling!"

The voices of teachers and students were full of excitement.

"Cloud Whale, prepare!"

When the target enters the shallow water layer of 200 meters.

Zuo Miao said to Kraao, who had been hiding in the special detection matrix hiding field on the back of the machine.

Kraao brought the other three armored cloud whales with him, flicking his tail to indicate that they had received it.


Ximen Fuyun's whole face was lying on the side window of the Jiangnan where he could see the Bear bomber.

He watched intently as the waves began to rise beneath the bomber.

"The target has entered a shallow water layer of 100 meters."

"The target has entered the shallow water layer of 90 meters."

"The target has bitten the bait cage."

Three prompts flashed on the screen at the same time.

"The hinge locked immediately."

"The aircraft is climbing at maximum power."

The Bear bomber's engines instantly came to full capacity. Psychic energy drives the huge machine to rush towards the sky.

Kraao and other four armored cloud whales spread out, drew four beautiful arcs, and rushed towards the sea in a uniform manner.

Zuo Miao's right hand landed on the button of the multi-function dispenser.

The seniors in the two gun groups at the nose and tail of the aircraft stared intently at the water in the cross mirror.

Five seconds later, in the rolling waves, the 30-meter-long and 20-meter-wide sea turtle was forcibly pulled out of the sea by a Bear bomber.

"Ice bomb, launch!"

Zuo Miao slammed the dispenser button.

Ice bombs popped out from the belly of the aircraft.

The cannons at the nose and tail of the aircraft fired simultaneously.

The negative turtle was shrouded in ice bombs.

Accompanied by clouds of cold white mist.

It was so huge that it was instantly frozen into a big lump of ice.

"Bai Chen, there seems to be something wrong with this turtle."

Kraao, who had already flown to the big ice mass, reminded.

"There is no life breath, and the spiritual energy fluctuations are much lower than its huge body."

Kraao turned on the camera module on his darksteel psychic suit.

After getting the association's internal lens from Deep Ocean Market No. 5.

The live broadcast that appeared in the command center was finally not of the previous .rmvb quality.

I saw the lifeless turtle in the puddle of ice.

There were no expected struggles.

The head is covered with strange lines.

The most noticeable thing are its eyes.

Completely different from normal turtles, looking very dark

What's outrageous is that there are strange things swimming in the vitreous body of the eye.

Kraao flew to where its back was.

"The sea turtle, as the name suggests, is a turtle carrying eggs on its back. Our goal is to remove the eggs in the hatchery from its carapace."

"But where's the egg?"

The dense holes on its back were originally the hatchery for its turtle eggs.

But now, apart from the messy deep-ocean seaweed, shells, and crab legs, there was not even a turtle egg on the back of the thirty-by-twenty giant turtle.

The teachers and students looked at Bai Chen in unison.

Only he can give the answer.

Bai Chen couldn't help but shake his head with a gloomy look on his face: "It's good that the body is a turtle, but now it has been transformed into a phantom insect."

"Is Liu Fenghua transformed into an insect like that?"

Senior Sister Zuo Miao looked at him.


"It still looks like it has been transformed into an insect for many years."

“Even the recipes have changed.”

No wonder you shouldn't switch to a vegetarian diet if you keep the fishmen's staple food.

The seaweed on its back, and in the process of eating seaweed, it took the opportunity to run from the seaweed bush and put shells on its back, such as crabs, which is a strong proof.


Bai Chen shook his head.

Zuo Miao turned around and looked at Hedelia.

The blue-skinned girl in the corner waved her hands quickly: "Boss Bai Chen's judgment is very correct. This is a half-insect, half-turtle that has been transformed into an insect. I don't want it."

Zuo Miao looked at the teachers and students in the command center depressedly.

Whether it was a new commander like the new commander or an experienced driver, they all shook their heads in unison.

They also thought it was worthless.

"Clao, do you want it?"

Zuo Miao said to Crao.

"don't want!"

The large heads of Kraao and three other cloud whales swung back and forth.

They are egg-eating monsters who don't want this kind of insect-turned turtle without even an egg.

"Junior brother, do you want to ask me about Chigua?"

Zuo Miao asked Bai Chen for his opinion.

Bai Chen smiled indifferently: "Sister, you decide."


Zuo Miao entered the public channel: "Poppy, Maggie, do you want this turtle that has been transformed into an insect?"

Jiangnan, the teachers and students of the Jiangnan Region in the Gonggong Union were stunned by the good news that fell from the sky.

The poppy rushed to the microphone like a wind.

"Zuo Miao, do you mean to sell it to us?"


Zuo Miao, who originally planned to give it away for free, instantly changed his mind when he heard this word.

"Yes, do you want to buy it? If not, I will ask the three major clusters."

"Buy, buy, buy."

Yu Meiren and Maggie nodded like crazy.

The commanders of the three major clusters who reacted also joined the competition.

The worm-transformed sea turtle,

It sounds like an incredible and rare thing.

No matter why Yanyu College doesn't like it, they definitely don't dislike it.

"Buy, buy, buy, we want to buy it too."

"Senior Zuo Miao, let's have a bidding auction."

"You don't have to worry about anything. We buyers are responsible for the auction. You just sit and collect the money."

Zuo Miao's eyes lit up.

The teachers and students of Yanyu College also became happy.

The garbage that none of them likes can actually be sold at a high price?

"Zuo Miao, you can also bring in the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market."

The vampire leader Mace suggested seriously.

"Senior Zuo Miao, you can also ask the East Earth Psychic Association."

Heishitou, who had been working for Doctors A, B, C, and D in the brick-moving department of the Bear bomber, said weakly.


Zuo Miao gave him a look that suggested a good idea.

Yu Zhou, who came after hearing the news, circled around the insect-like sea turtle.

After observing it closely, he rushed into the command center in two steps.

Excitedly, he issued a military order to Bai Chen: "Sir Bai Chen, if I can't bid for 200,000 standard points for this thing, I, Yu Zhou, will come to see you with my head!"


"Standard points?"

"This thing is too valuable."

The teachers and students were stunned by the number shouted by Captain Yu Zhou, the person in charge of the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market.

"Yes, a minimum of 200,000 points!"

"Mr. Bai Chen, thank you for giving us an opportunity to enter."

"I will definitely not let you down."

"I will hold a remote auction for it."

"Not just the ones in the sky, and not just the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market, I will use the emergency communication route to contact the super big buyers in the East."

Yu Zhou's eyes were filled with the passion that this thing could be sold at a sky-high price.

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