I can summon myself

Chapter 230: Fishmen Attack

"It's not cost-effective to provoke the real dragon tribe, which is a native of the East."

"But if it really comes from another world..."

Bald postdoc hehehehe.

"As far as I know, our Eastern Psychic Association currently does not have relevant provisions to deal with these stowaways from other worlds in the deep ocean."

"According to the rule that anything can be done without prohibition by law, this little fart dragon from another world is definitely not protected by the Eastern Earth Psychic Association." Not only did Ximen Fuyun's face return to ruddy color, but he also had high morale: "Classmate Bai Chen, you can Feel free to do whatever you want with it.”

In the lair 4,500 kilometers away, Old Dominator No. 1, lying on his back in the seaweed kelp, shivered without warning.

"Now, go ahead and fry the fish."

Regardless of whether this guy is a little dragon from another world, Bai Chen is still not ready to change his rhythm.

If so, that's naturally best.

If not, it's the Eastern indigenous mirage dragon.

Bai Chen also has Plan B's No. 2 plan.

Anyway, the worst case scenario is to use the strange object keyboard to ask Bai Chen, the Dragon Emperor, Bai Chen the dragon slayer, Bai Chen the professional dragon slayer, Bai Chen the emotional dragon pile driver, etc. They have all the heavens and worlds to rely on themselves, and the parallel universes themselves are the ones to rely on. Backing up, Bai Chen felt that at least he was professional in abducting dragon cubs.

"Bai Chen, what does this little dragon look like?"

Mo Qianxing stretched out her jade-white finger and poked Bai Chen's arm.

"The dragon form is an enlarged version of the cold snake, but the skin of the mirage dragons has many colors, so it's hard to tell what color it is."

"If it's not in dragon form, then it depends on its own choice."

"It could be humanoid, it could be abyss-shaped, or it could be bala-la-la fish-man shape."

"Well, it's also possible for a strange species like Xiao Cai."

"However, Mirage Dragon definitely cannot be treated as a soul gift package to treat Wu Qingyu."

"What the mirage dragons are least good at is punching the flesh."

After that, Bai Chen quickly wrote down a recipe.

He handed the prescription to Ximen Fuyun.

"Professor Ximen Fuyun, I don't want to get involved in the family drama between you, Wu Qingmei, and Wu Qingyu."

"I can only suggest how to treat it."

"The process of the medicine in this recipe is very simple, but it requires a legendary level of control like Mr. Wang Dashong."

"Now I will hand over the recipe to you, and you and Wu Qingmei can decide."

Bai Chen is not a holy mother, let alone a bad person.

It was purely because Ximen Fuyun provided information about Little Pit Dragon, and because he helped Misty Rain Academy and Sally a lot after coming to the Bear Bomber, it was just a reward for him.

As for Wu Qingyu’s fate.

It depends on the sisters themselves.

Bai Chen didn't want to get involved in their housework at all.

"Classmate Bai Chen, thank you!"

"I will give you an explanation."

Ximen Fuyun's every word is sonorous and powerful.

"Wu Qingmei, let's talk?"


He and Wu Qingmei's clones left the command center one after another.

"Bai Chen, I want to improve my strength, as well as Xiaocai's strength. What should I do?"

Mo Qianxing spoke extremely seriously.

She no longer wanted to be unable to keep up with Bai Chen because her development speed was too slow.

Now Zuo Miao has obtained all the materials for the perfect level potion through fish frying, which directly improves the psychic matching degree and slightly increases the potential of his own qualifications.

It's just that she insisted on waiting to seize the little dragon of the old ruler No. 1 before retreating.

Mo Qianxing also wants to improve himself.

"Junior, we want it too."

"Classmate Bai Chen, although we old guys are a little older, we still want to experience the elegance of the earth's spiritual age with you."

In the command center, both the college bosses and the seniors looked at Bai Chen expectantly.

Although Bai Chen's blockbuster time did not last long.

But together with classmate Bai Chen, they have seen scenery that they have never seen in so many years of life.

They neither want to be dragged down by classmate Bai Chen and become a burden to classmate Bai Chen.

I don't want to just realize the wonders of the spiritual age and then be unable to stay with Bai Chen due to my own reasons.

"Everyone, don't worry."

"The purpose of getting so many eggs by frying fish is to use the cloud whale swarm to exchange for resources that can be used for collective improvement from the caravans that come to the Yunhai ecosystem one after another."

"Blessed by the unique environment of the extinct volcanic island."

"Everyone's strength will definitely improve."

"Captain Qianxing, the same goes for you and Xiaocai. I will let Sally design a training environment suitable for everyone based on their characteristics."

"After the Little Fart Dragon is abducted, the basic psychic matrix of the extinct volcano island can be officially activated."

"You will feel the extraordinaryness of the extinct volcanic island for the first time."


Mo Qianxing nodded trustingly.

The teachers and students were even more excited and dancing.

"Boss Bai Chen, can you count me in?"

Hydelia raised her hand and said weakly.

"Yes, but the fire environment of the extinct volcano island may not be suitable for a daughter of the deep ocean like you."

Bai Chen is not afraid that the blue-skinned girl will see the clues about the embers and the land of embers.

Because Shenyang and Yanma are two worlds that are incompatible with each other.

Hydelia's performance during the fish fry was remarkable.

She relied on her own efforts to win the recognition of her senior sisters and the entire fish frying team.

Bai Chen didn't mind leaving a place for her on the dead volcano island.

Mace's eyes were also full of excitement.

With his experience of seeing countless people, he had never seen a unique guy like Bai Chen.

He had a hunch that he and his people might change their fate because of Bai Chen.

However, he decided to wait until the dead volcano island was really put into use.

Anyway, he and his people had plenty of time to integrate into this group as laborers under Bai Chen.

The Bear bomber commanded by Bai Chen was still frying fish slowly and steadily for 2,000 kilometers around the dead volcano island.

Mogomogo was getting more and more aggressive.

After clearing all the sonar.

They rushed out of the nest sea area and attacked the dead volcano island.

Although their speed was less than 300 kilometers a day.

But the fastest Walalala fishman vanguard had already reached the outer area of ​​Bai Chen's frying fish.

"Walala, there are sixty-five murlocs."

"The average rank is second-rank."

"It consists of forty melee fighters, twenty spellcasters, and five murloc divine magicians."

"They will enter our official fish frying area in three hours and twenty-seven minutes."

On the big screen, the number, composition, speed, direction and other parameters of this murloc vanguard are all available.

The public channel was filled with the voices of the lemon spirits who had been eating melons, playing soy sauce, and jealously watching Bai Chen and Yanyu Academy making a fortune in the deep ocean.

"This is Jiangnan, I am Yu Meiren, murlocs are attacking? It's okay, leave it to us."

"The Gonggong Union has entered combat status."

Maggie's red hair was flying.

It's not easy, finally got the chance to prove the strength of the Gonggong Union.

"Sorry, this wave of murlocs, our three major clusters want it."

Without waiting, the Bear bomber replied, and the lemon spirits who were circling behind the Bear bomber rushed towards the area where the murloc vanguard was.

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