I can summon myself

Chapter 229: Mirage Dragon, please come to the bowl

"Classmate Bai Chen, if the No. 1 Old Dominator is really the mirage of the Eastern Earth Dragon Clan, we will be in trouble."

"Our Dongtu Psionics Association and the Dongtu Dragon Clan not only have a cooperation agreement to help each other, but in fact the relationship between the Dongtu Dragon Clan and our association and our Genius Center can be said to be quite good."

"The Genius Center currently has twenty-three heaven-defying mythical powerhouses. Five of them have direct relationships with the Dongtu Dragon Clan, including partners and direct relatives."

"Now at the Genius Center, Luo Qiqi is ranked number one on the talent list between the ages of 20 and 30. She is a dragon-human hybrid whose father is a dragon from the East and her mother is a human from the East."

Wu Qingmei's muscular avatar shows very well what it means to have a head as big as a bucket and a heart full of tangles.

Replace it with any creature other than the Eastern Earth Dragon Clan.

Whether it is the native psychic species of the earth, or the strange aliens who smuggled in from space rifts and space nodes.

In the eyes of the Western Alliance, they are still the same traditional Western mythological creatures as the Eastern Earth Dragon Clan in the Eastern Earth, even the descendants of gods that Westerners believe in, such as the Western Lizard Dragon.

Wu Qingmei, Lao Huang next door, and the Erhuang brothers would not even blink an eyelid, allowing Bai Chen to attack them casually.

Even if the Western Alliance finds out and protests.

They will also behave in the same way as classmate Bai Chen in the Genius Center, and they will also look down upon you with your point-blaming attitude.

But the problem is that target No. 1, 4,500 kilometers away from the extinct volcanic island, has eliminated more than 5,000 options. It turns out to be the serious Dongtu Dragon Clan, or the Mirage, a new dragon species unheard of in the Genius Center and the Association.

Wu Qingmei and Lao Huang Erhuang, who was responsible for cleaning up the mess, had to carefully consider the consequences of Bai Chen's dirty tricks on the Dongtulong tribe's cubs.

That is, even if it is considered to be the tenth level of controller, even if this little mirage dragon has a warehouse of big treasures.

Kill it and make enemies with the Eastern Earth Dragon Clan.

Whether it's Bai Chen himself or Yanyu College.

It is also a very uneconomical deal for the Genius Center and the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

"How should I persuade you?"

Wu Qingmei is very good at making the geniuses in the genius center tremble with the attitude of the exterminating aunt, and is very professional.

She must find a way to persuade Bai Chen with nice words.

This is not within her ability.

"Tell the facts and make sense?"

"No, classmate Bai Chen has a very good idea. Since he recognized the identity of Target No. 1 at a glance, it means that he has his own way of dealing with it."

"Unless absolutely necessary, we'd better not interfere without permission."

"Besides, as to whether it is a mirage or not, all speculations before actually seeing it are just speculations."

"First ask classmate Bai Chen how he plans to deal with it."

Just when Wu Qingmei controlled the muscular girl and was about to ask.

The old monster Wu who had always been silent and had a very low sense of presence said to Bai Chen: "Classmate Bai Chen, this little fart dragon, is there any way we can lure it over?"

Next door, Lao Huang, Erhuang's eyes widened.

Wu Qingmei and her clone's eyebrows stood up in two lines.

Abducting the Dongtu Dragon Clan cub?

How dare you think about the old wizard with a Mediterranean afro who looks like Frankenstein.

"How many years will you be sentenced to for kidnapping a dragon cub?"

"Since the mirage dragon belongs to the Eastern Earth Dragon Clan, no matter how bad it is, it is still like a cold snake, transforming into a dragon step by step, and turning from a dragon against the sky to a dragon. Although I don't know why, it now looks like a full tenth level controller, but If it really starts from the lowest level of snake body, even if it looks like a little dragon, its opinions will definitely far exceed those of any creature of the same level."

"If you want to abduct someone, it is undoubtedly a fantasy."

"If this mirage baby was born to mirage parents."

"The abduction is easy, but isn't the old monster afraid that he abducted the little dragon on the first day, and then his parents, the mythical mirage dragon and his wife, would come and ride on his face the next day?"

"Classmate Bai Chen will definitely not agree to such a stupid idea."

The old gossip from next door just came out.

Then I "saw" Bai Chen nodding cleanly.

"Old principal, you and I want to go together."

"As a descendant of the dragon, it is not good to attack and kill the Dongtu Dragon Clan who do not offend the well."

"The right solution is to bring this little dragon back to the extinct volcano island and raise it as a mascot."

"It just so happens that I know how to abduct the cubs of the Eastern Earth Dragon Tribe."

Bai Chen smiled faintly.

Deafening cheers suddenly erupted in the command center.

"The mirage is coming to the bowl quickly!"

"Little Pilong, your bald postdoctoral brother will take you to see Lao Xianyu."

"Raise a Dongtu dragon to be the face of our Misty Rain Academy."

"Haha, I can print a mirage LOGO on my business cards in the future."

"The gatekeeper at your house is Uncle Qin, the gatekeeper at our house is Dongtu Mirage!"

Teachers and students are full of longing for the future.

Senior Sister Zuo Miao laughed heartily and looked proud.

Mo Qianxing also looked agitated.

From the cute temporary workers to the old wizard, everyone at Yanyu College is immersed in the joy that Bai Chen is about to retrieve a mirage dragon.

The vampire leader Mace looked at the blue-skinned girl.

Hydelia happened to look at him too.

"Abducting dragons, boss Bai Chen is crazier than me who kidnapped Deep Ocean Market No. 5."

"It's worth staying with Boss Bai Chen. No one in Shenyang knows how to handle things better than Boss Bai Chen."

Ximen Fuyun's face turned a little pale.

He walked up to Bai Chen and said, "Classmate Bai Chen, it's inappropriate to kidnap a little dragon."

"What if its parents come to kill us?"

The cheers in the command center disappeared.

Uh, just thinking about the fun of walking the dragon, it's fun to keep walking the dragon.

As Professor Ximen Fuyun said, abducting a little fart dragon is not low risk.

"I have a preliminary guess about the origin of this little fart dragon."

"Do you still remember the alien mirage human found by the Liu family on the dead volcano island?"

The teachers and students nodded.

This dead man was regarded as a treasure by the Liu family adventurers. Now his body and space bag are still in the hands of the butler Liu.

"Although mirage-type psychic energy is common, it is too coincidental that humans and mirage dragons appeared at the same time in such a close range between the dead volcano island and the nest 4,500 kilometers away from the dead volcano island."

"Second, considering the time when the alien human appeared on the volcano island, and the first abnormality in the sea area where the little fart dragon was not long after he appeared, I have a bold guess."

"That is, the little fart dragon may have arrived at the dead volcano island at the same time as the alien visitor."

"They may come from the same world."

"To prove this point, it is very Simple. ”

Bai Chen looked at the big screen: "Sally, immediately ask Butler Liu to take out the body of the alien human. After you collect the psychic fluctuation data and specific biological samples of this body. ”

"Design a batch of sonars specifically for comparison, and then let the No. 5 Deep Ocean Market work overtime."

"Just use this batch of new sonars to confirm that the data in the area of ​​the little fart dragon is from the same source as the alien human."

"Then it can be proved whether the little fart dragon is also a visitor from another world as I judged."

"Sally got it!"

Then the question is, how many years will it be sentenced for kidnapping a dragon?

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