I can summon myself

Chapter 245 A bold idea

"Teacher Claire, I'm sorry..."

A message without a beginning or an end appeared in the emblem, leaving everyone looking at each other in bewilderment.

Even Sally couldn't confirm the source of the message.

Bai Chen could only regard this as an accident.

The Bear bomber continued to move towards the underwater ancient city.

As the sonar array gradually arrived, with the help of Blue Star Bai Chen, Bai Chen calculated the pattern of the strange sigh.

"The frequency is random, the duration is random, it seems that the ancient god in the underwater ancient city is yelling, but it's not the case."

Bai Chen called up the psychic fluctuation curve of the subspace.

"See? When the psychic strength of the subspace reaches 2.5 times the average psychic strength of the East, there will inevitably be strange sighs in the shortest thirty seconds and the longest one hour. Once the psychic strength of the subspace decreases, the sighs will end. If the psychic strength never reaches the threshold of 2.5 times, then no strange sighs will appear no matter how long it takes."

"This proves my judgment. The ancient god in the underwater ancient city is indeed stimulated by the psychic energy emitted by the subspace, and the strange sighs are indeed its response to the psychic fluctuations in the subspace."

With reason, evidence, pictures and truth, the teachers and students nodded continuously.

Wu Qingmei's clone and Ximen Fuyun also agreed with Bai Chen's judgment.

"However, this still cannot be further judged. Is it out of instinct or has entered the awakening process?"

Bai Chen spread his hands helplessly.

Although the four doctors A, B, C, and D have worked very hard to rush out countless sonar groups specifically for detecting strange sighs.

Sally also did her best to analyze all the information collected.

Unfortunately, the depth of the underwater ancient city is too deep, and the current spiritual power strength and spiritual technology level of the earth cannot allow Bai Chen to judge the identity and state of the source by discovering strange sighs like the experienced ancient god cleaning experts.

"We can only wait for the sighs to appear more frequently, collect more information, or even make a big news for the person in the underwater ancient city, so that we can further judge its specific situation."

"Based on the current data, even if we throw a submersible down, we will probably not see anything."

Bai Chen shrugged.

"Bai Chen, let's just go down and take a look!"

Wu Laoguai's eyes flashed with the madness of cutting the ancient god into pieces and cutting it into thin slices to study under a microscope.

Other teachers and students also looked at Bai Chen with great interest.

"Since this guy is sleeping, can we go to his lair to get some?"

"Even if there are no cats and dogs, it would be great to collect some flowers and plants."

"Didn't Mogomogo say that all the treasures of the fish people are in the underwater ancient city?"

"Brother Bai Chen, let's get some?"

Even Senior Sister Zuo Miao and Mo Qianxing were waiting for Bai Chen to nod with anticipation.

"Count me in when robbing the ancient god's lair!"

Hydria pointed at herself.

It was too exciting to go to his underwater lair to make trouble while the ancient god was still sleeping.

She was so shameless that she had to stay on the Bear bomber and follow Boss Bai Chen, and it turned out to be correct.

"No, you can't be so reckless."

Wu Qingmei's clone wanted to beat Wu Laoguai into a pig's head.

Go to the underwater ancient city?

Wu Laoguai, why don't you go to heaven?

Do you really think that the Old Ones at the level of the ancient god are harmless little white rabbits?

With the perception of the ancient god level, the entire ancient city and the surrounding sea area are under its scanning and monitoring.

It's fine if it's an unmanned submersible.

If the ancient god is really alarmed, and if Bai Chen, who is visiting the ancient city under the sea, has any problems, even ten thousand Wu Laoguai can't make up for such a loss.

Let's take a step back. Even if Bai Chen doesn't go down, Wu Laoguai goes down by himself and then gets into trouble.

This reckless behavior of giving the ancient god extra food is absolutely intolerable.

"Absolutely not!"

Wu Qingmei's clone gritted her teeth and stopped him.

The little fart dragon Ao Twelve, who saw everything, turned his dragon eyes around.

I have to admit that these two-legged beasts are really bold.

A bold idea directly targeted the ancient god's nest in the ancient city under the sea.

It seems that this seat has failed this time, and it's not unfair at all.

Bai Chen turned the pen in his hand.

The hearts of the people also went up and down with his constantly rotating pen.


Or disagree?

"My Lord, I think this suggestion is good."

Lan Xing Bai Chen admired Wu Laoguai's courage very much. As a scientist like Frankenstein, he must have the courage to rob even the ancient god's lair.

Immortal King Bai Chen also admired this bold idea very much.

Wu Laoguai is really a man to make a fortune from the ancient god-level Old Ones.

"Sally, from now on, calculate the psychic fluctuation curve of the subspace."

"Four senior brothers A, B, C, and D, adjust the working hours of your department from now on to ensure that if there is an urgent need to install a mental defense matrix for the submersible and diving suit, you can complete this task as soon as possible!"

"Commanders, immediately formulate relevant plans for us to dive into the underwater ancient city."

"In a word, if the ancient god begins to wake up, we will run away as soon as possible. If there is any abnormality in the underwater ancient city, we will run away after throwing the sonar. If the psychic fluctuation of the subspace is suitable and the underwater ancient city is very suitable for making a fortune, we will go down and do archaeological research on the ancient god's lair."

Bai Chen's words made the teachers and students roar with joy.

"Yes, archaeology!"

"We are intellectuals, and the exploration activities of intellectuals are of course called archaeology!"

"We are doing this for the East and for humanity. We are carrying out rescue excavations for the ancient god-level Old Ones in the ancient city under the sea. This is an open and aboveboard archaeology, and it is definitely not looting, digging graves, or such evil acts as robbing and running away."

"We are justice from heaven, and we are justice!"

The atmosphere in the command center suddenly became noble.

The faces of every teacher and student were filled with the nobility of fighting for the East and for humanity.

The blue-skinned girl and the vampire leader stared with wide eyes.

I have a bold idea, to carry out rescue archaeology of the ancient god's nest?

The little fart dragon fell on its back again in front of Bai Chen.

It finally understood why the two-legged beasts were so powerful, because these terrifying upright apes were shameless.

Wu Qingmei's clone stared at Bai Chen and the teachers and students of Yanyu College in a daze.

Bai Chen is not in a stable position.

But this archaeology?

Is there anyone who runs to the old nest of the ancient god-level Old Ones to carry out rescue excavations while the old god-level Old Ones are still awake?

Old Huang and Er Huang think that Bai Chen will definitely become a great man.

Not only is he as steady as an experienced driver.

The key is that he is not like those geniuses in the Genius Center who always put face on their lips and are dominated by completely unnecessary emotions for the so-called face. They regard face as more important than anything else.

Classmate Bai Chen, who has no shame at all, is completely the other extreme. Very good, this is very experienced.

"Is this classmate Bai Chen?"

"Looks more interesting than the information."

"Archaeology, um, I like this word."

In the meeting room of the Genius Center, the center's legendary strongmen who rushed to the center like the brothers Old Huang and Er Huang looked at Bai Chen with admiration.

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