I can summon myself

Chapter 244 Bai Chen's Disdain

Wu Qingmei was confused.

Lao Huang and Er Huang actually reacted.

"This old wizard!"

"He's obviously using his ex-girlfriend to give us a hint."

"If our Eastern Earth Psychic Association doesn't send the God-defying Shinhwa, he will cooperate with the aliens from the Glorious Witch Covenant where his alien ex-girlfriend belongs!"

Wu Qingmei suddenly realized.

The old wizard used this roundabout way to remind the Genius Center and the Eastern Earth Psychic Association.

A powerful man with a mythical level must come forward to participate in this strange sighing incident.

"Let's go there."

Old Huang, Erhuang said with a bitter smile.

Wu Qingmei frowned: "But don't you have a lot of things on your hands right now?"

"If you can postpone it, postpone it. If you can't postpone it, you can only find someone else to take over."

"Classmate Bai Chen is very sensible and calm."

"I didn't expect that Mr. Wu was not a fuel-efficient guy."

"No matter what, we have to show enough seriousness."

"Otherwise, others may not be able to pull off such a thing as looking for an ex-girlfriend, but a guy like Mr. Wu with a skin thicker than the earth will definitely do it."

"That's all it can do."

Wu Qingmei rubbed her swollen temples and said helplessly.

Her clone looked at Bai Chen and found that Bai Chen was also looking at her muscular girl clone with a penetrating gaze.

"An old fox who can use his face as a rag, and a little fox who knows everything."

"With such a combination, it would be strange for Yanyu Academy not to turn around."

Wu Qingmei sighed in her heart.

Her clone said to Bai Chen: "Don't look for aliens. Lao Huang and Er Huang next door, these two mythical experts in the genius center who are responsible for the aftermath, have now begun to hand over the work at hand. He will be there in three days at the latest." The two of them will set off from the Genius Center headquarters and come to the extinct volcano island."

After saying that, she glared at the old man Wu angrily: "Don't make trouble again."

The old monster Wu had a reaction that was more or less the same.

This completely proves Lao Huang and Er Huang's judgment.

Looking for an ex-girlfriend is fake, but letting the Genius Center send out a mythical bodyguard is real.

"Boss Bai Chen, do you want to call my parents and uncles over?"

The blue-skinned girl geared up: "Speaking of which, I have never really faced an ancient ruler of the ancient god level."

I don’t know what is on the other side of the ancient underwater city.

If only it could be fished out of the ancient city under the sea.

He should be able to become an ally of Boss Bai Chen.

"Big Boss, in fact, we also have a powerful vampire with a mythical level that can be invited over."

Mace, the vampire leader, raised his hand.

Wu Qingmei's clone became anxious: "Classmate Bai Chen has made it very clear. There is insufficient information to determine whether the ancient god has awakened."

"You guys should stop causing trouble. If the spiritual power of the subspace didn't wake it up, the arrival of your bunch of heaven-defying myths has woken it up. Isn't this just messing up the situation?"

Lao Huang Erhuang discovered that Bai Chen could really summon some powerful men who were at the level of myths, whether it was reliable or not, and launched his plan to kill the gods.

"Not yet."

Bai Chen smiled.

"Oh, you must come to me when you need me."

Hydelia picked up the game controller again.

Just as Bai Chen was making steady progress by launching a set of sonar for 100 kilometers, step by step.

In the ancient underwater city, all the deep-ocean creatures gathered in front of the statue several hundred meters high.

At this moment, a new layer of indescribable and indescribable light appeared on the originally dark statue. It was hazy and full of mysterious and weird light when you looked at the flowers in the fog.

Countless strange runes slanted down from the light curtain on the statue's head like a waterfall.

The huge statue turned into a display screen hundreds of meters high.

Although the deep ocean creatures in front of the statue have never seen such words.

But the mental shock that comes with the words.

All these creatures knelt at the foot of the statue.

"Wow, wow, praise my Lord."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you are the highest in my heart."

"The day you wake up will be the end of the earth."

"My Lord is about to return, and the earth will usher in a new era. Even the stars in the sky will tremble before the power of My Lord."

The creatures kowtowed like pounding garlic.

One by one, strange runes were peeled off from the light curtain of the statue, fell, and finally fell into the bodies of these creatures.

Marks of runes appeared in the fishman's dead fish eyes.

The psychic flames in the bones' eye sockets also turned into the shape of runes.

Their prayers grew louder and louder.

Nuoda's ancient underwater city has entered a state of frenzy.

Countless indescribable auras floated out from the bodies of the creatures in the deep ocean and penetrated into the body of the statue.

However, the number is still too small.

Even the statue's eyes couldn't light up.

"Believers, more believers."

"Flesh, more flesh."

"Psychic, more psionic."

After injecting its demands into the sea of ​​consciousness of these creatures, the statue exhausted all its energy. The light above disappeared, and it returned to its former state of silence.

The creatures dispersed.

"Bai Chen, do the ancient gods eat dragons?"

Ao Twelve diligently flew to the freezer in the corner of the command center, took out a can of ice-cold happy water and sent it to Bai Chen.

"There is no such content in your bloodline inheritance?"

Bai Chen said doubtfully.

"No, there are only two aspects of knowledge, namely, the dragon food field and the mirage bewitching."

The little dragon pursed his lips.


"The Old Ones at the level of the ancient gods have a strong taste."

"Basically, they eat everything."

"Not to mention the dragons who are very nutritious, they will eat even the non-living substances such as the seabed magma that are full of spiritual energy without hesitation."

"No wonder the ancient gods in the legend are all super super super big."

The foodie senior suddenly realized.

"From the perspective of life, the Old Ones like the Ancient Gods are actually quite low-level."

"Although they have the power of a mythical level with the help of their unique environment, they cannot adapt to the environment and cannot evolve according to the environment. They can only choose to sleep. From a biological perspective, this is a typical manifestation of low-level life."

"From evolving to adapt to the environment, to dominating the environment, to changing the environment to suit their own control, and finally, spreading civilization throughout the sea of ​​stars, this is the ability exclusive to the high-level life."

"After the opening of the psychic era, although we humans have once again temporarily lost the ability to break through the earth's psychic barrier to the sea of ​​stars, we have never given up keeping up with the times. Although we still need to use small pills to solve the defect that the speed of human evolution cannot keep up with the speed of psychic recovery, we are all on the road to the sea of ​​stars at the high level of life."

Bai Chen opened the happy water and took a sip.

"Look at the ancient gods."

"There is no doubt that they are powerful."

"Unfortunately, they can neither adapt to the new environment nor control it, let alone transform it and light up the dark star sea with the fire of civilization."

"They are just a group of wastes that have been eliminated by time and are still surviving."

"Whether they are native to the earth or from outer space, they are all scum that cannot improve their life level."

Bai Chen said with disdain.

Suddenly, the emblem placed on the command platform by Wu Laoguai vibrated slightly.

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