I can summon myself

Chapter 215: Ways to Make Money

Judging from Yu Zhou's enthusiasm, Bai Chen knew that the insect-transformed turtle could fetch a high price.

But even he didn't expect that 30 minutes for emergency communication, 20 minutes for video introduction, and only ten minutes for the actual auction.

This piece of garbage, which has neither research value nor edible value, and whose appearance is also disgusting, was finally bought by a company in Dongtu that Yanyu College had never heard of for a sky-high price of 550,000 standard points.

Not only that, the rich people who participated in the auction also left behind the heroic words of wrapping up the Bear bomber fishing and frying platform to get everything up from the deep ocean.

"I can't understand."

As the top student in Blue Star, Bai Chen is not a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. He can be carefree and carefree when facing Blue Star's top wealthy people. He talks and laughs happily. He has never seen those in the remote auction house who are so careless about money. The money guy.

Immortal King Bai Chen is even more knowledgeable.

"If this were in the Fairy World, such a prodigal son would definitely be beaten and beaten by the Emperor of Heaven and unable to take care of himself."

"Boss, I think I know why it sells for such a high price."

The speaker was Bai Chen's financial manager Li Yan.

The financial leader of the Mo Qianxing Hunting Group introduced by Senior Sister Zuo Miao has been studying the system led by Bai Chen since he came to the extinct volcano island with the second group of teachers and students.

It was not until this auction that the Bear bombers arrived from the extinct volcanic island.

"Sister Yan, if you have anything to say, just say it. You are my personal financial manager, don't be so arrogant."

Bai Chen poured her a cup of coffee made from coffee beans that someone in the group of seven had picked up and ground.

Although it is much worse than what Sally brewed using the coffee machine on the Snake 5.

But Li Yan still tasted the origin of this coffee bean in one bite.

"Moonlight coffee is a native variety of Gaul that only appeared in the era of psychic energy. It has a very mellow taste. These are coffee beans used by coffee farmers themselves, not for sale."

"I don't know, I found it in the garden of Snake Hair Type 5."

Bai Chen opened the coffee bean storage room in the coffee machine and took out all the unopened coffee beans.

"Boss, then I'm not welcome."

Li Yan put these coffee beans, which weighed about two kilograms, into her space equipment with a smile on her face.

Cup of coffee time.

The alienation between her and Bai Chen gradually disappeared.

It was as if they had returned to the tacit understanding they had at the base of Yanyu Academy.

"First, I researched information from public sources."

"Dongtu's method of obtaining deep-ocean creatures from the deep ocean mainly comes from various deep-ocean markets and the trading of deep-ocean creatures. Secondly, it is well-founded deep-ocean boat fishing with experienced fish like Ximen Fuyun. Thirdly, , that is, the fleet, from which fishermen buy all kinds of wreckage they stumble upon.”

Bai Chen smiled and nodded.

Encouraged, Li Yan's thinking became clearer.

"Through relevant data, although Dongtu has these three sources, no matter which one, they all serve the Dongtu Psionics Association. Most of the deep-ocean creatures were bought by the association immediately and circulated in the private market. There are very few on it.”

"This is due to the supply of goods."

"Secondly, there are cultural reasons."

"With the revival of psychic energy, giant creatures in the deep ocean have appeared in various urban legends one after another. The Cthulhu mythology related to the deep ocean has also gone from being a niche before the advent of the psychic era to becoming popular among the people in the East today. One of the cultural genres.

Although the Eastern Earth version of Cthulhu is integrated with the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Metaphysical School, and various local myths, it seems to be a modified version of the Eastern Earth Demon, but there is one thing, that is, regardless of the Eastern Earth Cthulhu Mountain and Sea School, the Metaphysical School, Or other local factions. "

"All Eastern Cthulhu have about as much enthusiasm for the trolls as the original Cthulhu."

"Under the influence of such a cultural atmosphere, collecting deep-ocean monsters has become a major hobby for the rich people in the East."

"Third and most important."

"For consumption quota."

Bai Chen looked curious. This was the first time he heard this word.

"This starts with the tax collection mechanism of the Psychic Age Association."

"The poor get poorer, and the rich get richer. The age of psychic energy cannot escape this natural law."

"For the sake of fairness and justice, and to artificially reverse such a rule, the association chose to start with the tax collection mechanism."

"Change the original personal income tax into a dual-line mechanism that taxes both income and consumption."

"Not only does the higher the income, the more taxes are collected, but consumption is also divided. Low income and low consumption not only do not impose taxes but will provide sufficient subsidies, medium income and medium consumption only pay normal taxes, and high incomes have income The higher the matching consumption limit, the higher the mechanism.”

"To put it simply, the higher the income, the consumption must increase simultaneously. If the consumption is not enough, the consumption quota will become something with a higher tax rate than the income."

"The rich have no choice but to think of ways to buy and buy in order to solve the problem of consumption quota. This achieves the association's goal of reversing the natural law that the higher the income, the lower the relative consumption power."

"So, when the insect-turned-negative turtle appears in front of these people."

"This high-value consumer product, which is scarce in quantity, has a cultural background, and can naturally maintain its value, was successfully raised to a sky-high price of 550,000 standard points."

Bai Chen understood.

The creatures of the deep ocean turned out to be tax shelters for the rich.

"I, whoever came up with this spending limit thing is really a genius."

Lanxing Baichen said in admiration.

“What level of income will have a consumption quota?”

Bai Chen asked curiously.

"There's something for everyone."

"The consumption limit is related to income, strength, occupation, etc. It is very complicated."

"But as far as you are concerned, you don't have to worry about this problem for a long time in the future."

"Because as the owner of the dead volcano island, you are too poor."

"Yanyu Academy is also a gold-eating monster."

"As your personal financial manager, I suggest that since the insect-transformed sea turtles are so popular, you should use it as a way to make money."

"Anyway, you only want eggs, not deep-sea creatures that lay them, right?"

"With this market as a guarantee, no matter what strange things you get, you can sell them for money."

Bai Chen was convinced by Li Yan.

It would be great if it could be recycled.

Discussed the distribution with her.

Bai Chen made a decision.

He picked up the microphone and opened the internal channel: "These 550,000 standard points, whether it is everyone on the Bear bomber or everyone left on the dead volcano island, everyone will have a share. After deducting the costs of sonar, dragon eggs, etc., 90% of the creatures blown up will be used as the upgrade funds for the dead volcano island and the Bear bomber, and 10% will be used as the bonus of Yanyu College. It will be distributed to everyone fairly, just like the current 550,000 points."

A deafening cheer rang out in the bomber.

"Now you have some money to go shopping at the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market!"


"Junior Bai Chen, love you, love you, love you!"

When Bai Chen came to the command center again to prepare for the second fish bombing event, he found that everyone's morale soared by 50%.

It gave him the feeling that even if he faced the Old Ones.

Teachers and students will also use bombs to teach these ancient gods. Times have changed, Goudan.

You old legends are now just small moving money.

Bai Chen returned to his seat thoughtfully.

"Bai Chen, I'm Ximen Fuyun, can you chat privately?"

Sally received a pop-up private chat request from a well-reasoned boss.

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